Health and Physical Activity in Our Society Flashcards
Changing Demographics
- 1900: life expectancy 50 years
- 2023: life expectancy 81 years
- 2043: is projected that 25% of the population will be 65 and older
Age Distribution, Under the Age of 14.
- 2021: 17% of the population was under the age of 14
Fastest Growing Population Groups
- Non-permanent residents (2.2
million) - Indigenous Peoples (1.8 million)
Important for professionals to reflect on their view of cultural diversity. (Implications of Changing Demographics)
Cultural diversity (DeSensi): “Differences associated with gender, race, national origin,
ethnicity, social class, religion, age, and ability/disability, but it can also include differences in
personality, sexual orientation, veteran status, physical appearance, marital status, and
parental status.”
Important for professionals to continuously develop their cultural competence through awareness of and reflection on their own values, beliefs, biases, and prejudices. (Implications of Changing Demographics)
- Culture: Refers to integrated patterns of human behaviour that include the language,
thoughts, communications, actions, customs, beliefs, values, and institutions of racial, ethnic, religious or social groups. - Culture influences an individual’s health, beliefs, behaviours, activities, access to care, adherence to programs, and treatment outcomes.
Implies having the capacity to function effectively as an individual and an
organization within the context of the cultural beliefs, behaviors, and needs presented by
consumers and their communities.
Cultural humility
The process of self-reflection and critique followed by action to create change in an unjust society.
Health and Wellness
- Health
- Holistic health
- Wellness
A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease and infirmity —World Health Organization, 1947.
Holistic Health
Focuses on the whole person
and encompasses the intellectual and spiritual
dimensions of health in addition to the physical, mental, and social dimensions.
State of optimal health and well-being in which an individual’s physical,
emotional, social, mental, spiritual, and environmental aspects of health are in balance.
Wellness Aspects
- Physical
- Emotional
- Social
- Mental
- Spiritual
- Environmental
How one’s body functions, freedom from disease, being
active on a regular basis, following sound nutritional
practices, maintaining a healthy body weight, and
getting sufficient sleep.
Enhances well-being through acceptance of one’s
feelings, appropriately expressing a wide range of
emotions, and effectively managing stress.
Emphasizes the development of interpersonal skills and
healthy, fulfilling relationships as well as contributing to
the welfare of others and one’s community.
Characterized by sound decision making skills,
intellectual growth, and high self-esteem
Reflects a sense of purpose in life and living in
accordance with one’s beliefs and values
- Encompasses where an individual lives and works.
- Includes amount of noise, level of pollution, availability of safe places to walk, and type of housing.
Chronic Disease in Canada (2021)
- 45.1% of Canadians lived with at least one major chronic disease or risk factor.
- Prevalence and number of chronic conditions increased with age and were higher for
females compared with males across all age groups.
- Prevalence and number of chronic conditions increased with age and were higher for
- Most common chronic conditions: overweight (35.5%), obesity (29.2%), arthritis
(19.5%) and high blood pressure (17.7%)
Mental Health in Canada (2021)
- Anxiety disorder: over 3.3 million Canadians aged 12 and older (10.4%)
- Mood Disorder: over 3.1 million (9.6%) reported having a mood disorder.
- Suicide
- impacts people of all ages and backgrounds in Canada.
- ~4,500 people die by suicide yearly (= 12 people /day).
Obesity in Canadian adults
- Risk factor for several chronic conditions (diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, arthritis, cancer)
- 2021:
- 35.5% of adults were overweight
- 29.2% were obese (in 1970s, 14% of Canadian adults qualified as obese)
Overweight and Obesity in Youths
80% of overweight and obese children and adolescents are becoming overweight and obese
Implications of the Wellness Movement (School Physical Education)
- Need for strong, passionate spokespeople on behalf of
physical education and sport. - Should be an integral component of a comprehensive
school physical activity program. - Should provide the foundation for participation in physical activities throughout one’s lifespan
Implications of the Wellness Movement (School Settings)
- Offer worksite health promotion programs to school employees.
- Use of the school as a community centre during evening hours, on the weekend, and during
the summer.
Implications of the Wellness Movement (Community)
- Offer more physical activity programs for older adults.
- Increased worksite health promotion programs for employees at all levels that include fitness,
recreation activities, and health promotion programs. - Continue to offer programs at commercial fitness clubs and community programs for individuals of all ages.
Key Messages
- People of all ages can benefit from physical activity.
- People can improve their health by engaging in a moderate amount of physical activity on a regular basis.
- Greater health benefits can be achieved by increasing the amount of physical activity, through changing the duration, frequency, or intensity of effort.
Implications of the Fitness and Physical Activity Movement 1
- School-based programs must teach students the skills for lifetime participation and foster an
appreciation for the value of fitness and physical activity. - Professionals must understand the inequities, the strong feelings they evoke, and the strategies that can be effectively employed to change the situation.