Intro to low vision Flashcards
Vision loss that cannot be corrected through, surgical intervention, or wearing assistive technology.
Low Vision
_____ ______ is severe enough to interfere with occupational performance allows some unseable vision.
Visual Impairment
Differentiate between low vision and blindness
low vision allows for some useable vision whereas with blindness there is no ability to use vision.
____ ____ is a definition used by the US government to determine if someone is eligible for disability benefits and other services, based on vision criteria
Legal Blindness
To be legally blind, a person must have:
20/200 or less in their better eye or a visual field of 20 degrees in the better eye.
True/False: Persons who are legally blind have. varying degrees of vision loss
True/False: Persons who are completely blind are also included in the definition of legally blind.
True/False: Persons with low vision loss may always qualify as legally blind but, can have significant limitations in occupational performance.
False (They may NOT always qualify as legally blind, because they still have useable vision.)
___ ___ Codes are assigned to each level and used to bill for medical rehabilitation
The medical system uses the WHO (World Health Organization) Criteria: which describes a range of visual impairments based upon _______ visual acuity
Amanda’s vision has severely declined as she has seen an Occupational therapist to help with her occupational performance. Her vision loss is 20/200-20/400. What Visual level does this indicate?
she has Severe Low Vision
(according to the WHO visual impairment levels)
Kelsy went in for her eye exam and the optometrists stated that her vision is 20/20-20/30 and she does not need glasses. What visual level does this indicate?
she has Normal vision (according to the WHO Visual Impairment Levels)
In adults, most low vision is a result of 3 age-related diseases:
Macular degeneration
Diabetic Retinopathy
Prevalence of the disease increases with each decade over age ___ & account for ___% of referrals to low vision clinics.
60; 90%
Timothy has a progressive eye condition that primarily affects the macula, the central part of the retina, leading to central vision loss.
Age-Related Macular degeneration
Gordon is at the eye doctor for a checkup of his eyes. He has developed an eye condition that damages the optic nerve, due to increased intraocular pressure, leading to vision loss and blindness if untreated.
Glaucoma (accounts for 13% of referrals.)
Higher incidence in African Americans and more susceptibility to experiencing vision loss.
What are the two types of
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
What race is affected and what is the percentage of high prevalence among adults?
-Dry AMD & Wet AMD
- ALL races get DRY AMD; Caucasians are at greater risk for WET AMD
- Accounts for 60-90% of referrals
This progressive eye condition NEVER results in TOTAL blindness (hint: disease of central vision)
Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Because this eye condition damages the OPTIC NERVE it can RESULT in TOTAL BLINDNESS
Mrs.Pupil is 70 years old. She is at the doctor to get her eyes checked as she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 10 years ago. Because of her uncontrolled diabetes, she has developed a diabetes-related eye condition and has noticed some visual impairment that can also lead to potential blindness.
Diabetic Retinopathy
(causes damage to the blood vessels in the retina)
Higher prevalence in Minorities (accounting for 9% of referrals)
What are some common characteristics of Low Vision?
- age-related
- Vision loss is permanent
- Chronic and progressive (no cure)
What are the CONGENITAL eye diseases present at Birth?
- Optic Nerve Hypoplasia (small nerves)
- Nystagmus (rapid eye movement)
What are the ACQUIRED eye diseases that develop after birth?
- Retinopathy of prematurity (premature infant)
- Cortical Visual Impairment (brain damage)
What are the Inherited eye diseases that run in the family?
- Retinitis pigmentosa (back wall of the eye is damaged)
- Stargard’s disease
- Albinism