intro_to_aviation_block_7_20180401181957 Flashcards
What is the Canadien NOTAM procedure
a manuel published to set forth standard procedures for the organization and distribution of canadian NOTAMS
what do NOTAMS provide
essential information to pilots concerning flight operations
WHo issues NOTAMS
will be issued through a flight service specialist, who will use this manual to ensure NOTAM information is provided in a standard format and issued on a timely basis
What is the air traffic designator hand book
- this is designed to provide the encoding and decoding of aircraft types and airlines- the aircraft type section shows you each airplanes wake turbulance, gross weights and stopping group, its landing gear the type of propulsion and manufacturer- This is used for a controller working with an unusual type of aircraft
What does ATSAMM stand for
ATS administration and management manual
Whats in the ATSAMM
- contains policies, standards and criteria that are used to manage an ATS unit- this will outline a standard format for agreements - managers and supervisors are the primary users of this manual
What is the MATS
ATC manual of operations
Whats in the mats
- this is the controllers primary reference- contains rules, procedures and separation minima that a controller must follow- The material is used by ACC and TCC across canada
What does CARS stand for
Canadian aviation regulations
what is in the cars
- the most recent federal aviation documents- came into effect october 1st 1996- The purpose is to amplify certain categories of the aeronautics act.- It does this by providing specific regulations and standards necessary to operate a national aviation system
What is the Aeronautics act
- the purpose of the aeronautics act is to provide legal status for aviation in canada- it is an act of parliament outhorizin through the minister of transport or cabinet, the control of civil aeronautics in panda, inching enforcement guidelines
What does TC aim stand for
The aeronautical information manual (TC AIM)
What is in the TC AIMS
- has been developed to consolidate pre flight information of a lasting nature into a single primary document- written in plain language and refers to the rules of the air procedures for aircraft operations in canadian airspace- controllers will reference the RAC section the most (RULES OF THE AIR AND AIR TRAFFIC SERVICES)
What does DAH stand for
Designated airspace handbook
Whats in the DAH
- provides a legal description of Canadian airspac.- an extensive and precise listing of all canadian airspace is included in the book- both controllers and pilots will use this reference to determine information about a specific area of airspace
What is the canadien light supplement
- a joint civil/military publication issued every 56 days. It contains information on canadian and north atlantic aerodromes and is used as a reference for the planning and safe conduct of air operations
What does ICAO stand for
Aeronautical Information Publication - A.I.P canada
Whats in the ICAO
- the ICAO is published and disseminated by NAV CANDAA and is an ICAO complaint publication intended primarily to satisfy international requirements for the exchange of aeronautical information of a lasting nature- It contains or provides reference to basic permanent and long duration temporary canadian aeronautical information. The A.I.P Canada (ICAO) is the main information source for basic canadian aeronautical information required by ICAO, including supplements and AICs.
