Introduction to Vestibular Disease Flashcards
Vertigo and imblanace vs/ presyncope and syncope
Presynciope and syncope almost never have inner ear etiology
Duration of BPPV
Vestbiular Neuritis
BPPV - less than a minute associated with head movmts
Men - episodic attacks 20 min -hrs
Vestibular neuritis - hrs to days receding to imabalance over weeks
Migrain - varaible
Rapid alternating mvmts
FInger to nose
Tandem gait
oculomotor mvmts
Truncal ataxia could be vermis
Abnormal smooth purusit - flocculus
Saccadic dysmetria - vermis
Widened or shuffling gait means
Tests central balance
Could be abormal between labyrintheine attakc but normal between
Pronator drift
UMN disorders
IN CVA will be contralateral to side of CVA
Fukuda step test
Patient will drift toward side of lesion
Peripheral nystagmus
Direction fixed
SUppresses with visual fixation
Central nystagmus
Purely vertical and direction changing
Most iwhtout warning
Caused by canalithiasis (90% post semicricular cnaal)
BPPV clinical
Nausea and vomiting may accompany
Make sure they don’t confuse clustering of episode with long duration
BPPV diagnosis
Posterior - geotropic rotary nystagmus with affected ear down (90%)
Horizontal - pure horizonal nystagmus direction changing
Posterior BPPV vs. central positioning nystagmus
Posterior has latency of 5-20 secs, duration <60, fatiguje with repeated testing and reversed sitting upright…cupulothiasis may cause no latency and porlonged duration
Central - no associated vertigo
Tx of BPPV
Canal particle repositiong manuevers
Epley for posterior and log roll for horizontal
Post CRP instruction
Sleep upright for 48 and use recliner or pilows