ISM Flashcards
What MSN is ISM and the ISM?
MS ISM regulations 1998
MSN 1826
What is Obs, NC and MNC?
Obs - A statement of fact with evidence but i.e. a scabby LSA poster
NC - Non-fulfilment of a specific requirement of the ISM code / SMS, objective evidence (departure from an instruction or procedure documented) i.e. being unable to reach the DPA, not recording or storing checklists, signatures not on SMS, Master SOs out of date.
MNC - Identifiable deviation from the SMS which poses serious threat to Pers Ship or Environment (think PEP) and requires immediate corrective aciton i.e. fire system failure, WT door failure, fault with ODME, missing liferaft / perry buoy, expired flares.
As Master, how will you correct a MNC?
- Emergency HOD meeting.
- Sensible immediate repair to downgrade and risk assessment.
- Ask to have this downgraded to a NC and seek dispensation to sail from PSC (if PSC inspection and MNC)
- Form a corrective action plan (CAP) which shall prevent the re-ocurrance.
- Conduct a root cause analysis
- Talk about experience on MNC from Hirta and Weather tight hatches.
What is the ISM code, where does it come from?
The international management code for safe operations of ships and pollution prevention. From SOLAS ch ix.
What is the objective of ISM?
To create international standard for the safe management and operation of ships. To ensure:
1. Safety of life at sea
2. Prevent injury / illness / death
3. Avoide damage to environment, in particular maritime environment and property.
What at the functional requirements of ISM?
S - Safety and Env protect policy
O - Operational procedures for routine tasks
C - Communicaiton lines - ship/shore DPAs
R - Reporting for accidents / NCs
E - Emergency procedures
M - Management reviews and audit procedures
Under ISM, what are the company responsibilities (other than develop SMS)
- Provide the ship with certified crew (CoCs and ENG1s)
- Health surveillance (?wellbeing too?)
- maintain ship as per national and international regs (implement a PMS)
- Provide support to master + appoint DPA(s)
- Provide resources - stores - supplies - spares - generic RAs
- Crew training (type specific ECDIS)
- Arrange for survey and audtis.
Company send you a new 2nd Officer with no CoC/CEC and a confirmation of receipt for application to have a CEC >3months old?
Do not accept this officer. Contact DPA and request replacement. Open NC against the company as they are sending officers who are unable to work on board. In addition, if we were to sail I would have to consider a RA and application to sail short (dispensation from the MCA). Variable answer.
What are you responsibilities as Master regarding ISM?
- Implementation of safety and environmental policy
- Motivate my crew to follow pollicies (Monlthy SMS quiz and rewards) (Crew of the month)
- Clear and simple orders (standing orders, night orders)
- Verify that specific requirements are being met (random sample!)
- Periodically review SMS (I would like to get SMEs involved), report accidents and NCs.
Masters Overriding authority MFP!!!!!!
Explain Master overriding authority
Hmmmmmmmm…..i.e. LB drill due tomorrow but weather is unfavourable, so I will do it when the weather improves.
How will you as Master, implement SMS & motivate?
- Req crew to read SMS and sign
- Lead by example
- Have regular saftey meetings (4-6 weeks)
- Safety videos
- Safety quiz (fun fun fun, prizes etc)
- PMS checks
- Check safety officer reports
- Check galley hygiene
- Poster displays / status of fleet safety
- crew cabin cleanliness
- Training and drill days :)
- Reward / crew of month board
- Near miss box (great!)
- Noise and vibration
- Hrs of rest compliance
- Good quality food and drink on board.
Overall I will be a visable Master, approachable and driving the ship to achieve the highest possible standards as a collective effort…everyone is involved!
What are the elements of the ISM code?
- General (definitions, objectives, applications, functional requirements of SMS(this is a question within itself)
- S & E protection policy
- Company responsibility
- Master responsbility
- Resources and personnel
- Development of plans
- Emergency preps
- Reports and analysis of NCs / accidents
- Maintenance of ships and equipment (identify critical equipment)
- Documentation
- Company reviews
- Certification
- Interim certs
- Verification
- Forms & certs
Explain the process for DOC certification? Can a Class conduct this audit under EAS?
Company issued with Interim DOC (valid for 6m + 6m extension available). After completing 6 month operations, MCA invited to company to complete the initial DOC audit. MCA then issue the DOC which is valid for 5 yrs. MCA will conduct and annual audit (+/- 3months) and the renewal audit on the 5th yr (the renewal cannot be late, therefore -3month okay but not +3months from date). DOC is issued to the company and lists the vessel types they are authorised to manage.
Interim DOC for:
1. new ship type added to fleet
2. New company formed
3. change of flag.
No, class are unable to conduct the DOC audit when a vessel is on EAS. The MCA retain DOC audit and issuing of the safe manning document.
Explain the process of SMC certification
Interim SMC issed by the MCA (valid for 6 months) The ship will then implement the SMS and collect objective evidence in months 0-3. The MCA will then be invite to conduct the initial SMC audit between month 3-6. MCA will then issue the SMC certificate (ship specific). 1st year, company complete internal audit, year 2 or 3 intermediate audit by MCA or annual by company (depends when intermediate is), 4th year annual by company and 5th year renewal by MCA. Audits can be +/- 3 months but renewal only -3 month, cannot delay the renewal!
New interim SMC:
1. Takeover from new company
2. New ship launches
3. Flagging in
Duty of the DPA?
S - safe ops of ships
P - provide link ship/shore access to senior management
A - Access highest level
M - Monitor ship compliance
S - Support shore based resources / form ERT maybe?