God Obsession/Salvation plans ever changing Flashcards


CARD #1: SALVATION PLANS always changing

So, how do I get to heaven?

When I was a small child, my mother told me that God is all knowing. He is perfect. He knows everything that has happened and everything that will happen in the future. God is always in control.

Well, now that I have grown up and studied the early church, the Bible, the Bible origins, the failed events that were suppose to happen 2,000 years ago and the many different plans of God’s salvation for us humans, it is evident that God is not in control and he is totally clueless on giving us a definite plan for salvation.

It is said that the Bible is God’s word. So why are there five conflicting plans for our salvation in the Bible?

Why would 4,000 years of Old Testament setup for salvation be completely wiped out when the New Testament came out 400 years after the Bible says Christ was here?


Let me count the ways for our salvation. This is bizzare because the plan changes with each gospel that comes out.

Here they are in Biblical order:

  1. To Matthew, salvation is keeping Jewish law.
  2. To Mark, salvation is death of Jesus paid the price.
  3. To Luke, salvation is forgiveness that comes from repentance.
  4. To John, salvation is faith that Jesus is the “I am” God of Moses, and that you must be born again (accept Jesus as God and become a new creature.)
  5. To Paul, who was written before the gospels, salvation is faith Jesus died and was resurrected. In Paul’s early life, he believed in the apocalyptic version of salvation, Christ has his kingdom here on earth after the apocalypse. [After his vision, he says you are saved believing in the resurrection of Christ.] So Paul persecutes Christians until his vision, then he stops persecuting and preaches free salvation believing in the death and resurrection of Christ. This is not the gospel Christ, but a heavenly Christ that died and was resurrected in the heavens, not on earth! Paul knew nothing of the gospels because they had not yet been written.

Reference: “Jesus Interrupted” by Bart D. Ehrman. Bart Ehrman is considered by Bible scholars to be one of the highest authorities on the New Testament.

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Let us take a minute to review some background about the Bible and gospels.

  • The gospels were written in another country in another language, Greek!
  • The gospels were not written by the people the Bible says hung out with Jesus.
  • The disciples of Jesus were illiterate and could not read or write.
  • There were well over 100 gospels, but most were burned and destroyed by the early Catholic church.
  • The gospels are all written in the third person. There is no eye witness in all of history that heard the conversations the Bible states was said by Jesus. In fact almost everything Jesus is recorded as saying or doing was done earlier in history by an ancient pagan God.
  • The gospels came out well after Jesus and the disciples were dead and buried.

Mark came out around 60 CE.

Matthew and Luke came out around 70 CE.

John came out almost a hundred years after Christ was born, around 95 CE.

The original gospels were called autographs, because they were original. There are no copies in existence of the original autographs, nor are there copies of the first copies of the original autographs. The best we have are a copy of a copy of the original autographs.

These copies have been interpolated (Edited, rewritten, added to and subtracted from many, many times in the last 2,000 years.

The New Testament we have in the Bible today is three times the volume of the oldest copies of the New Testament. Kings and Popes simply rewrote their line of thinking into the New Testament we have today.

The New Testament did not even have names assigned to the books, like Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The names we have on the gospels today were added to the first edition of the Bible that came out in 140 CE. It was named the Marcion Bible. It was very small compared with the Bible of today.

The New Testament didn’t come out until around 400 CE. The books that are in our Bible today were put there by the Roman government and other Powers that be, like Popes, Bishops etc.

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Even the mission of Jesus changed between the gospel of Luke and the gospel of John.

Mark was the very first gospel. Matthew and Luke are almost virtual copies of Mark with a few changes. Remember, these gospels came out decades apart! So Mark, Matthew and Luke are called the synoptic gospels, because they are copies of Mark with some wording changes.

In these synoptic gospels, (Mark, Matthew and Luke) Jesus was completely Jewish and he and his cousin John the Baptist were preaching and teaching about the imminent apocalypse coming when God was going to bring his kingdom to Earth and destroy all the bad guys. This apocalypse was in vogue for 150 years before Jesus was born.

The Bible says that the high priests, and the disciples, that some of them would still be alive when he returned to Earth with his army of angels to establish God’s kingdom. In the first three gospels, Jesus never said anything about him being a God, or in any way divine. Jesus was pure Jewish.

The Bible says in Seven places that these people would still be alive here on Earth to see Jesus come back with the apocalypse coming forthwith. Seven times it says this in the Bible. Well, 2,000 years and still counting but not a sign of Christ coming for armageddon.


