˗ˏˋ introduction ´ˎ˗ Flashcards
anthropology is derived from what two greek words?
- anthropos: humans
- logos: study of
what is holism?
the idea that the parts of a system interconnect and interact to make up the whole.
what is fieldwork?
practical work conducted by a researcher in the natural environment, rather than in a laboratory or office.
who is zhang qian (164BC – 113BC)?
- military officer in china assigned by emperor wu of han.
- travelled china for 25 years and learned about many cultures. he shared what he learned with the emperor who used this establish connections.
- discovered many trade routes (e.g.: silk road).
who is abu abdullah muhammad ibn battuta (aka ibn battuta) (1304CE – 1369CE)?
- amazigh (berber) moroccan muslim scholar who travelled 30 years throughout islamic world (europe, sub-saharan africa, india and china).
- documented customs and cultures in book tuhfat al-anzar fi gharaib al-ansar wa ajaib al-asfar (a gift to those who contemplate the wonders of cities and the marvels of traveling), shortened to al rihla (travels).
what is the “age of discovery” (1400s-1700s CE)?
it was the europeans’ turn to explore but also to colonize.
what is ethnocentrism?
the opinion that one’s own way of life is natural or correct and the only true way of being fully human.
what was the “age of enlightenment”?
emphasis and embracement of science and ideas like evolution led to the idea of unilinear evolution.
who was henry lewis morgan (1818-1881)?
- proposed unlined evolution. - made the first ethnography by chance with the seneca of new york (was their lawyer).
- referred to living societies of native americans as “living fossils.”
- concluded that societies evolved in the same steps:
savagery – barbarism - civilization.
what is empirical evidence?
evidence that is verifiable by observation or experience instead of relying primarily on logic or theory.
who was franz boas (1858-1942)?
- father of american anthropology
- created the american four subfield approach to anthropology with archaeology, cultural anthropology, biological anthropology, and linguistics.
- said that biology (race) did not determine cultural achievements
- argued against unilinear evolutionism.
what is participant observation?
a research method common in cultural anthropology that involves living with, observing, and participating in the same activities as the people one studies.
who was bronislaw malinowski (1884-1942)?
- polish anthropologist who lived on the trobriand islands from 1914 to 1916.
- his original plan was not to stay for so long, but WWI kept him there.
what are the sub-disciplines?
cultural anthropology, linguistics, archaeology, biological/physical anthropology and sometimes applied anthropology.
what is cultural anthropology?
- also known as social or sociocultural anthropology, it is the study of customary practices in human behavior, thought, and feelings.
- focuses on humans as culture-producing and culture-reproducing creatures.
what did cultural anthropology used to be?
it was mainly white scientists living among an indigenous group and studying them as an outsider. however, this has changed as our understanding of societies and humans grew.
what is cultural relativism?
the anthropological practice of suspending judgment and seeking to understand another culture on its own terms sympathetically enough so that the culture appears to be a coherent and meaningful design for living.
what is the view of cultural anthropology?
that culture is integrated and patterned.
who was margaret mead (1901-1978)?
- she studied teenage and women’s lives in samoa.
- wrote the book coming of age in samoa in 1928.
- described culture as a force that created almost endless possibilities.
what is the ideal timing for fieldwork?
about one year as it gives the opportunity to experience all holidays and seasons.
what is linguistic anthropology?
it researches the relationships between language, thought and culture.
how many languages exist today?
over 6,000.
what is the sapir-whorf hypothesis?
also know as the linguistic relativity hypothesis, it is the principle that the language one speaks allows them to think about some things and not other things.
what is archaeology anthropology?
- studies human culture through the recovery and analysis of material remains and environmental data.
- includes tools, pottery, hearths, and enclosures that remain as cultural practices in the past, as well as human, plant, and marine remains, some that date back 2.5 million years.
- reflects specific human ideas and behaviors.
what is prehistoric archaeology?
archaeologists who survey, excavate, and analyze material remains to study civilizations that lacked written records.
what is historical archaeology?
archaeologists who excavate and analyze material remains to supplement a society’s written records.
what is physical/biological anthropology?
- the study of human origins.
- some biological anthropologists study non-human primates.
what are hominins?
species that are regarded as human, directly ancestral to humans, or very closely related to humans.
what did jane goodall’s research demonstrate?
chimpanzees make tools, socialize their young, and have emotional social lives similar to humans.
what is applied anthropology?
- rather than its own sub-discipline, it is used throughout all of them.
- a good anthropologist will combine applied and academic approaches to research.
- an example of combining the applied and the theoretical is medical anthropology.
what are the six subfields of biological anthropology?
primatology, paleoanthropology, molecular anthropology, bioarchaeology, forensic anthropology, and human biology.
what are the things humans have in common with non-human primates?
tool use, crows and octopi, social groups, and cooperative relationships.
who is dian fossey?
