JIT & JIDOKA Flashcards
A problem gets automatically detected, stops the machine (or process) and alerts the operator to take action.
making products or delivering services based on actual customer demand
Just-In-Time (JIT)
Pillars of Lean
JIT and Jidoka
Inventory is a form of waste (true or false)
Task-switching is a form of waste (true or false)
German word for beat or pulse
Tact Time
Leveling out the demand over a period of time when you know there will be fluctuations in demand at work.
Heijunka = “leveling”
Automation vs. Autonomation
Autonomation is automation with a human touch
“Paper Lantern”
Refers to any visual display that shows status information
a mechanism, usually a rope, that a worker may pull to signal the need for assistance, and which will stop the line if the problem is not fixed under Takt time.
Andon Cord
a position on the assembly line where a zone process is completed. It is at these positions that the line will stop should an abnormality not be corrected on time - at the end of takt time.
Fixed-Position Stop
-“mistake-proofing” or “error-proofing”
-Techniques using low-cost devices or innovations that make it impossible to make mistakes
-Helps people process work right the first time.
Which methodology asks the following questions?
*What’s needed?
*When is it needed?
*What’s the amount?
*How high in quality?
Which methodology asks the following questions?
*Has the system been error proofed?
*Has a stop-gap been established?
*Has root cause been identified?
The concept of building quality into a process yet not having to inspect it is part of which methodology
Which of the following is not a step in Jidoka?
Don’t stop the production
Autonomation is a lean methodology word for automation
Can complex decisions be automated?
✓Yes, Nothing is too complex to be automated.
✓Decisions simply must be identified and broken down into MECE (mutually exclusive, comprehensively exhaustive) criteria in order to automate complex processes.
Can a state of “true automation” ever be reached?
✓True automation can never be achieved as processes are constantly changing and there is always the possibility of errors/defects.
✓However, simple processes can be automated to the point where errors are so low that they are practically at a state of “true automation”.
Business processes must be analyzed and built for
_____ is the creation of processes that can operate with little or no human intervention.
It is at the _____ of a process where automation can be applied.
Decision Points
Which methodology do these statements describe?
*Don’t buy or deliver any unnecessary materials.
*Don’t produce products without an order.
*Sell products as soon as production is completed.
Which methodology do these statements describe?
*Don’t manufacture defective parts.
*Don’t pass the defective parts onto the following process.
What are the 6 Basic Steps of Jidoka?
1 The machine detects an abnormal condition.
2 The machine stops itself.
3 Implement a stopgap.
4 Resume production.
5 Identify the root cause.
6 Fix the problem.
What are the Tools of Jidoka
*Andon Cord
*Fixed-position stop
*Jidoka Board
A board with issues and ideas that can be voted on. An improvement owner will be assigned to the issues and ideas with the most votes.
Jidoka Board
What are some of the benefits of Jidoka?
*Prevents defective items from being delivered to the next process
*Prevents equipment breakdown
*Produces higher quality of products
*Minimize poor quality
*Improves productivity (saves cost and time)
*Ensures & maintains safety
*Empowers people
Stop the Line is a principle of which of these methodologies?
a) Flow
b) Kanban
c) Jidoka
d) Just-In-Time (JIT)
c) Jidoka
The concept of building quality into a process yet not having to inspect it is part of which methodology?
a) Jidoka
b) Just-In-Time
c) Andon
d) Flow
a) Jidoka
Which one of the following is not a step in Jidoka?
a) Detecting occurrence of any deviation
b) Corrections or repair work
c) Investigating the Root Cause of the Defect
d) Don’t stop the production
d) Don’t stop the production
Autonomation is a lean methodology word for automation.
a) True
b) False
b) False