Took over an asylum after French Revolution and first to use organized programs of activity and occupation
philippe pinel (1745-1826)
Founded a place called The York Retreat where he implemented the moral treatment approach
william tuke (1732-1822)
Established a structured and engaging in simple work tasks promoted better health
benjamin rush
Signed the declaration of independence
Benjamin Rush
bejamin rush
Started a pottery, hearing, and carpentry workshop to treat hysteria, neurosis, neurasthenia (chronic fatigue syndrome)
herbert hall (1870-1923)
Treatment through progressive and graded manual occupation
herbert hall (1870-1923)
The one who coined the term
Occupational Therapy
George Edward Barton (1877-1923)
Opened an arts & crafts workshop in
New York named Consolation
House where he invited other notable people on March 15, 1917
George Edward Barton (1877-1923)
Eleanor Clarke Slagle (1866-1932)
Recognized the connection of OT
with vocational rehabilitation
Thomas Bessell Kidner (1871-1942)
Promoted the idea of habit training:
replace lost or bad habits with new positive ones
Eleanor Clarke Slagle (1866-1932)
Built buildings with OT in mind
Thomas Bessell Kidner (1871-1942)
Worked to adapt crafts to those who
are sick and disabled in their
Susan Cox Johnson (1876-1932)
First book about Occupational
Therapy (Studies in Invalid
Occupation, 1910)
Susan Tracy (1864-1928)
In 1916, she began teaching
Susan Cox Johnson (1876-1932)
Mother of OT Education
Susan Tracy (1864-1928)
Helps George in teaching occupations to the
Isabel Newton
Started a course for nurses, arts
and crafts habit training
William Rush Dunton (1868-1966)
Wrote books about OT
William Rush Dunton (1868-1966)
Provided the OT field with Philosophical base
Dr. Adolf Meyer (1866-1950)
Wrote the book The Philosophy of OT
Dr. Adolf Meyer (1866-1950)
what happend during the world war 1
In WW1, servicemen were injured and disabled. In Walter Reed Hospital (Washington D.C.), they began training nurses as reconstruction aids. Disabled soldiers were taught the skills of metal work, woodwork, weaving, block painting, wood carving, and toy making as part of their rehabilitation.
In ____, Congress passed the Soldiers Rehabilitation Act.
In ___, the Community Mental Health Act, led to a policy of deinstitutionalization
In____, Medicare was signed into law
* Rehabilitation Act of 1973
What year: Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975
1950s and 1960s
What year: Public Health Service Act 1975
1950s and 1960s
Social Amendments in 1983
1950’s and 1960’s
Handicapped Infants and Toddlers Act of 1986
1950S AND 1960S
Technology Related Assistance for Individuals with
Disabilities Act of 1988
1950s and 1960s
when did they implement the american with disabilities act
Balanced Budget Act of 1997
In ____, Individuals with Disabilities Act Education
- AOTA (American Occupational Therapy Association)
- OTJR (Occupational Therapy Journal of Research) *
- NBCOT (Merchant Logo
4.National Board for Certification in Occupational
Therapy, Inc.) to oversee certification
father of occupational therapy
william rush dunton
moral treatment movement