Julio1-18jan/24//Jan8,20,22, mar4,20, Flashcards
the three Kings
Los tres reyes magos (the 3 King Magicians)
mago = wizard, magician
el rey - the king - reyes is plural
salty and sweet
salado y dulce
(think sal - ado)
Salido - horny, protruding, in heat don’t use!! It is salado
La sal but el salero
a fig
a liver
a kidney
un higo
el hígado = the liver
el riñon (like rain on your parade)
cáncer de riñón
Make sure the scab on your wound doesn´t get wet when you shower. (tú with cuando y ud. with mientras)
- Asegúrase de que la costra de su herida no se moje cuando se duche. (Assumed shower in future, use subj)
- Asegúrase de que la costra de su herida no se moja mientras se ducha. (assumes all being done in the present so indicative) ud
mientras - while - simultaneous (usually)
mientras que - in contrast one thing from another
costra (think the cost of dried blood)
the baby Jesus
el niño Jesús
el dominio
if a word ends in or - it is feminine or masculine?
masculine - el traidor, el borrador (draft/eraser), el lavador (sink), el tenedor (the fork), el comedor
the scab/crust/layer
la costra
At ten in the morning (at) your time.
A las diez de la mañana a su hora/tiempo not tu tiempo/hora
or a las 10 am hora suya
at ten in the morning (at) your time
tendency to favor things foreign
el malinchismo
(think bad machismo because it was against a woman - Malinche)
think of the ismos, like machismo
He always controls the game.
Siempre domina el juego.
-I always dominate the game. Siempre domino el juego.
Malinche acted as an interpreter and intermediary for Hernan Cortes.
La Malinche se desempeñó como intérprete e intermediaria para Hernán Cortés. (also his mistress) un malinche can mean traitor
intérprete is just like interpreter but without the r (een-tehr-preh-tahr) = to interpret, to perform
intermediaria is like intermediar y except for the y, add ia
desempeñarse - to work/serve as
Me desempeñé como consultora. I worked-served as a consultant.
I took a position on the Maya-Ladino question.
Tomé una postura sobre la cuestión de maya-ladino.
can use posición
I took a posture about the Maya-Ladino question.
to carry-out/to hold/to play
to work as
They did not pay attention to grammar.
Ellos no prestaban/ponían atención a la gramática.
They didn´t lend or put attention to grammar.
the belly-button, navel
el ombligo
think of a belly-button opening wide and saying ooommmm bleee go
She had no one to turn to.
No tenía a nadie a quien recurrir.
(She had no one (to whom) to turn.)
recurrir - false friend, is NOT to reoccur
It is very common (that they give-have) to give/have paella on Thursdays.
Es muy común que den paella o tengan paella los jueves.
2 clauses, 2 dif subjects, joined by que = subjunctive
– it is common to give it. Es común darlo.
I am going to take a nap.
Voy a echarme una siesta.
Julio says echar is used a lot in México. O tomarme is also correct
to work as
Me desempeñé como secretaría para pagar la universidad. I worked as a secretary to pay for college.
empeñarse - to insist on/endeavor to
Se empeñó en obtener una beca y finalmente lo logró. She insisted on getting a scholarship and she finally did.
There is nothing in either/any of them.
No hay nada en ninguno de ellos.
- ningún-must be followed by a noun, it is an adj that refers to an unspecified noun
- ninguno-is a PN, it subs for an unspecified noun
- both agree in # and gender, excet for in questions I think
The role I played in the development of international agricultural extension was important.
El papel que desempeñaba en el desarrollo de la divulgación de agrícola internacional era importante.
o divulgación internacional de la agricultur
- in imperfect is giving clarity to the subject and description about the continuous past
- in preterite it is suggesting a specific amount of time
so the tense depends on what you want to say, on the context
desempeñar - to carry-out
desempeñarse - to work as
The grass was covered by a layer/crust of snow and frost.
El césped estaba cubierto por una costra de nieve y escarcha.
think frost is a scar on a cha cha car
the frost
la escarcha
think a scar on a car window