Intro to learning (1) Flashcards
A stimulus is an ______ that happens to you, can be perceived by __ _ ______, and can be ________ or _______
an event that happens to you
perceivable by all 5 senses
cab be external or internal
A response is __________ ___ __, it can be _________ or __________.
Response = something you do, can be voluntary or involuntary
Learning is the process of _________________________________. Learning has occurred when there is a ____________________________________
process of acquiring new knowledge
persistent change in behaviour as a result of experience.
If asking a subject to see if they have learnt something is not possible, such as in ______ or _______, the best way to see if someone has learnt something is to _________________________
Cannot ask infants or animals
observe behavior and persistent changes in behavior
True or false, not all behaviour is learned and some is innate?
Give one example of an animal with a fixed innate behavior?
Tinbergen’s stickleback fish, who become aggressive when they see a fish (or non fish) with a red belly. They respond aggressively to the red belly.
Fixed action patterns are __________ _______ triggered by a ____ stimulus. Here, the stimulus is ____-_____ to trigger the behavior via mental images, with the association forming through __________
stereotyped responses triggered by a sign stimulus
stimulus hard wired to trigger behavior through mental images
association forming through evolution
What is a supernormal stimulus in ethology? Give an example
A replica stimulus more effective at triggering a response than its natural counterpart, Such as replica stickleback fish where the red belly is emphasized
Despite unlearned behaviour being important in __________, it is not entirely sufficient, and animals need to learn to _______ to changes in their __________.
unlearned behaviour important in survival
however animals need to learn to adapt to environment
What is habituation in learning?
A reduction in response to a stimulus as a result of repeated exposure to the stimulus.
Short term habituation is when the response __________ _________ after delay whereas long term habituation is when the response___________ after delay
Short term H = response doesn’t recover
Long term H = reduced response remains/recovers after delay
In habituation, there is a ____-__________ _____ between stimulus and behaviour. Because the response is weakened it is actually a form of ___-_____________ learning.
pre-existing link between stimulus and behaviour
a form of non-associative learning
Classical conditioning is when two ________ are paired to make a ________ ___________. Therefore one _________ predicts the other _________. The Conditioned response is ___________.
classical conditioning = pairing two stimuli to make an association or causal relationship
one stimulus predicts the other stimulus
Instrumental conditioning occurs when a ___________ is paired with a _________ ___________. Therefore a ________ predicts the ____________. Responses are _________.
response paired with a stimulus outcome.
therefore a response predicts the stimulus
responses are voluntary
What is the difference between positive and negative punishment?
give examples
positive punishment = add something (i.e the belt) to dec likelihood of behaviour
Neg punishment = take away something (i.e no phone) to dec likelihood of behaviour
What is the difference between positive and negative reinforcement?
Give examples
Positive Reinforcement = add something nice to inc behaviour (reward)
Negative reinforcement = do behaviour to avoid negative outcome
What is one experimental design to used to test classical and instrumental conditioning?
A Shortbox autoforming
B Longbox autoforming
C Longbox autoshaping
D Shortbox autoshaping
C Longbox autoshaping
3 key issues in creating instrumental and classical conditioning in animals is that you:
Can Control what response the animal does but cannot _______________________
Can Control which stimuli are paired but not ________________________
Can pair 2 stimuli but cannot ___________________________________
cannot make animal do response
cannot make animal experience stimuli
cannot control environmental/additional stimuli
Omission training is when a behavior (innate, learned) _________ a good outcome, therefore an animal learns to _______ the behaviour.
Behaviour prevents good outcome so animal learns to omit behaviour