Introduction to kinesiology and physical Education Flashcards
Specialized areas of study in Kinesiology (earning Objective)
There are four specialized areas of study in kinesiology
- Education
- Physical Education
- Exercise Science
- Sport
Ongoing process of learning that occurs throughout our lifespan and take place in variety of setting
Physical Education
An educational process that uses physical activity to help individuals acquire skills, fitness, knowledge, and attitudes that contribute to their optimal development and well-being. It includes:
- Acquisition and refinement of motor skills
- Development and maintenance of fitness for optimal health and well being
- Acquisition of knowledge about physical activities
- Fostering of positive attitudes conducive to lifelong learning and lifespan participation (physical literacy)
Exercise Science
Scientific analysis of exercise or, more inclusively, physical activity
Highly organized, competitive physical activities governed by rules
Disciplines connection to the professions of physical education, exercise science, and sport relative to the field of kinesiology. (Learning Objective)
- Physical Education: Sport History, Sport and Physical Activity Psychology, Motor Development, Motor Development, Motor Learning, Physical Education Pedagogy, and Adapted Physical Activity/Physical Education.
- Exercise Science: Sport Sociology, Sport Biomechanics, Sports Medicine/Athletic Training, and Exercise Physiology.
- Sport: Sports Medicine/Athletic Training, Sport Philosophy, Sport History, Sport and Physical Activity Psychology, Motor Learning, Sport Sociology, and Sport Management.
My Social Identities (Learning Objective)
- White
- Latina
- Woman
- Middle Class
- Non-Disabled
- Heterosexual
- Catholic
- Young
The Profession
- Occupation requiring specialized training in an intellectual field of study that is dedicated to the betterment of society through service to others.
- Professionals’ commitment to promote lifespan physical activity for all members of society benefits the health of the nation.
Academic Discipline
- An organized body of knowledge collectively embraced in a formal course of learning
- The acquisition of such knowledge is assumed to be an adequate and worthy objective as such, without any demonstration or requirement of practical application.
- The content is theoretical and scholarly as distinguished from technical and professional.
Kinesiology Knowledge Bases
- Exercise Physiology
- Sports Medicine/ Athletic Training
- Sport Biomechanics
- Sport Philosophy
- Sport History
- Sport and Physical Activity Psychology
- Motor Development
- Motor Learning
- Sport Sociology
- Physical Education Pedagogy
- Adapted Physical Activity/Physical Education
- Sport Management
Exercise Physiology
Study of the effects of various physical demands, particularly exercise, on the structure and function of the body.
Sports Medicine/ Athletic Training
Concerned with the prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation of sports related injuries
Sport Biomechanics
Applies the methods of physics and mechanics to the study of human motion and the motion of sport objects.
Sport Philosophy
Examines sport from many different perspectives
Sport History
Critical examination of the past, with a focus on events, people, and trends that influenced the development and direction of the field.
Sport and Physical Activity Psychology
Uses principles and scientific methods from psychology to study human behavior in sport
Motor Development
Studies the factors that influence the development of abilities essential to movement
Motor Learning
- Study of changes in motor behavior that are primarily the result of practice and experience
- The effect of the content, frequency, and timing of feedback on skill learning is a critical area of study
Sport Sociology
Study of the role of sport in society, its impact on participants in sport, and the relationship between sport and other societal institutions
Physical Education Pedagogy
Study of teaching and learning in school and non school setting
Adapted Physical Activity/Physical Education
Concerned with the preparation of teachers and sport leaders to provide programs and services for individuals with disabilities
Sport Management
Encompasses the many managerial aspects of sport, including personnel management, budgeting, facility management, and programming
JEDI Principles
- Justice
- Equity
- Diversity
- Inclusion
of all regardless of one’s social identity.
Allied Fields (Learning Objective)
- Fields that share with kinesiology the purpose of promoting the development of the total individual and the concern for quality of life.
- Differ in content and methods used
- Physical activity contributes to health and fitness throughout life. Bicycling is an excellent activity for people of all ages
Examples of Allied Fields
- Health Education: Focus on the total well-being of the individual (physical, mental, social, emotional, occupational, and spiritual health)
- Recreation and Leisure: Self-chosen activities that provide a means of revitalizing and refreshing one’s body and spirit.
- Dance: A physical activity and a performing art that gives participants an opportunity for aesthetic expression through movement.
Constantly Changing
- Professionals must continue their knowledge development based on the latest research, both scientific and practitioner-based.
- Research findings create opportunities for professionals to inform, change, modify, and enhance their practice.
- It is an individual’s ethical duty to stay current in the latest research, practice, and technologies to provide your students, clients, and players with the most accurate and effective instruction and practice.
- Advanced degrees are increasingly required for many professions.
Reading Research (Learning Objective)
- Scientific Research: Systematic approach to gathering information that potentially answers a research question.
- Practitioner-based Research: Application if information learned within your instruction or area of practice.
- Quantitative Research: Based on numbers, primarily the statistical analysis of numeric data that were gathered.
- Qualitative Research: Answers questions through words, images, and sounds.
- Helps professionals stay abreast of new developments in the field.
- Facilitates communication among professionals
- Plays a role in professional activities such as teaching, assessment, and research
Technology and Responsibilities (Learning Objective)
- Communicating and collaborating with colleagues
- Sharing ideas and resources
- Taking advantage of professional development opportunities