Jesus actions done before Flashcards
- Zeus cannot be seen by a mortal man or the man will die instantly.
Same with God the father. No man can see the father and live.
- Dionysus was the son of Zeus, father of the Gods. His mother was a mortal and he had a virgin birth.
Jesus had virgin birth, his father was “father of the Godhead”
- Dionysus was taken out of his mother by Zeus. Later Zeus took the baby from his thigh to birth the baby again. The born again connection.
Jesus says you must be born again to enter the kingdom of heaven.
- To protect Dionysus from Hera’s wrath, he was hidden away in Nysa.
To protect the baby Jesus from Herod, Joseph and Mary fled to Egypt.
- The popular play, “Bacchae” in 405 BCE, Dionysus is arrested on charges of claiming to be divine and is interrogated by King Pentheus.
Jesus is arrested for claiming to be divine and interrogated by Pilate, ruler over Judea.
- From Didorus Siculus 60 to 30 BCE, in library of history, we hear stories of fountains of wine that spouted from the ground and also of water from the temples of Dionysus. Three jars of water were placed in his temple and sealed overnight only to be found filled with wine the next morning.
Connection to Jesus’ first miracle, turning the water to wine.
- Again, from the popular play, “Bacchae” we know that the rituals involved removing inhibitions through intoxication by wine, which was regarded a communion with Dionysus.
Jesus used wine as the vehicle to be in communion with his followers.
NOTE: The cult of Dionysus was widespread before, during and after the life of Jesus.
MN: I think this is where they got a lot of material that was put into the gospels. Remember no eyewitnesses in the gospels which were written anonymously circa 65, 75, 80 and 95 years after the birth of Jesus in a foreign country and in a different language. The Gospels were not assigned an author’s name until 140 CE. And the new testament was not written down in print until 400 CE, Four centuries after the birth of Jesus.
- There never was a universal tax census.
The Nativity scene was copied from Krishna Religion.
No Roman records mention anything about the universal tax census. The Romans kept very good records on all government procedures and events. This included all census records, laws, trials, etc.
Modern day Archaeologists have verified no mention of the tax census.
The gospel of Luke’s Nativity story was an effort to crowbar a reason for Jesus to be born in Bethlehem, to make it appear an ancient prophesy was unfolding. Luke’s gospel invented the Universal census tax to place the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
- Dionysus was said to have ridden donkeys during his processions while people waved ivy branches and grapevines.
Jesus rides a donkey into town while people wave and lay down on his path palm branches.
- Is Jesus “the reason for the season of Christmas?”
Centuries before the Biblical birth of Jesus, early Europeons celebrated life and birth in the darkest days of winter.
In the Norse country this celebration was known as “Yule” around December 21st of each year. The Norse Sun God was “Mithra”. Fathers and sons would drag the largest log they could find to the village and set it on fire. The log would warm the people and sparks from the fire were believed to represent the new birth of sheep and pigs in the coming new year.
Also, evergreens were cut and brought into town to give people hope that since it was still alive in the cold dark winter that the people could have faith they would also survive the nasty winter and have life again after winter was over.//
MN: Another “born again” typology.
The yule log would burn for about 12 days. [MN: hence the 12 days of Christmas] During this time many feast were abundant since many cattle were killed for meat before the harsh winter.
{MN: back as far as 497 BCE the Romans celebrated the feast of the “Winter solstice” of light. This was Christmas being celebrated 5 centuries before the birth of Jesus.
This Winter Solstice celebration was for the Sun God Sol Invictus. It was a celebration of faith knowing that the winter would die out and a new warm year would come again, or be “Born Again” with warm days to grow food once again. This celebration was at the temple of Saturnalia in Rome.
During this festival, hierarchy was reversed temporarily. Slaves became masters and masters were the slaves. Gifts were exchanged.
Saturnalia was a month long festival. It was named for the God Saturn.
Later, circa 323 CE, Constantine assigned on his own whim, the birth of Jesus as December 25th. Nobody knew when Jesus was born, so Constantine decided to assign this date of birth and added Jesus, along with a long history of many pagan Gods to the celebration of Saturnalia.
