Japanese Expansion Flashcards
What were the 7 main impacts caused by WW1?
- Major supplier of ammo, industry rose 54%, workforce doubled
- Fill demands for manufactured goods in Asia, opening markets
- Euro beet sugar collapse, Japanese cane sugar rose
- USA economic boom meant absorption of Japanese assets, exports tripled
- Fall of Euro shipping, Japanese merchant marine rose from 1.5m tonnes in 1914 to 3m in 1918
- goes from debtor to creditor, loans 40m Yen to GB, FR and USSR
- Built up large gold reserves, foreign currency grew 6x in 6 years
What was the PSQ surrounding Japan moving from a creditor to a debtor nation?
“liquidate all outstanding debt, foreign and domestic”
Japan at the Treaty of Versailles
- Sent a large delegation, including Saionji, former PM, treated as equal by Lloyd George and Wilson
- 2 key aims:
1. Recognition of claims over former German mandates
2. Condemnation of racial prejudice
What was the Beasley HSQ on Japan at ToV?
” considering how little part she played in war operations… she was one of the five powers to have representatives on the council of ten.”
Territorial aims at ToV
- Stumbling block for Jp, China sent a large delegation to argue that concessions were forced upon them
- GB attempted a compromise, Jp wold gain a LoN mandate, WIlson supported this
- Jp refused, the issue went unresolved, China enraged and boycott Jp goods
Racial Equality Clause PSQ
Noboki depicts all races fighting together with a “common bond of sympathy and gratitude” that had “never been experienced”
Racial Equality Clause
- Proposed on Feb 13, 1919, stating that equality should be a basic LoN principle and equal and just treatment
- Won a majority vote but not enough to pass
- GB foreign council claimed it was “controversial”, Lloyd George worried about impact on colonies
- Wilson supported it, but populus did not
- Australia wanted a “white Australia”
- Immigrants to USA and Australia were faced with limitations
- Was never included
Who supported and who was against the Racial Equality Clause
Yea: Jp, Fr, It, China, Brazil, Greece, Serbia, Czech
Nay: GB, USA, Por, Belgium, Romania
Washington Naval Conference
- USA concerned about Jp influence and the Anglo-Jp Naval agreement
- GB concerned about drawn into USA-Jp conflict
- USA invited 8 powers to Washington
2 aims:
1. Acknowledgment of claims in Siberia and Tsingtao
2. Recognition of ‘special interests’ in Manchuria and Mongolia
The 3 ‘Power’ treaties
- 4-Power Treaty: replaced Anglo-Jp. USA, GB, FR, JP to confer if the Pacific Crisis
- 5-Power Naval Treaty: limits naval tonnage of US, Jp, GB, Fr, It (5:3:5:1.75:1.75)
- 9-Power Treaty: China, Belgium, It, Nether, Por, GB, Fr, Jp, USA, to respect “sovereignty, the independence and territorial and administrative integrity of China”