What is in the general section of the canadian flight supplement
- tables, legends and associated information pertinent to interpretation of the supplement
What information could be found i the Aerodrome Directory section of the canadian flight supplement
This is a comprehensive reference of the facilities and services that are available at aerodromes in canada. some of the info provided in this section of the CFS is:- Aerodrome name and identification- Latitude, longitude and elevation- Flight plan Information- Runway data- services- lighting (AS means runway ident lights, TE means threshold and runway end lights)- communication- navigation- larger airports - defined VFR routes
What information can be found in the Planning section of the Canadian flight supplement
- information for flight planning, characteristics of airspace, chart updating, flight restrictions, IFR routes, airway intersections, and chart distributors- this page shows the preferred IFR routes, these are in the CFS to help pilots flee routes between locations.- For example, if a pilot was to file an IFR flight plan from Cranbrook to Calgary, ATC will expect a specific route consistent with ATC procedures to ensure a safe and very efficient flow of traffic
What information can be found in the Radio Navigation and communications section of the Canadian flight supplement
- Data for radio navigation aids and communication facilities- will also find the latitude and longitude of a naviaid
Whta information can be found in the military flight data and procedures section of the Canadian Flight Supplement
Military flight at a and procedures tables of contents
What kind information can be found in the emergency section of the Canadian flight supplement
Two way communication failure
What is the four elements in the regulatory
Element 1 - The Law Element 2 - Regulations Element 3 - Standards Element 4 - Advisory
Whats the aeronautics act
- element one/ the law- provide for the making and repealing of regulations
What is the Canadian Aviation regulations
- came into effect in 1996 to regulate certain categories of the aeronautics act that are necessary to operate a national aviation system- specific rules or regulations that are necessary to operate the aviation system- two types of provisions found in CARs, The offence-creating provisions and the administrative provisions
What Standards are incorporated in regulation
- one of the reasons for introducing CARs was to simplify the regulatory system, thereby making i more user freindly- one method of accomplishing the was to combine as many standards with the appropriate regulations as possible
Standards incorporated by reference in regulation
- at times, standards are given in another document- instead of repeating these standards a reference is made in the regulation as to where one might find the appropriate standards
Standards incorporated in separate documents
- certain subject matter, due to its complex nature, requires too much information to be included in the normal regulations.- so separate standards documents have been created to compliment the regulation. They become part of the CARs, and maintain the same numbering system - for example; section 821 of the CARs contains all the separation standards used by air traffic controllers
What are cars advisory
Advisory, These are recommended procedures or guidance material which provides information in respect of a regulation or a standard. Advisories are identified by having the number four (4) as the second digit in the CARs reference.
How does the numbering system work for the CARs code602.60(1)(c)(i)(A)
6 Part0 Type ( 0=regulation, 2= standard, 4 advisory)2 Sub-Part.6 section0 ^(1) Sub section(c) Paragraph (i) Subparagraph (A) Clause
What are the three conditions to revise an operations certificate
1) The unit must have personnel qualified to provide the appropriate service at that location2) - The unit management must be able to guarantee the unit will be operated in a manner that provides for safe aircraft operation.3) The unit must have an approved ATS Site Manual. This manual would detail the type of service being provided. Transport Canada would approve the Site Manual and issue the Operations Certificate
No person shall act as an air traffic controller or a flight service specialist
- within eight hours after consuming alcohol; - while under the influence of alcohol;or - while under the influence of any drug or other substance that impairs theperson’s faculties to the extent that aviation safety is affected.
What is an ATC instruction
- A directive issued by an ATC unit for air traffic control purposes- indicate an instruction by using an action verb in the imperative mood
What is an example of an ATC instruction
JZA123 climb to FL190WJA23 turn right heading 040
Whats a ATC clearance
- issued by ATC unit to proceed within controlled airspace in accordance with the conditions specified by that unit - prefix an ATC clearance with ATC CLEARS (a/c Ident)- You may prefix a clearance with “(AIRCRAFT IDENT) CLEARED” provided the direct controller pilot communication is used
Whats an example of an ATC clearance
Subject to subsection (3), the pilot in command shall: READ OVER
- Comply with and acknowledge, to the appropriate air traffic control unit, all of the air traffic control instructions directed to and received by the pilot in command; and- Comply with all of the air traffic control clearances received and accepted by the pilot in command and- subject to subsection 2, in case of an IFR flight, read back to the appropriate ATC unit the text of any etc clearance received and- In the case of a VFR flight, read back to the appropriate ATC unit the text of any ATC clearance received, when so requested by the act unit
Exemptions are made if it is in the public interest and is not likely to affect aviation safety
What is an Arrangment
- between ACC (unit directives operations letters, operations bulletin, staff memo) and Other NAV Canada Units (Towers, FSS, ACC, etc)- between units in NAV CANADA
What is agreement
- between ACC and FAA DND others
Agreements READ OVER
- Agreements are made between NAV CANADA and other agencies (outside of NAV CANADA) for the provision of air traffic services. For example, Edmonton ACC will have an agreement with Salt Lake Center. - An administrative or operational accord between NAV CANADA and one or more outside parties regarding the provision of Air Traffic Services. - Managers shall, when it is necessary to negotiate and prepare an Agreement, propose to the other party the NAV CANADA format as detailed in 303, or the appropriate format as detailed in 302, be used. If the other party insists on another format, managers shall ensure all applicable articles from the NAV CANADA format are included.