As Christianity grew, thanks to inquisitions and crusades, the celebration of Saturnalia [the god Saturn] evolved into the Christmas celebration we have today.
- So Jesus birth was assigned at 25th of December by Constantine. Was there another reason this date was considered Holy?
Also, did shepherds come to worship at the Nativity of Jesus?
The Roman upper class worshipped the God Mithra. the unconquered God of the sun. Mithra’s birthday was the holiest day of the year, observed as December 25th. Mithra was said to be born of a rock.
[MN: Recall Jesus said upon this rock I will build my church?]
Shepherds came to worship Mithra out in the pasture fields. Many Mithra stories have been blended with the Christian tradition.
- The Bible claims Jesus to the the Christ, the savior of all mankind. Is this true?
No. No matter what religion you practice, the majority of the world practices a different one.
Every civilization known to history has always had their own unique savior. Archaeologist have verified this as far back as history will let them trace. It is said that we had early religions even back with prehistoric men with ceremonies and rituals in burials.
- So if Jesus is only one of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of saviors, how did the idea of a Savior being sacrificed to save people begin?
The Savior part 1://
In ancient times people made sacrifices to pagan gods such as Baal and Moloch. They believed the larger the sacrifice to Moloch, the better their crops and prosperity would be.
Notice that this is the very same theme of belief we have nowadays for church tithing. The more you give, the more you will receive. Of course this is just a con. Sacrifices and tithing have no bearing on anything that happens in the natural world. Sacrifices and tithing are just a tax for the gullible person. Tithing was a Roman Empire strategy to get additional taxes from the public. Since Christianity was an official state religion, the Romans had to tithe or be charged with treason.
Back with Molech and Baal, the people brought some of their crops to sacrifice, and some of their animals.
But there were floods and droughts, etc. and people thought they needed to sacrifice more burnt offerings to the God Moloch. So they started sacrificing their own children!
Not just any child, but they had to sacrifice their First Born child.
In the belly of Moloch was a very hot fire, and the people would throw their first born child into the fire. To cover up the screams of the child screaming and suffering, there were people next to the altar beating drums and blasting trumpets loudly to coverup the screams. This was a very tramatic experience.
Continued on The Savior part 2.
- The Savior part 2, continued.
As this tradition evolved, the first born child was not valuable enough of a sacrifice so they needed something more valuable. The powers that be came up with the idea of sacrificing the first born of the King. So for a period of time, the King would sacrifice his first born royal child. This worked for a while, but still was not deemed enough of a sacrifice to appease the Gods.
Finally they came up with the idea of the ultimate sacrifice. One so powerful to count to the end of time! They needed to sacrifice a divine being, a God or the firstborn son of a God.
This God would be the “Savior” of all the people to the very end of time. And, since it was a God, he would be so powerful that he could conquer death and nobody would have to fear death anymore because the savior conquered death and came back to life.
Hercules was invented by the Greeks to serve this purpose. Being half man and half God, Hercules would be the savior.
(Continued on flip side)
Part 2 The Savior continued:
Of course each nation had to have their own personal savior so many saviors arrived on the scene.
So the savior defeats death through his resurrection and the people liked this idea. The people knew they needed forgiveness because they desperately wanted to live past the grave and be alive forever.
This pattern evolved to this very day where we have a ridiculous amount of Gods and tens of thousands of religions all over the world.
- Why is Jesus named “Jesus Christ”?
Christ is not a name but a title. In Greek it is Christos, in Hebrew it is Messiah.
It has nothing to do with the religion of Christianity. The Words “Christ” and “Messiah” are the names referring to the Jewish savior that legend says will come one day to defeat the unjust governments and people of earth and save the people from the Apocalypse. This was all strictly Jewish religion. The words Christ and Messiah were hijacked and incorporated into the Christian movement when the Roman Empire decided to make it the official religion of Rome.
