Jan5in23//24//feb6, Flashcards
!Oh no, I forgot to take the things to mom!
!Ay no, se me olvidó llevarle las cosas a mi mamá.
victim construction is gustar construction and WITHOUT de
whenever you have an “a” personal in constructions like this remember you need the iopn!
The attendance was much more than expected.
La asistencia fue mucho mayor de la esperada. fue not era because it is a fact, but if it were describing something as the context, could use era
De lo esperado - than expected
I am sorry I didn´t go to your wedding.
Siento no haber ido a tu boda.
this is #3 in the sentir framework: 1 subject, 2 verbs so it is sentir + haber + pp
Ask about this
Forgive me for having yelled at you last night. (tú, ud. )
Discúlpame por haberte gritado anoche. tú
Discúlpeme por haberle gritado (a Ud.) anoche. ud. Why le? I asked, le is the IOPN and the inferred a Ud is the IOPN that goes with the Le . this is best
Perdóneme por haberlo gritado anoche. This is probably lois mot, but it is not very common, what is correct is haberle
perdon - excuse me
discúlpame - more like an apology, or forgive
lo siento - like when you did something pretty bad
Excuse me for having yelled at you last night. (tú, ud.)
Perdóname por haberte gritado anoche. tú.
Perdóneme por haberlo gritado anoche. ud.
lo o le I asked. Perdóneme por haberlo gritado anoche. This is probably loismo, but it is not very common, what is correct is haberle
Do not speak to me in that disrespectful tone. tú, ud
No me hables con ese tono irrespetuoso.
No me hable con ese tono irrespetuoso.
el respeto = the respect
respetar = to respect
respectful = respetuoso - adj.
ir prefix = not, no, w-nouns that begin with r, gives opposite meaning of the word.
a negative tú command, is the same as subjunctive
it is just the affirmative tú command that is different, it is the same as 3rd person singular present tense
irrespetuoso - adj (think irrespective of what you think, your pet is disrespectful)
el respeto = the respect
respetar = to respect
respetuoso = respectful
IR prefix means no, not
irrespetuoso -adj - = not respectful
They knew my words were not disrespectful.
Sabían que mis palabras no eran irrespetuosas.
saber does NOT trigger subjunctive because it is real, you know something, or you don´t know something, both are indicative
think: ir prefix in Spanish = not, no
respetuoso - adj = respectful
respeto = respect
respetar - to respect
Before I started studying in LC I never used the “tú” form.
Antes de que empezara a estudiar en LC nunca utilicé /usé la forma “tú”.
Antes de empezar a estudiar en LC, nunca utilicé/usé la forma “tu” both ok or just second, I asked, both are CORRECT!
In Colombia, friends don’t address each other as “tú.” They use “usted.”
En Colombia, los amigos no se tutean. Ellos usan “usted”.
tutearse - to address each other as tú
Groundhog Day.
El día de la marmota.
think march needs more
in English groundhog = marmot - genus marmota
the construction worker, builder, bricklayer
el-la albañil
the carpenter
el-la carpintero-carpintera
the educational materials
los materiales didácticos/educativos
And when I have questions, I will put them in my list of questions.
Y cuando tenga preguntas, las pondré en mi lista de preguntas.
It´s not good when students ask teachers something and then do not pay attention to their answers.
No es bueno cuando los alumnos preguntan algo a los profesores y luego no prestan atención a sus respuestas. (not subjunctive assumes habitual)
No es bueno cuando los alumnos pregunten algo a los profesores y luego no presten atención a sus respuestas. (subj assumes it isn´t a habitual action, AND the if the verbs following the trigger are connected-related then both are in subj)
both ask and pay are connected to students
In summary,
En resumen
Think to re sum, like repeat
I was telling them what we were seeing.
Yo les iba contando lo que íbamos viendo.
Les estaba diciendo lo que estábamos viendo.
No real dif in meaning.
first with iba is, perifrase verbal, similar to imperfect, continuous action, can use in all tenses, voy contando, iré cantando, used more in future, to anticipate, La seman que viene ireémos viendo algo. (Next week we will see somethingj.=
The unemployment rate es o está 25%..
La taza de desempleo es del 25 por ciento.
Usually when a specific number is used, use ser. dos por dos es cuatro.