islam beliefs Flashcards
nature of god x3
-Immanent: always close by. ‘God is closer to each one of us than the veins in our necks’
- Transcendent: God is beyond all things, not limited by the rules
of nature. - Omniscient: God has all knowledge, nothing can be hidden from him.
3 of allahs 99 names
al muqsit- (fair)
al malik- (the king)
al latif- the kind
what is al-fatihah
first surrah in qu’arn, said at start of every prayer
why are prophets important
- channel of communication between God and humanity
- the prophets are our guides.
- human beings chosen to carry guidance from God to people, and their wisdom comes from God.
quote for risalah
‘And We send not the messengers except as bringers of good tidings and warners.’
importance of Adam the first prophet
- Adam is said to be the father of the human race.
- God formed Adam from a handful of soil of many colours, represents the diversity of people on earth.
- ate forbidden fruit. However, Adam confessed his sin and was forgiven, becoming the first prophet.
- Muslims believe that Adam was God’s ‘khalifah’. Tradition says that he built the first Ka’ba in Makkah.
Ibrahim as father of Isaac and Ishma’il and his significance for the Muslim religion
- Ibrahim is a hanif, meaning he has inner knowledge of tawhid.
- born into family of polytheists, but he rejected these and became Muslim
-had two sons who were prophets: Ishma’il (the prophet to the Arabs) and Ishaq (the prophet to the Jews).
- on Hajj muslims remember the distress of Hajar (Ishma’il’s mother) as she ran between the hills of Al-Safa and Al-Marwah in search of water.
- They remember how God instructed Ibrahim to sacrifice Ishma’il.
- Satan tried to tempt Ibrahim to disobey God, telling him to refuse to sacrifi ce his son, Ibrahim drove the evil one away by throwing stones at him.
Isa as a prophet for Muslims:
- Isa is prophet and is successor to Moses. He was given the Injil (Gospel) and he performed miracles.
- Muslims deny the Christian teaching of the Trinity and reject the belief that Isa is God. They say God is ‘one’ not ‘three’.
- Qur’an teaches Isa did not die at curxifiction, as God could not allow evil men to triumph over his prophet in such a way. I
-instead, Isa was taken up to heaven and will reappear in the second coming when God judges
the world.
why is muhammad important
- Muhammad is the last and the greatest prophet, sent by God.
- role model for Muslims because of the moral and prayerful way he lived
- he performed no miracles; he was born, lived and died an ordinary man, but Muslims see him as the perfect example of a human being.
what is Laylat-ul-Qadr
the night of power
- 610 CE, Angel Jibril appeared and ordered him to recite words that had appeared before him.
-Muslims call this event Laylat-ul-Qadr, and remember it on 27th day of Ramadan.
The significance of angels in Islam:
- angels are heavenly, immortal beings, God’s first creation.
- humans were formed from clay, but angels were made out of light.
- they have no free will.
- They are without sin so are able to enter into God’s divine presence, but they can communicate with humans.
sunni and shia beliefs on angels
Sunnis believe God created angels from light and they
have no free will.
Shi’as believe angels have limited free will, but will never lead to sin or act against God.
believe that it was through an angel that God made
it clear to Prophet Muhammad that Ali would be the next leader
who is jibril
angel of revelation who revealed Qur’an to Muhammad and brings messages to God’s chosen ones.
who is Mika’il
archangel responsible for keeping the
devil out of heaven and protecting faithful worshippers.
brings sustenance for the body and soul and rainfall for the
earth, to water the land.
who is Israfil
archangel who will blow trumpet on the
Day of Judgement to announce the resurrection of all from the dead.
what is akhirah
- human existence will continue after death; earthly life is preparation for the eternal life to come
- we have free will, so can make own choices
- held responsible for these actions when God comes on judgement day to judge us.
Signs of the end of the world
- will be the appearance of the Mahdi. His return will coincide with the second coming of Isa
- false messiah will attempt to deceive the people.
- earthquakes, the spreading of killing, rejection of Islam,
day of judgement
- dead will be raised from graves and all people will stand before God to be sentenced according to the way they have lived their lives.
- A book which represents everything an individual has done, is presented to each of them. If the person’s good deeds outweigh the bad, then they will receive the book in their right hand and pass into heaven.
If it is placed into their left hand, they will be among the damned.
On the Day of Judgement the Book of Deeds will be read, in which ‘every small and great thing is recorded’.
what is niyyah
munkar and nakir
Munkar and Nakir will question each person on judgement day, testing their faith.
Insha’ Allah, if God is willing
- coincidences are part of God’s plan.
- insha’Allah expresses the belief that all events are outside our own control; they are in the hands of God.
- When a Muslim says insha’Allah they are acknowledging that they are in submission to God.
people cross Bridge of Al-Sirat.
those lived faithful and moral lives, those who have been persecuted for their faith in God and those who have fought for God will go janna
- heaven is reward for living a good life
- beautiful gardens, delicious food, gently flowing rivers