- State of awareness and alertness, including the clarity and continuity of the wakeful state
- Orientation to person, place, time, self, and others
- General mental functions, as they develop over the life span, required to understand and constructively integrate the mental functions that lead to the formation of the personal and inter- personal skills needed to establish reciprocal social interactions, in terms of both meaning and purpose
Extroversion, introversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, openness to experience, self-control, self- expression, confidence, motivation, impulse control, appetite
Temperament and personality
Energy level, motivation, appetite, craving, impulse
Physiological process, quality of sleep
What are the 10 Sensory functions?
visual, hearing, vestibular, taste, smell, proprioceptive, touch, interception, pain, sensitivity to temperature and pressure functions
- Sound detection and discrimination; awareness of location and distance of sounds
Hearing functions
- Quality of vision, visual acuity, visual stability, and visual field functions to promote visual awareness of environment at var- ious distances for functioning
Visual Functions
- Sensation related to position, balance, and secure movement against gravity
Vestibular functions
- Association of taste qualities of bitterness, sweetness, sourness, and saltiness
Taste functions
- Sensing of odors and smells
Smell functions
- Awareness of body position and space ‘
Proprioceptive functions
- Feeling of being touched by others or touching various textures, such as those of food; presence of numbness, paresthesia, hyperesthesia
- Touch Functions
- Unpleasant feeling indicating potential or actual damage to some body structure; sensations of generalized or localized pain (e.g., diffuse, dull, sharp, phantom)
- Thermal awareness (hot and cold), sense of force applied to skin (thermoreception)
- Sensitivity to temperature and pressure
Internal detection of changes in one’s internal organs through specific sensory receptors (e.g., awareness of hunger, thirst, digestion, state of alertness)
- Interception