When is a re-agreementsand arrangements required: RO
A) to set out responsibilities for the provision of air traffic services; B. to delegate responsibility for airspace or define conditions for its use; C. to detail coordination requirements or establish procedures for standard operating practices that supplement the basic requirements as published in MATS or other directives; or D. to define procedures for other operational reasons offering a benefit to the NAV CANADA unit(s) or outside party(ies).
Managers shall ensure that operations letters, operations bulletins, and staff memos are processed as follows:A. number each group separately and serially, with reference to the calendar year, beginning with number “1” for the first letter, the first bulletin and the first staff memo issued each year. B. each letter, bulletin and memo shall be signed by the manager; C. provide copies of current letters, bulletins, memos, and indexes listing the serial number, effective date, and subject of each, in the Unit Operations Manual or Sector Operations Manual, as appropriate; D. if an amendment is necessary: 1. for a bulletin or staff memo, cancel the original and issue a new one; and 2. for an operations letter: a. cancel the original and issue a new one; or b. issue an operations bulletin that provides for a page replacement with changes identified by a vertical line beside the change and with the effective date of the change printed on that page. E. cancel letters, bulletins and memos when the directive or information is no longer applicable or has been published in another document. F. retain cancelled letters, bulletins and memos for a period of 7 years
Managers shall ensure that operations letters, operations bulletins, and staff memos are processed as follows:A. number each group separately and serially, with reference to the calendar year, beginning with number “1” for the first letter, the first bulletin and the first staff memo issued each year. B. each letter, bulletin and memo shall be signed by the manager; C. provide copies of current letters, bulletins, memos, and indexes listing the serial number, effective date, and subject of each, in the Unit Operations Manual or Sector Operations Manual, as appropriate; D. if an amendment is necessary: 1. for a bulletin or staff memo, cancel the original and issue a new one; and 2. for an operations letter: a. cancel the original and issue a new one; or b. issue an operations bulletin that provides for a page replacement with changes identified by a vertical line beside the change and with the effective date of the change printed on that page. E. cancel letters, bulletins and memos when the directive or information is no longer applicable or has been published in another document. F. retain cancelled letters, bulletins and memos for a period of 7 years
Explain Operations Letters
managers shall issue direction and information required for the efficient administration and operate of the unit in the form of operation letters, for long term items related to:- the provision of airtraffic services (eg control, coordination, communication, or equipment opening procedures- The operation of aircraft
Explain Operations bulletins
Managers shall issue direction an information required for the efficient administration and operation of the unit in the form of operations bulletins, for short term items related to:- the same subjects as in A. 1. and A. 2. or- the amendment of current operations letters- normally remain valid for not more then 60 days, if content is required longer then it shall be incorporated into a operations letter
Staff memos:
managers shall issue direction and information required for the efficient administration and operation of the unit in the form of staff memos for;- non operational nature- staff relations- unit housekeeping- administrative practices
Sector binders:
a binder which is readily available at a position, containing information for the operation of a sector or unit included in this binder is the following information:- Area of responsibility- Airways, routes, and corridors - NAVAIDs - Holding area - Arrival, approach, and departure charts for all airports within the area of responsibility - Communication facilities - RADAR - Agreements, arrangements, unit directives - List of operational equipment or systems whose monitoring is assigned to an operating position - Limits of a unit MF radio coverage within an MF area - Unit procedures
What are forms and reports
- there are inference events that may occur that will require a report to be filled out. It is import to know which events require a report and how to fill them out accurately
What are the rules for completing forms and report include but are not limited to: RO
- take care in the preparation of each form or report to ensure neat and accurate results. You should type forms and reports that are forwarded to Regional Office or Head Office.- Indicate units of measurement.- Indicate altitudes and flight levels in hundreds of feet.- Use authorized location indicators, air traffic designators, suffixes, abbreviations, and symbols in the completion of all forms and reports.- In general correspondence use place names in lieu of location indicators and translate and write in plain language any special codes or abbreviations that may not be understood outside the unit office.
