What is the world wide average of OT’s that are practicing in the OH?
0.9 per 10,000
What is the TARGET population ratio of OT’s that are practicing in the OH?
0.5 per 10,000 population
What is the current average population of OT’s in the PH?
0.0401 pero 10,000
What regions meet the national average of 0.0401 per 10,000
- national capital region
- region XI
- Region IV-A
- Region VII
How many percent are the young adults who practice OT?
80.92% (n=212)
How many percent are the middle adults who practice OT?
How many percent are the older adults who practice OT?
How many percent of Filipino OT’s that are female?
how many percent of OT graduates that has a masters degree?
How many percent are OT’s that are single?
how many percent of OT’s work as part time?
how many percent of OT’s are clinicians?
how many percent of OT’s that work in private institutions?
how many percent of OT’s that work in government institutions?
how many percent of OT’s that work in non-government organizations?
what is the average salary of an OT in the Philippines?
lowest end of range:
highest end of range:
8k, 45k
how many percent of OT’s are paid by hour?
how many percent of OT’s receive benefits from their employers?
when was the WORLD FEDERATION OF OT, Inc established?
who is the current president of WFOT?
Marilyn Pattinson
how many member organizations and occupational therapists are part of WFOT?
101 member organizations and 550,000 occupational therapists
function of WFOT
- Represent the occupational therapy profession in its role of improving world health and well being
global voice for OT and sets the standards for its practice
The organization safeguards and promotes the profession in the local context and in accordance with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines to create impact to the Filipino society; while fostering a strong fellowship and unity among our members and chapters, and acting as a consultative body in all matters pertaining to the profession.”
Philippine Academy of Occupational Therapists, Inc
when was PAOT established
what is the goal of PAOT
0.5 Ots per 10,000 filipino stakeholders by the year 2025
what was the former name of PAOT
Occupational Therapy Association of the Philippines (OTAP)
Meaning of OTSA
occupational therapy students assembly
The official student-arm of PAOT.
1 chair person, 2 board members
professional regulation commission
An Act Regulating the Registration, Licensure, and Practice of Occupational Therapy, Providing Funds Therefore and for Other Purposes
republic act 11241
Only graduates of Bachelor of Science in Occupational therapy programs offered by higher education institutions recognized by CHED are qualified to take the examination
RA 11241
- OT theories and frames of reference
- Growth and human development
- Occupational performance and behavior across the lifespan
- Occupation-based practice
OT Application 1
- OT in adult physical dysfunction
- OT in pediatrics
- OT in psychosocial
dysfunction - Community-based
OT application 2
- Professional reasoning and behavior
- Professional competence and ethics
- Organization, administration, and management
- Research process
OT applican 3
what is the process before entering practice?
- Apply for the licensure exam
- Take and pass the licensure exam
- Register as an occupational therapist
- Take an oath
5.Hold a Professional Identification Card (PIC)and a Certificate of Registration (COR)
what are the prohibitions to not practice OT?
- A board passer with suspended or revoked certificate of registration
- Aboardpasserwithanexpiredlicense
- A graduate of a bachelor’s degree in occupational therapy 4. An individual who uses another person’s PIC, COR, or STP
PWDs are “those suffering from restriction of different abilities, as a result of a mental, physical, or sensory impairment, to perform an activity in the manner or within the range considered for a normal human being”.
RA 7277
Grants additional privileges for persons with disability
RA 9442
An Act to Enhance the Mobility of Disabled Persons by Requiring Certain Buildings, Institutions, Establishments, and Public Utilities to Install Facilities and Other Devices
BP 344
- Private and public buildings (constructed, repaired, or renovated) * Streets and highways
- Public transport vehicles
- Public telephones
- Public transport terminals
what are the basic physical planning requirements?
accessibility, reachibility, usability, orientation, safety, work ability and efficiency
when was ra 11241 approved
march 11, 2019
Enforce rules and regulations of the law
* Investigate any violations to the law
* Oversee registration and licensure, administer exam * Prescribe criteria for CPD programs
* Ensure compliance to CHED policies
* Grant registration without examination
Professional regulation
no certifications
17 out of 20 have no certifications
What are the 4 Employment Settings
Pediatric Cases
* Adult Physical Dysfunction
* Adult Psychosocial Dysfunction * Academe and Research
The Philippine Occupational Therapy Law of 2018
- Republic Act (RA) 11241
Accessibility Law
BP 344