Christianity was made the official religion of Rome circa 323 BCE under Emperor Constantine.//The legend “Christ” or “Messiah” never came to the rescue. Since Jesus stated the Apocalypse was imminent, and that some of his very disciples would still be alive to see it. The powers that be wrote the gospel of John, 95 years after the birth of Jesus, forever making Jesus the christ, and founded the Christian religion.
Jesus knew nothing about this since it happened decades after his death. Jesus was always a Jewish Rabbi. In the three synoptic gospels, everything he did was Jewish. Not a single mention of being divine.
When the gospel of John arrived on the scene, suddenly it changed the entire theme from Jewish religion to the new “Christian” religion. Jesus was declared the divine saviour.
New buzz words like “Heaven” and “Hell” arrived on the scene. After 400 years of arguments, the Roman government forced the failed legend of the coming “Christos” or “Messiah” into the story of Jesus.
This paradigm shift completely hijacked the Jewish religion and turned it into the Christian religion with this quick fix!
So, after over 4,000 years of God bringing and setting up his kingdom here on earth, suddenly it is changed to you must die first then go to heaven where God’s kingdom is now located, after thousands of years of God having it on earth, those in power convinced people the infallible God suddenly changed his mind.
This is the same time period when going to heaven or hell filled people’s minds. Before this time, all the dead people went to Hades, the Greek mythology God of death in the underworld.
- “Love thine enemy” “Return not evil for evil”
Were these original quotes of Jesus?
No. They are original quotes of Socrates, centuries before Jesus.
Socrates was born in 469 BCE.
- Is Jesus the person who brought us that beautiful law, the “Golden Rule”?
The “Golden Rule” originated with Confucius circa 500 BCE.
- Who else quoted the Golden Rule before Jesus.
650 BCE Pittacus
500 BCE Confucius
464 BCE Thales
406 BCE Sextus, a Pythagorean.
385 BCE Aristotle
365 BCE Aristipus
338 BCE Isocrates
50 BCE Hillel
The Koran
- Was Jesus the original person who said “Love thine enemy”?
500 BCE Confucius
475 BCE Pythagorus
469 BCE Socrates
- Was Jesus the first savior to be raised from the dead?
Many Mythical gods have been raised from the dead including Romulus, the founder of Rome.
- Is Jesus the Savior?
Throughout ancient history, we have had many saviors, resembling Jesus.
They have been prevalent in most if not all the principal religious heathen nations of antiquity. These not only resemble general features, but in some cases in the most minute details, from the legend of the immaculate conception to that of the crucifixion and ascension into heaven.
The flip side shows 20 of the most popular saviors in ancient history. REF: the “World’s 16 crucified saviors.”
- Chrishna of Hindostan
- Budha Sakia of India
- Salivahana of Bermuda
- Zulis, or Zhule, also Osiris and Orus, of Egypt
- Odin of the Scandinavians
- Crite of Chaldea
- Zoroaster and Mithra of Persia
- Baal and Taut, “the only begotten of God,” of Phenica
- Indra of Thibet
- Bali of Afghanistan
- Jao of Nepaul
- Wittoba of the Bilingonese
- Thammuz of Syria
- Atys of Phrygia
- Xamolxis of Thrace
- Zoar of the Bonzes
- Adad of Assyria
- Deva Tat, and Sammonocadam of Siam
- Alcides of Thebes
- Mikado of the Sintoos
- Beddru of Japan
- Hesus or Eros, and Bremrillah, of the Druids
- Thor, son of Odin, of the Gauls
- Cadmus of Greece
- Hil and Feta of the Mandaites
- Gentaut and Quexalcote of Mexico
- Universal Monarch of the Sibyls
- Ischy of the Island of Formosa
- Divine teacher of Plato
- Holy One of Xaca
- Fohi and Tien of China
- Adonis, son of the virgin Io of Greece
- Ixion and Quirinus of Rome
- Prometheus of Caucasus
- Mohamud, or Mahomet, of Arabia
- Was Jesus message of coming back to rescue his followers unique or did other religions look forward to the day a redeemer from heaven above would rescue them?
Most religious countries, and more than a score of religious systems, had a standing prophecy that a divine deliverer would descend from heaven and relieve them from their depressed state, and ameliorate their condition.