What does AOR stand for
An aviation occurrence report
what is an AOR RO
- and aviation occurrence report is to be completed my controllers, flight service specialists and unit/site managers in order to report any aircraft occurrence, operating irregularity or incident/accident. - The report needs to be completed as soon as possible following the occurrence- two copes of the report need to be made and distributed to the ACC shift manager and the Unit file. It must be retained for 90 days
What does OCR stand for
Operational condition report
What is an OCR RO
- operational condition report- ATS can report on any item they feel impedes the achievement of operational effectiveness - a few examples of deficiencies; Equipment,Procedures, Operations, Training, Publications - This program is not to be used for; grievances, ideas that have already received full consideration, replace the unsatisfactory condidin report/change proposal origination report for reporting automated system deficiencies
- communications instructions for reporting vital intelligence sightings- CIRVIS reports should be made immediately upon a vital intelligence sighting of any airborne and ground objects or activities which appear to be hostile, suspicious, unidentified or engaged in possible illegal smuggling activity- A CIVRIS report are required when: - unidentified flying objects - submarines or surface warships identified as being non-Canadian or non-American - violent explosions - unexplained or unusual activity, including the presence of any unidentified or suspicious ground parties in Polar regions, at abandoned airstrips, or other remote, sparsely populated areasA CIRVIS report via air/ground communications might include:a. Message prefixed by the word “CIRVIS”. b. Identification of reporting aircraft. c. Brief description of sighting: - number, size, shape, etc. d. Position of sighted object or activity. e.Date and time of sighting in UTC. f. Altitude of object (if airborne). g. Direction of movement of object. h. Speed of object. i. Any Identification.
rules for the CIRVIS
Forward any CIRVIS report received to the appropriate area control centre. Area control centres shall forward any CIRVIS report received to the Mission Crew Commander, Canadian Air Defense Sector, North Bay at (705) 494-6011 Extension 6400. Senior Director at Canadian NORAD North Bay.
The unit log
- it is important that certain events be recorded so that all personnel are kept informed as to what has occurred and may be ongoing- at the start of a shift a controller is expected to read the unit log to determine if there is anything that will impact on operations. Controllers are also required to make entries in the unit log regarding items that impact on operations during their shift - the unit log needs to be completed by; shift managers, supervisors and controllers
Types of entries
- Item requiring a message to Head Office.- Item requiring an aircraft occurrence or in-flight incident report to be filed.- Equipment malfunction that may have a bearing on unit or aircraft operation.- Emergency situation such as lost aircraft, bird strike, bomb threat, or hijacking.- Special flight handling such as fuel dumping, minimum fuel declaration, use of surveillance or VDF for assisting VFR aircraft encountering IFR weather, or airspace activities.- Temporary change in unit operations such as ad hoc use of flow control.
Rules to remember when making entries in the unit log
- entries should be made as soon as possible after the incident occurs.- Below weather minima aircraft occurrences are recorded only in the Aviation Occurrence Report.- For reporting bird strikes, it is expected the controller will include location, type of aircraft, type (or size) of bird activity, action taken by aircraft (if available).- Record an entry to indicate routine operations if no unit log entries are required during the day.- If practicable, record each entry in time sequence together with the pertinent time- Initial each entry upon completion of entry.- f the space provided for entries is insufficient, securely attach a separate sheet to record the required information.- Do not use the unit log to record personal comments or administrative items, such as, leave or overtime assignment.- Only one (1) copy of the log is required and must be kept in the unit file.- All unit logs must be retained for 7 years.
How many copies of the unit log are required for the unit
Only one copy of the unit log is required for the entire unit