Contents Theology 2 Flashcards
Card #1: Reformation
- Protestant Reformation
- Corruption in the Catholic Church: Simony
- Many priest were virtually illiterate
- Critics of the church.
- Diet of Worms (1521)
- Spread of Lutheranism
- Revolt. Twelve Articles 100,000 peasants die during uprising.
- Peace of Augsburg
- Spread of Protestantism. Puritans in England
- English Reformation
- Henry the VIII
- Anglican Church
Card #2: Reformation
- Protestant and Catholic Doctrine
- Catholic reformation
- Council of Trent: Dogma for next 4 centuries.
- Index of Forbidden Books
- Results of Reformation
A good place to share with somebody doing a background check!
Card #3: Timeline of Christianity
- Ancient: Egyptians give us our very first record of God.
- The construct of the soul massively broadcasted by Pythagoras (570-495 BCE)
- Bible adopts legal fiction of having a soul 400 CE.
- Religion started with astrology and the signs of the zodiac.
- Birth of Universe 4004 BCE by Archbishop James Usher, 1581-1656.
- 940 Christmas is started Scandinavia.
- Fictional gods merged with familiar gods from different lands.
Card #3A: Timelines continued
- 1230 Sales of indulgences begin.
- 1478 Spanish Inquisition started
- 1517 Sales of indulgences go wild with pope Leo 10th.
- 1517 Age of Enlightenment begins with Martin Luther. Protestant religion is formed.
- 1553 Reign of Queen Mary
- 1600 Giordano Bruno burned at stake for claiming Earth rotates!
- 1673 comets are moved by angels.
- 1813 Catholic church adopts the belief that the Magi journey to see the birth of Christ!
- 1854 Clergy forbidden to read newspapers.
- 1897 Pope Leo XIII forbade any further research into the origin of the trinity.
- 1900 Book Wizard of Oz is published. Many religious groups try to stop it.
- 1995, Time magazine article: Bible, fact or fiction.
- 325 CE Hermes sign of cross adopted by Catholic church.
Deck #2: The Great disappointment
- William Miller proclaims Jesus returns October 22, 1844.
- Over 150,000 people give away all possessions, all money and prepare to meet Jesus.
- Multiple times for Jesus come and go, but everybody is heartbroken and totally broke! Some disappear into the mountains to never be heard from again.
- Rapture story May 21, 2011.
- Jim Jones mass suicides 1978.
Deck #3: Christians killing Christians.
- Christianity: The bloodiest religion ever.
- example of Lancet Fluke
- People preparing for a future that does not exist!
- St. Bartholomew’s day massacre
- Charlemagne. 4,000 beheaded Saxons
- Pogroms against Jews. 14 Million killed WWII
Deck #4: Ignorance taught and enforced by the Church
- All knowledge was passed down to the public by the church.
- Church all powerful only gave parochial info.
- Queen Mary burns people going to services not in Latin!
- The silly beliefs of the church, eg. The Earth is flat.
- Life is only about preparing for death.
- Why question the church when they know?
- Man has no right to cure disease, God does it through the priests.
- The insane are inhabited by devils.
- Insanity could be cured by prayer and buying gifts, amulets and charms paid to the church.10.
- Epidemics are messengers of the good God. The black death was sent by the Father.
- Beheading of nations that believed differently than the Catholic church.
- Trials by ordeal becomes the legal court system.
- Witch hunts.
- Torture and crusades
- 45,000 to 60,000 people were killed as witches in Europe.
- listing of different types of torture devices.
Deck #5: Jewish persecutions by church and Hitler