Intro to Radiology Flashcards
What is dental radiology?
The study of x-radiation for diagnostic purposes
Which side of the receptor faces the tube head?
Blue side/ black side of receptor cover
Which side of the receptor faces AWAY from the tubehead?
Side with writing on it, the side with the A inserted into the receptor holder
What are the three types of intraoral exposures?
Periapical exposures, bite-wing exposures, occlusal exposures
Periapical exposures
Most frequently used
Used to show the root apex of the tooth and the surrounding structures
What are the three sizes of receptors used for periapicals and what are they used for?
No. 0- Used for children
No. 1- Used for anterior exposures in adults
No. 2- Standard size, designed for use in all areas of adult (Posteriors) and pedodontic mouth
Bite-wing Exposures
Primarily used to detect caries in the interproximal spaces and to determine the height of the alveolar bone crest
Same receptor size as normal posterior PA’s
What are the sizes of bite-wing receptors and what are they used for?
No. 3- Extra long, used for molar/premolar- will often have overlapping due to the curve of the dental arch
No. 2- Molars or separate premolars
No. 1 or 2- Anterior adult teeth (vertical)
No. 0- Small children
Occlusal exposures
For larger areas of the dental arch
To view cross section of the teeth and the complete palatal structure or floor of mouth
Used intra/extraorally
What should you ask the patient before exposing radiographic images?
Ask about previous exposures (medical or dental) and radiation treatment
Radiation dosage if known
How long since last exposure
Do exam to determine if radiographs are necessary. Only take if needed for diagnostic purposes
What safety precautions to we take as operators?
- Never hold the receptor in the patients mouth
- Stand behind protective barrier
- Stand at least 6 feet away from x-ray unit
- Never stand in direct line of beam
- Do not use a pointed cone
Benefits of preventative radiation
To determine perio pathology/loss of bone structure
ID of calculus in advanced perio cases
ID of prolonged retention of deciduous teeth
Occlusal effect on premature loss of teeth
Presence or extent of caries
Benefits to the patient
Necessary to proceed with required treatments
Good preventative measure to detect pathology early and prevent advance disease
Save time and money
Avoid unnecessary pain
Methods of patient education
Assemble series of xrays depicting normal vs abnormal conditions
Printed literature
Discuss with patient need for radiographs
Patients should understand rational for radiographs
Care of xray unit
Do not force arm to overextend
When finished do not leave arm extended over chair (will cause tube head drift)
Do not let tube head make contact with wall. Will cause seal to loosen.
Allow 5 seconds between each exposure for cooling
Turn off when not in use