intro to neuropath; basic tissue reactions, brain edema, brain herniation Flashcards
cells of the gray matter
neurons, astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, neuropils
like a fibroblast of CNS, respond to injury
these cells make up the majority of tumors
macrophage of brain
Ciliated ______ cells cover surface of ventricle
arachnoid mater and pia mater
meningothelial cells
arachnoid cells
Degeneration of the axon distal to the site of injury occurs within _____ and is called
- the first day - wallerian degeneration
Influx of macrophages occurs within _____ of neuronal injury, and phagocytosis of the degenerating myelin occurs over _______
- 2–3 days - the next several weeks
Proliferation of astrocytes leads to a reactive gliosis in ______
by one week
Reactive astrocytes and microglial have_____ cytoplasm
Total CSF volume is ______, of which ____ are within the ventricles
- 150 ml - 25 ml
____ ml of CSF are produced each day
Obstruction of CSF flow causes________ of the ventricles (hydrocephalus) proximal to the blockage
an enlargement of one or more ventricles (ventriculomegaly) caused by an obstruction of the bulk flow of CSF
theventriculomegalythatresultsfroma loss of brain tissue (brain atrophy)
Hydrocephalus ex vacuo
common causes of hydrocephalus
- Aqueductal stenosis - Dandy-Walker malformation - Chiari II malformation - Post inflammatory or post hemorrhagic hydrocephalus - tumors
may result from a congenitally malformed cerebral aqueduct or acquired
aqueductal stenosis
a hindbrain malformation showing downward extension of the cerebellar vermis through the foramen magnum
Chiari II malformation
Chiari II malformation is closely associated with ___________
lumbar meningomyelocele
Post-inflammatory or post-hemorrhagic hydrocephalus
inflammatory cells or hemorrhage may block the cerebral aqueduct (non-communicating hydrocephalus) or clog the subarachnoid space/arachnoid villi (communicating hydrocephalus).
Describe this

Dandy–Walker malformation. Note the very hypoplastic inferior cerebellar vermis and the cystic dilatation of the fourth ventricle.
blood brain barrier
Controls extracellular environment of brain by regulating the movement of molecules from the blood into brain’s extracellular space and into the CSF.
________ between endothelial cells restrict inter-endothelial passage of molecules.
Tight junctions
Lipid-soluble molecules are (not/restricted) by BBB.
not restricted
Keeps blood-borne infectious agents out of brain and CSF; may impede drug delivery to the brain and CSF
blood brain barrier
BBB breakdown leads to
increased capillary permeability.
Extracellular edema mainly localizes to the _____
white matter.
BBB breakdown may be visualized _________ with a________
- radiologically
- contrast agent
Increased vascular permeability may lead to an increase in _______, which can be detected by lumbar puncture (LP) and CSF analysis
CSF protein
mass effect
an increase in brain volume due to an increase in fluid. The fluid may be extracellular or intracellular.
brain edema
Brain edema accompanies many types of brain disease. Name some examples
trauma, infarcts, tumors, infections, inflammatory processes, hydrocephalus, water intoxication, and hepatic encephalopathy.
Three types of brain edema
- vasogenic
- cytotoxic
- interstitial
extracellular edema due to increased permeability of brain capillaries (BBB breakdown).
vasogenic brain edema
Vasogenic brain edema takes place mainly in the _____
white matter.
intracellular edema due to an osmotic imbalance between the cell and the extracellular fluid.
cytotoxic cellular brain edema
cytotoxic brain edema mainly happens in the ________
gray matter
extracellular edema in periventricular white matter due to the transependymal flow of CSF in hydrocephalus.
interstitial/hydrocephalic brain edema
what kind of edema

type of edema

cytotoxic edema
type of edema

interstitial edema
ICP is the pressure inside the ________.
Monro-Kellie hypothesis
The cranium has a fixed volume and contains CSF, blood, and brain. Any increase in volume of one component means that one or both other components must be reduced in volume to not increase pressure
Increased ICP is evidenced clinically
by headache, nausea, vomiting, and papilledema (swelling of the optic disc).
causes of increased ICP
- mass lesion
- hydrocephalus (communicating or non)
- diffuse brain emergency
- obstruction of a major dural venous sinus
- idiopathic intacrainal hypertension
as the ICP increased the CPP ___
(cerebral perfusion pressure)
uncal herniation shows dilated ____contra/ips___ pupils
from compression of the parasympathetic fibers in cranial nerve ______
- ipsilateral
uncal herniation will result in contralateral ______ from compression of the ipsilateral cerebral peduncle
Coma, decerebration, abnormal respirations, and fixed, dilated pupils from compression of the upper brainstem are caused from
uncal herniation
consequences of a mass lesion
Intracranial mass
Increased intracranial pressure
Decreased cerebral perfusion pressure
Global brain ischemia then death
Brain herniation
Brainstem compression