What is biological reductionism?
it refers to the way that biological psychologists try to reduce behaviours to a physical level and explain it in terms of neurons, neurotransmitters, hormones, brain structure.
What is environmental reductionism
It’s the belief that behaviour can be reduced to a simple relationship between behaviour and events in the environment.
What is experimental reductionism?
it’s reducing complex behaviours to isolated variables for conducting research
What is holism?
It’s the idea that human behaviour should be viewed as a whole integrated experience.
What is the reductionist approach?
The reductionist approach argues that several levels of explanation are necessary to explain a particular behaviour. Ranges from biological (low) - social + culture. (highest)
What are levels of explanation?
they explain behaviour at different levels according to the reductionist approach.
What is parsimony
the idea that complex phenomena should be explained in the simplest terms that are possible.
What are the levels of explanations?
Highest level: social + culture explanations of how social groups behave.
Mid level: psychological explanations of behaviour
Lower level: biological explanations of how are hormones and genes affect our behaviour.
What is reductionism?
An approach that breaks complex phenomena into simpler components.
What is evolution?
Adaptive pressures from natural selection behind all our characteristics.
What is Nature?
The idea that behaviour is seen to be a product of innate biological factors
What is Nurture?
The belief that behaviour is a product of environmental factors.
What is the Nature + Nurture Debate?
The argument as to whether a person’s development is mainly due to their genes or to environmental factors/influence.
What is Free Will?
The ability to make a meaningful choice between possible behaviours.
What is determinism?
The view that behaviour is controlled by external or internal factors acting upon the individual.