Bible Character/Miracles origins/ done Before Flashcards



The Moses myth is really a compilation of 3 antecedent ones as well as other stories:

A. From India there was the Hindu myth when Kali gave birth to the Sun God and placed him in a basket of rushes on the Ganges.

B. The same myth was reproduced for Sargon, the King of Akkad, in the 3rd millennium BC King SARGON, a son of a virgin bride of God, was set afloat on the river and rescued by the Divine midwife. He then spent a period of exile in the wilderness where he was tempted by evil spirits and later was elevated to the throne. The fatherless hero born of waters was a universal image of the Savior king and has been repeated in the myths of Persius, Horus, Jason, Oedipus, Joshua and Jesus.

C. An Egyptian model existed: The miracles attributed to Moses have been derived from Egyptian myths for there is an Egyptian model for the myth of Moses in Heracles of Canopus.

D. Other stories added to the myth include:

* The Parting of the Waters, as attributed to both Kali crossing the Ganges and Isis.

* Mother Rhea striking water from a rock.

* She had also given Law tablets on a Holy mountain.


The story of the TEN COMMANDMENTS which were supposedly given to Moses on the Mount was copied from

I The story of the Canaanite god Baal-Berith, the “God of the Covenant”.

Ii The Commandments of the Buddhist Decalogue.

Iii The life of Zoroaster who had also received the Law from Ahura Mazda from the mountain top, and

Iv King Hammurabi who received the Laws from the Babylonian God from a mountain top also.

The basis of the myths concerning Moses also included the expulsion of Jews from Egypt during an outbreak of pestilence. Other sources (Choeremen, Manetho, Lysimachus, Tacitus) say that the oracles blamed the infection on foreign workers who were called the Children of Israel and the offenders were evicted from Egypt and sent into the desert. This is very different from what has been written in the extant Old Testament which claims the Jews were liberated by Jehovah’s intervention.

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CARD#3: More Origins

Of course knowledge of these connections had been destroyed by the vandalism of the Catholic Church.

They knew that Hermes was the Light of the World as was Dionysus, Mithra, Jesus, and Apollo (who became canonized as St. Benedict under his title of Benedictus) and all the others, and they knew that Zeus was their Father. When this is realized the patterns of the Archetypal myths all begin to make sense do they not?

Zeus was the Divine father of Dionysus, who in turn was the Divine father of Orpheus. Zeus was none other than an aspect of the “Masculine” energy of the Godforce. Do you see how this early knowledge of inter-connected Divine Beings was perverted into myths which still had some basis in spiritual terms and were further distorted and applied directly to the sacrifice of Jesus and His Resurrection?

Titles and Honours too were plagiarized with great abandon: Osiris was described as the Good Shepherd. Mithra was described as the Light of the World. Dionysus was described as the King of Kings, and God of Gods. Vishnu and Mithra were both the Son of Man and the Messianic energy. These were all described as Saviours of the World. These labels are quite familiar, for the Church plagiarized them and misused them to describe Jesus ONLY.


Plagiarism knew no bounds. The miracles supposedly performed by Jesus also have many precedences.

– The Dionysian Rite practised at Sidon in Alexandria gives us wine from water - the very miracle Jesus performed at Cana.

– The priestesses at Nineveh cured the blind by applying their spittle to the eyes.

– The Goddess Demeter, a form of the Great Mother, multiplied loaves and fishes, healed the sick, raised the dead and performed exorcisms.

In the Magic Papyri, anointed ones (Christs) walk on water.

But of course when these things were pointed out to the oppressing, plagiarizing, so-called Christians who controlled the church, , by the year 450 AD, some 200 different Gospels revered by the Church of the Diocese of Bishop Theodore of Cyrrhus were destroyed except for the four Canonical ones. What was the church to do? In order to hide its own criminality, it had to destroy the evidence. And that is exactly what it did. Wanton destruction of nearly all the ancient texts which could reveal its borrowings and plagiarism occurred.