Now with all these changes to the original plan for the Jews, and all the changes from Jesus being the leader of armageddon to now being the sacrifice for our sins.

What is God doing?

He is wiping out 4,000 years of Jewish teaching, the entire Old Testament and even the mission of Jesus and the plans of salvation.

Who could possibly believe there is a master plan of God for mankind with all of these changes!

I see no evidence of God in control anywhere. All I see is mankind scrambling, rewriting the Bible to satisfy the current generation of Bible editors.

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Anthropologists tell us that every ancient civilization know to man, without exception, had their Gods.

No doubt about it. Humans are indeed obsessed with Gods.

  • Most months of the years named for Gods.
  • Every day of the week named for Gods.
  • All the moon landing missions named for Gods (Apollo)
  • Almost all space missions and even the rockets (Titan rocket, Saturn rocket) named for Gods. Apollo, Mars, Mercury, Saturn rockets, etc.
  • All of the Planets named for Gods except Earth.

Gods, Gods, Gods. Humans are obsessed with them to the point we now have millions of Gods counting all the World’s religions.


Evidence of Gods are everywhere.

The Statue of Liberty is wearing the crown of Apollo and Mithras.

Christmas is evolved out of the Solstice celebration in the temple of Saturnalia in Rome. Being born again is from the same celebration, meaning the dark winter will eventually go away and the Sun will come back and new plants and gardens will be born again, meaning grow again. Centuries later this “Born again” was associated with Jesus as a plan for salvation. Actually the word salvation came from the Egyptians. Egyptians embalmed their Kings with salt to preserve the bodies. The Latin word for salt is “Sal”. The name caught on and evolved into salvation; eternal life, via salvation from a God, namely Jesus.

Christmas started with the Vikings, but not much history survived. There is a history of Scandanavia circa 940 BCE. Recall that Scandanavia is very far North, and the winter months were dark for nearly a third of the year. Recall there was no night life because there was no electricity. People back then huddled in their dark houses to wait out the winter. People and animals starved to death during the long, dark winters there.

They did know when the winter began so the days would eventually grow longer and someday the Sun would come back and things would grow. So they made a huge celebration to commerate the beginning of the days getting longer, what we call the winter Solstice.

They are the ones who started The winter solstice celebration which over the centuries evolved into our Christmas. Also, nearly every God known to man had their birthday assigned to this important day.

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Back with the Scandinavians in the dead of winter, a party would go out hunting for the largest fallen log they could find. The would haul this enormous log to the village and set it on fire so people could warm by the fire and celebrate the winter solstice. Also they would hunt down some spruce trees and stick them in the ground and place apples and candles in the tree to show the villagers that yes, plants and trees are still living through this horrible winter.

This celebration was a large feast, because the food would soon spoil they ate their fill at the celebration. They killed most of their livestock and ate them because they did not have food to feed the cattle, etc.

Getting back to the giant log, they would set it afire and warm themselves during the days of the celebration. The log was called a “Yule” and it normally burned for about 12 days! This is where we get the Christmas saying “Yule tide” and the days of log burning evolved into the twelve days of Christmas.

Of course Christmas was not called Christmas until centuries after the Christian religion became the Roman law. Then the celebration of solstice in the temple of the God Saturn became known as Christmas, meaning, the masses of the people gathering to the temple of Saturn to honor the birth of Christ. Even though it was called Christmas, it still kept the name of Saturnalia for centuries.


Like stated earlier, the New Testament did not appear until circa 400 CE.

There were no Christian churches back then. There were a lot of groups and factions of worship of this God or the other God. Eventually there were churches developed and the ancient temple worship became a thing of the past for Christians.

Like I said before, humans obsession with Gods. Gods were invented periodically. Rather than start a God from scratch, they copied the most popular sayings, miracles and stories from ancient Gods and synthesized the new modern Gods, such as Jesus from the attributes of the most successfully worshiped ancient Gods.

If you do a little googling on miracles and sayings on modern Gods and saviors, you will discover the newer Gods are copy and paste versions of ancient successful Gods. Popular examples include all being born of a virgin named Mary, Marie or some other M name. All being born on December 25th, the winter solstice celebration.

Jesus is mostly synthesized from Dionysus, with some Mithras, Hercules, Buddha and Krisha thrown in.

God the Christian father is mostly Zeus reimaged.

By the way, Hercules was invented as the World’s first savior. Another interesting story on why we need saviors to live forever.

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