- found that gorillas have families and form strong maternal-infant relationships.
- discovered that they mourn the loss of members in a group and that they enjoy playing and tickling.
what is paleoanthropology?
the study of our human ancestors from distant past to learn how, why, and where they evolved.
when were neanderthals around?
about 120,000-35,000 years ago in ice age europe.
what does it mean to be bipedal?
habitually using only two legs to walk, modern non-human primates have the ability to walk bipedly, but not for long periods of time.
who is donald c. johanson?
paleoanthropologist who is most well know for discovering the remains of a 3.2-million-year-old fossilized skeleton of australopithecus afarensis (or lucy).
what is molecular anthropology?
- uses molecular techniques (primarily genetics) to compare ancient and modern populations and to study living populations of humans and nonhuman primates.
- researches how closely related two populations are, and more.
what is bioarchaeology?
- studies human skeletal remains and the soils and other materials found in and around the remains and uses research methods from osteology, mortuary studies, archaeology, and skeletal biology.
- looks for how people lived and died, either ancestors or modern humans.
who is otzi the iceman (3300 BCE)?
- one of the oldest humans discovered in the alps.
- he is said to have lived over 5,200 years ago.
what is forensic anthropology?
- develops biological profile of unidentified individuals including sex, age at death, height, ancestry, and diseases.
- similar research techniques as bioarchaeology and often works closely with law enforcement.
- heavily into the applied sub-discipline.
who is kathy reichs?
- real life bones (and author of series).
- she worked on teams to identify victims in rwanda, guatemala, and the world trade center disaster (9/11).
- one of 100 anthropologists certified by the american board of forensic anthropology and is on the board of directors of the american academy of forensic sciences.
what is human biology?
many biological anthropologists do work that qualifies as human biology.
what is human variation?
the range of forms of any human characteristic, such as body shape or skin color.
what is human adaptation?
the ways in which human bodies, people, or cultures change, often in ways better suited to the environment or social context.
what sub-discipline of anthropology is the most “sciencey”?
physical anthropology.
what does science study?
the physical and natural world, and how it works.
what does science focus on?
natural phenomenon and natural processes.
what is special about science?
it is tested and refutable.
what is a hypothesis?
- an explanation of observed facts.
- explains how and why observed phenomena are the way they are.
- rely on empirical evidence.
- are testable and are able to be refuted.
what is the scientific method?
old version is the linear model and new version is more of a cycle.
what is scholarly peer review?
the process where an author’s work must pass the scrutiny of other experts in the field before being published in a journal or book.
what is a theory?
an explanation of observations that typically addresses a wide range of phenomena.
what is a law?
a prediction about what will happen given certain conditions; typically mathematical.
what is a knowledge system?
a unified way of knowing that is shared by a group of people and is used to explain and predict phenomena.
what is scientific understanding?
knowledge accumulated by systematic scientific study, supported by rigorous testing and organized by general principles.
what is a religious belief?
a firmly held opinion or conviction typically based on spiritual apprehension rather than empirical proof.
what is religious faith?
complete trust or confidence in the doctrines of a religion, typically based on spiritual apprehension rather than empirical proof.
what is special about science and religion?
they often work closely together.
what do many scientists depend on?
local indigenous knowledge when it comes to elements of natural world.
what is indigenous?
refers to people who are the original settlers of a given region and have deep ties to that place.
- also known as first peoples, aboriginal peoples, or native peoples.
- these populations are in contrast to other groups who have settled, occupied, or colonized the area more recently.
who is eve of naharon?
dated to 13,600 years ago, she is (as of today) the oldest known north american skeleton.
who is philippe bourgois (1956–) ?
argued that both individual choices and social inequality can trap people in the overlapping worlds of drugs and poverty.
who is benjamin whorf (1897–1941)?
- observed that whereas the english language has grammatical tenses to indicate past, present, and future, the hopi language does not; instead, it indicates whether or not something has “manifested.”
- argued that this grammatical difference causes english and hopi speakers to think about time in distinct ways.
who is ekkehart malotki (1938–)?
argued against whorf by claiming that the hopi language does, in fact, have linguistic terms for time and that a linear sense of time may be universal.
who is kathleen kenyon (1906–1978)?
- british archaeologist who discovered city structures and cemeteries built during the early bronze age.
- argued that jericho is the oldest city continuously occupied by different groups of people for thousands of years.
who is paul farmer (1959–2022)?
- did fieldwork and wrote books that contextualize the suffering of haitians in relation to historical, social, and political conditions.
- took action by co-founding partners in health, a nonprofit organization that establishes health clinics in resource-poor countries and trains local staff to administer care.
what is comparison?
the use comparative approaches to compare and contrast data from different populations, from groups within a population, or from the same group over time.
what is dynamism?
how human’s ability to change, both biologically and culturally, has enabled them to persist over millions of years and to thrive in different environments.
what percentage of primates face extinction?
about 60%.