Intro to Zoonoses/Zoonoses from Carnivores Flashcards
What are arthroponoses?
Diseases that people get from other people
*the reservoir is human
What are zoonoses?
Infectious diseases that people get from animals, either directly or indirectly
animals are the ultimate reservoir for dz
T/F: Poisoning/envenomation by animals is a form of zoonoses
What are some of the most common zoonoses in the USA?
Salmonellosis lyme dz giardia shiga-toxin E. coli WNV Rocky mountain spotted fever
What are some examples of zoonoses that are reportable in animals?
Yersina pestis rabies bacillus anthracis mycobacterium bovis brucella abortus Venezuelan equine enchephalomyelitis
What are some costs of zoonotic diseases?
Cost in human health: lost of productivity, loss of life - disease/suicide
Economic costs: treatment and prophylaxis, import and export restrictions, lost trade and tourism
How do people acquire zoonotic dz?
pets, farms, state fairs, petting zoos, pet stores, nature parks, wooded and brushy areas, child car facilities
Who ca get zoonotic dz?
Farmers and vets have a high occupational risk
Children, elderly, pregnant woman, and immuno-compromised are of the biggest concern
What social changes have affected zoonoses?
Changes in small animal ownership Changes in the "status" of animals Changes in exotic animal ownership Changes in food animal production Changes in global trade and travel
What has been the changes noted in food animal populations over the years?
Large increases in the population of production animals per farm
What are the roles of veterinarians regarding zoonoes?
Prevention and control
Occupational safety (protecting yourself and staff from daily exposure)
T/F: Some zoonotic dzs can be perpetuated in nature by a single vertebrate species
Ex: rabies, brucella
T/F: All vector transmitted infections require a combination of vertebrate and invertebrate hosts
What are some examples of viral zoonoses?
Colorado tick fever Ebola Influenza Rabies Nipah Monkeypox WNV etc etc etc
What are some examples of bacterial zoonoses?
Anthraz brucellosis campylobacteriosis plague psittacosis Q fever etc etc etc
What are some examples of protozoal zoonoses?
Trypanosomiasis babesiosis cryptosporidiosis Giardiasis toxoplasmosis etc etc
What are some examples of helminthic zoonoses?
Baylisascariasis cysticercosis echinococcosis schistosome dermatitis larval migrans etc etc etc
How does a human get infected with Toxoplasma gondii?
infected feces in the litter box
Eating unwashed vegetables with infected feces
Eating raw infected meat (pig/sheep)