christian beliefs Flashcards
jesus was not conceived in the same way as other humans ‘immaculate inconeption’
gabriel visits mary - ‘You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus’
- many events + miracles from which provide evidence that he was divine:
- the miracle of the Virgin birth
- Jesus’ ability to perform miracles
- the resurrection of Jesus
3 of jesus’ miracles
- water to wine, wedding
- feeding the 5000
- healing of the dead, lazarus
what is atonement
the belief that Jesus’ death on the cross healed the rift between humans and God.
jesus died so we can go to heaven
showing a lack of respect to God or other holy things.
a title given to Jesus by the early Christians who believed Jesus’
life had been foretold in the Old Testament.
story for atonement
The Fall, when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden, destroyed the perfect relationship between humans and God and introduced ‘original sin’ to everyone born
what is the eucharist
bread and wine
- bread represents body
- wine represents blood.
jesus predicts his death on cross and says that by sacrificing his body and blood, human sins will be forgiven.
what is isaiah and 2x quotes
prophecy of jesus existence as the messiah
‘he was despised and rejected by mankind’
‘he was pierced for our transgressions’
story of jesus’ resurrection
dies on good friday and born again on Monday
- buried in tomb
- angel appeared and soldiers ran away
- angel rolled away the boulder
- mary and mary Magdalene go to check on tomb
- jesus appears to mary m on her way back
- appears to 12 disciples
importance of jesus resurrections
- greatest miracle recorded in New Testament and evidence that Jesus was God.
if Christians don’t believe in resurrection, then their faith is pointless:
‘If there is no resurrection of the dead…our preaching is useless and so is your faith.’
-Gospels record that Jesus ascended (rose up) to his father in heaven after his death
- Some believe that Jesus physically ascended to heaven.
- Others believe that the description of Jesus physically rising up is symbolic, showing that Jesus’ time in human form on earth was over.
- significant event as marks end to the presence of Jesus but acceptance of Jesus’ spirit at work in the world.
original sin
- modern Christians object to traditional ideas about original sin since they believe it would be unfair for God to punish all humanity
- a non-literal interpretation is how is original sin biologically passed from one generation to next.
how do christians achieve salvation
salvation = keeping away from sin
- Catholics believe taking part in sacraments will help them achieve salvation and go to heaven.
- baptism washes sins
- Protestants believe that they must have faith in Jesus and repent their sins to achieve salvation.
holy spirit in evangelical worship
- they believe Holy Spirit is present and influences them in their prayers
- they speak in tongues, which they consider a gift from the Holy Spirit.
- believe acts of ‘faith healing’ may take place within religious services, where Holy Spirit heals people. may be a physical or spiritual healing.
judgement day
-on judgement day Jesus will return to earth in a ‘second coming’. marks end of human existence on earth.
This belief is known as the ‘Parousia’.
- soul is able to join God in heaven after death.
- also be physical resurrection.
- This means that people will be brought back to life with physical bodies, just as Jesus was, stated in creeds
traditional beliefs about heaven and hell
- thought of as real places.
- believed that hell was underground and heaven in the sky.
contemporary beliefs about heaven and hell
-raise important questions; If God is a God of love and a God of forgiveness then would he not forgive everyone, which means nobody goes to hell forever?
- Catholics believe in purgatory.
- people who die dont gain immediate entry into heaven because theyre stained by their sins.
- These people go to purgatory, (waiting room for heaven) , where they undergo a process of cleansing and purification
- Judgement Day all of those held in purgatory will go to heaven. Catholics believe it is important to pray for the souls of the dead and those in purgatory.