Nothing in the myth created around Jesus occurred by accident. The evil force driving these so-called Christian minions made sure that every detail of a formal sacrificial tradition (which they labelled as pagan later) was included in the myth. There is also ample evidence that borrowings from the life story of Buddha also occurred. The oldest Gospels contradict one another and we know from research that the various codices still in existence are different from one another. It is interesting to note that the Epistles of Paul were collected by the Gnostic teacher, Marcion, who was later excommunicated as a heretic for denying that the scriptures were mystical allegories. He knew they were forged concoctions.

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Dionysus was of such importance that He was represented, in fact, on one side of a coin the other side of which portrayed Jehovah, an aspect of the evil demiurge which took over the whole show. It was Jehovah who eventually displaced Dionysus as God in the culture which grew around Jerusalem. And the Hebrews became Jehovah’s chosen race.

Dionysus is said to have later reincarnated as Orpheus. He was known also as the King of Kings, the God Begotten, the Virgin-born and the Anointed one, the Christos. At Eleusis, Dionysus was represented as the Holy Child in a manger.

Apart from these various Saviours, the VIRGIN BIRTH was also attributed to Zoroaster, Sargon, Persius, Jason, Miletus, Minos, Asclepias, Zeus and Plato.



The early Christians saw Mithra, the Persian Saviour, as a rival who was more successful than the myth that they created. Those so-called Christians copied the Mithra religion in great detail. Mithra too was born on December 25th of a virgin. His birth was witnessed by shepherds and by Magi who brought gifts to his sacred birth cave. He performed miracles and raised the dead, healed the sick, made the blind see and the lame walk. He cast out devils and, as Son of the Petra Genetrix, He carried the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven. He ascended to Heaven at the Spring Equinox (Easter), but before His ascension, He celebrated a Last Supper with His 12 Disciples, the 12 Signs of the Zodiac. In memory of this, his worshippers partook of a sacramental meal of bread marked with a Cross. (Holy Communion). This was one of the seven sacraments and was the model for the Christian sacrament called the Mizd (Missa, Mass).

The Mithraic doctrines also had the story of the Great Flood, a story based on the Hindu flood version of Manu. Hence, it is obvious the story of the flood went from the Hindu states to Persia to Babylon and into the Old Testament and each version contained within it the story of the end of the world which would be by fire, and the story of the battle of the forces of Good and Evil.

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Hermes sign of Cross and Staff. 330 BCE.

The number 4 represents the four ways/directions to Zeus. The four directions form a crossroads: Above, Below, Beside.

This Hermes sign of the cross was later adopted by the Romans for the Catholic church. The history of the beginning of the Christian religion is a “vacuum of missing historical details”. Scientists and historians say there is no mention of any type of cross until after Constantine’s vision in 313 CE**. Most Bible scholars agree that any **crucifixions were on a straight vertical piece of wood. The “T” shaped cross didn’t come about until sometime in the 4th century when Constantine was in control. REF: Britannica and “Evidence of church life before Constantine”: Professor Graydon F. Snyder.

Cabalism: “for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory forever”. Last part of Lord’s prayer refers to Jewish Cabalism, Kabbalists.

Origin of the cross is a Babylonian sun symbol for their Sun God. Constantine, an avid Sun God worshiper is said to see this cross superimposed on the Sun in 312 CE after his battle won on the bridge.

Others say the cross is the sign of Tammuz, the mystic.

Hermes’ Roman name is Mercury, the messenger. Helmet and winged feet. Son of Zeus, an olympian God. Power to raise the dead.


Hermes wand, or staff, had magical powers to bring sleep or wake people from it. Often confused with Rod of Asclepius. Both are used for symbols of medicine and displayed today on ambulances and hospitals. Snakes were considered divine beings that could heal, mostly because they could shed their old skin and be “Born again”

[MN: This legend and many other related examples is why the Bible uses the words born again. Also the Nordic founders of Christmas used the celebration of burning the Yule log (940 BCE) to celebrate the growing season would be born again soon because the days would grow longer and the temperature would be warmer, and the Sun would come back. Remember that it was total darkness for months in the Scandinavian Winters.]

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