Dog bites/other injuries Flashcards
____% (AAHA) of workman’s comp claims made by vets and vet staff are for bite wounds
______% of AVMA PLIT claims are for ____ bites
Cat bites
T/F: Dogs bite nearly 2% of the US population annually
more than 4.7 million
Who makes up the largest portion of dog bite victims, at 60%?
Children less than 12 years old
Males> females
Where are children most commonly bit by dogs?
The head and neck
Where are adults most commonly bit by dogs?
On the extremities
What is the most common pathogen cultured from dog bite wounds?
Pasteurella species
Others: strep, staph, Moraxella, cornyebacterium, neisseria
What problem is associated with dog bites in children?
70-76% of reported dog bites are from what type of dogs? (not breed)
Intact male dogs
**most are less than one year in age
- not behaviorally mature/less experience
- testosterone
In majority of the children dog bite cases, what is missing from the environment when the bite occurs?
An able-bodied person to intervene
*kids should not be left alone with pets
Has any breed been statistically proven to bite more than others?
Most preventable and common factor is related to the lack of supervision, and owner factors, that are unrelated to the dog breed
What are AVMA’s reasons why breed bands don’t work?
- heredity isn’t the only cause of biting behavior
- No reliable denominator for # of dogs of each breed
- No correction of data for repeat biters
- Changing popularity of breeds over time
T/F: both the CDC and AVMA have come to the conclusion that dog bites are not breed specific/biased
What are preventative steps dog owners can take to decrease the risk of their dog biting someone?
- Consult with a professional to learn about what breed or kind of dog will work well in your household
- use caution when bringing a child/infant around the dog and never leave them unsupervised
- spay and neuter
- properly socialize and train any dog entering the household
What is the most common population to suffer from cat bites?
Veterinarians and vet staff
Women»_space;> Men
T/F: The majority of cat bites are inflicted by unknown cats
The majority are “known” cats and are usually in the home
Where (on the body) do majority of cat bites take place?
Upper extremities
Up to _____ percent of cat bites become infected
cats have sharp, slender teeth that make deep puncture wounds
Pasteurella multocida
Mixed aerobic and anaerobic infetions
Of veterinarians, what population is more likely to get injured on the job?
New vet (less than 5yrs in practice)
What factors will make vets more likely to injury on the job?
Working more than 60hrs a week
Sleeping less than 6 hrs a night
If there are no sharps containers where you work
*major injury and chronic injury are more likely in large animal