Journaling 101- Journaling Styles Flashcards
There’s no rule about how your journal should function, each journal is unique to its owner.
If a blank page is daunting, this chapter will help teach you the fundamentals of what goes into a journal entry to make it impactful.
Within a journal entry you can try out a few different techniques to get your point across.
Bullet, short and long text are three different styles you’ll be working through today.
BULLET JOURNALING is perfect if your short on time but want to note a few important thoughts.
It allows you to jot down short notes to remember throughout your day, as well as quickly processing thoughts and ideas circulating through your mind.
Practice bullet journaling…
What did you do yesterday?
SHORT RESPONSES can be used when answering prompts or writing about your day.
You can add more feeling to your entries but still spend only a few minimum answers questions.Try writing longer sentences and adding brief details.
Practice short responses…
Write about an event yesterday that left a smile on your face.
LONG-FORM WRITING is used when you want to dive deep into a subject or event.
Use this to help unearth hidden thoughts, process events or just keep track of days in detail.
Practice LONG-FORM writing…
Write about what you did or will do today
Which type of writing was your favourite to test out? And why?
Another way you can express yourself is through VOICE RECORDING.
Speaking out loud allows your brain to process events and helps you make peace with negative thoughts.
It can feel as if you’re talisman to someone else in a safe and private environment.
While it may feel uncomfortable at first, try to push through to really test this technique.
Practice a voice recording…
What are three things you’re grateful for? And why?
These techniques are the core to finding the best way to express yourself through journaling.
Continue practicing to develop your writing into something that works well for your journaling practice.