˗ˏˋ exam three´ˎ˗ Flashcards
what are horizontal excavations?
- an excavation for which the goal is to excavate a broad area in order to expose the remains of a single point in time
- more shallow
what is vertical excavation?
- an excavation for which the goal is to excavate a significant depth of deposits in order to expose the record of a sequence of occupations
- deeper
what are artifacts?
- objects that show traces of human manufacture
- examples include tools and vessels, as well as the waste resulting from a manufacturing process
lithic analysis is the study of stone tools - ceramic analysis is the study of pottery and other objects made of fired clay
- metallurgy is the study of metal artifacts and the by-products of smelting
what is archaeological theory?
ideas that archaeologists have developed about the past and about the ways we come to know the past.
what is the paleolithic period?
- about 2.5 million years ago to 10,000 B.C.
- where humans lived with now-extinct animals
- also called the old stone age
what is the neolithic revolution?
time of rapid change to human cultures due to the invention of agriculture, starting around 12,000 years ago.
what is emic?
- an approach to archaeological or anthropological analysis that attempts to understand the meanings people attach to their actions and culture
- em, me, insider perspective
what is natufian?
societies in the middle east that practiced a broad-spectrum subsistence strategy that relied on a wide range of resources.
what are longhouses?
long rectangular structures, measuring up to 30 meters (98 feet) long, and housing extended families.
what is mesopotamia?
- a region along the course of the tigris and euphrates rivers centered in modern iraq
- lots of wetlands, that have become arid climates
- because most of the neolithic homes were made of organic materials, they are not found in the archaeological record
what is cuneiform?
- a writing system in which signs were impressed in wet clay
- was used to write a range of languages, including sumerian and akkadian
what is the pharoah’s curse?
- pharaoh tutankhamun, aka “king tut”
- tomb was discovered and opened in 1923, by howard carter (british archaeologist) and team
- there was no curse discovered in this tomb, however there had already been rumors of curses on anyone that would rob a pharaoh’s tomb
- about 6 weeks after the opening of the tomb, lord carnarvon (who financed the expedition) died of an infected mosquito bite
- 8 people (of the original 58) who entered the tomb, died of various causes over the next decade
- carter either survived the curse, or the curse took a very long time because he died in 1939
what is the thera/santornini?
- a cycladic island that was devastated by a major volcanic eruption during the bronze age
- volcano erupted around 1600-1500 BCE
- many gorgeous frescos of life in a minoan society including ships for trade and combat
who is gordon v. childe?
- 1892-1957, australian archaeologist
- powerful visual memory allowed him to make comparisons and recognize patterning in the archaeological collections across europe
- shifted the focus from artifacts to societies of people living in a network of social and economic relations
- was a politically active marxist who emphasized the social organization of production and revolutionary change in human societies
- inspired by working with soviet archaeologists, as well as the work of US ethnographer lewis henry morgan
- helped steer archaeology towards the study of ancient cultures, rather than just the recovery of objects
what are ecofacts?
objects recovered from an archaeological context that are either the remains of biological organisms or the results of geological processes.
what are thunderstones?
objects such as ground stone axes that people in medieval europe believed were formed in spots where lightning struck the earth.
what is the neolithtic period?
- 10,000–4,500 BC
- there are polished stone tools
- also called the new stone age
what is cultural ecology?
the study of human adaptations to social and physical environments.
what are venus figures?
- any upper palaeolithic statuette portraying a woman, usually carved in the round
- named due to the commonly misunderstood arms as “missing” like on the famous statue venus de milo
how are plastered skulls, the paris catacombs, and the skull chapel in poland related?
- plastered skulls are human skulls on which a plaster face has been modeled; found buried beneath floors on sites dating to the pre-pottery neolithic b period
- the pairs catacombs have human remains that were removed from cemeteries and relocated to catacombs for space. now it is available to tour, but many areas are collapsed
- the skull chapel in poland was built in 1776, contains remains from over 3,000 people and human remains from 30 year war, as well as natural causes. built as a shrine for those who died prematurely, as well as serve as a reminder of our own mortality
- all related as they are forms of decorating with human remains
what is an egalitarian society?
a society in which the only differences in status are based on skill, age, and gender.
what is the ziggurat?
a stepped pyramid found in many mesopotamian temple precincts.
what is the cylinder seal?
- one of the methods developed by mesopotamian scribes to mark ownership
- they were made by carving scenes onto cylinders of stone. the cylinder seal was then rolled across fresh clay or mud, leaving behind an impression
- used to seal both vessels, and rooms
what is the mycenaean?
- a bronze age society that developed on the peloponnese peninsula and in central greece
- portrayed as aggressive warriors
- the core of the society was the palace
what is the role of domestication in the andes?
- llamas and alpacas
- domestication of potatoes in the dates back at least 3,000 years
what is the role of nepal and the great plunder?
- refer to documentary notes
- people are reselling nepal cultural pieces for money
- even museums may participate in this
- trying to bring back cultural items to where they were
what is a stress response?
- a predictable response to any significant threat to homeostasis
- the human stress response involves the central nervous system and the endocrine system acting together
- sudden and severe stress incites the “flight or flight” response from the autonomic nervous system in conjunction with hormones secreted by the adrenal and pituitary glands, increasing our heart rate and breathing and releasing glucose from the liver for quick energy
what are zoonoses?
diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans.
what are the health consequences from agriculture and domestication?
what are food deserts?