Intro to Health Protection Flashcards
What are the 3 domains of public health?
+ Health protection
+ Health improvement
+ Improving services
What is the definition of sporadic regarding occurrence?
Occasional cases occurring irregularly
What are the difference types of occurrence?
+ Sporadic
+ Endemic
+ Epidemic
+ Pandemic
What is the definition of endemic?
Persistent background level of occurrence (low to moderate levels)
What is the definition of epidemic?
Occurrence in excess of the expected level during a given time period
What is the definition of pandemic?
Epidemic occurring in or spreading over several countries
What is the definition of an outbreak?
+ Two or more people who experience a similar illness or confirmed infection and are linked by a common factor
+ When the observed number of cases unaccountably exceeds the expected number for a given place and time
What 3 things form the epidemiological triad?
+ Host
+ Agent
+ Environment
Agent: what factors increases likeliness of disease?
+ Virulence
+ Infectiousness
+ Infective dose
+ Drug resistance
Host: what factors increase likeliness of disease?
+ Age
+ Genetic susceptibility
+ Nutrition
+ Immune status
Environment: what factors increase likeliness of disease?
+ Climate
+ Sanitation
+ Overcrowding
+ Reservoirs of infection
Agent: what control measures can help to prevent disease?
+ Treat cases
+ Isolate cases
+ Good prescribing practice (to prevent antibiotic resistance)
Host: what control measures can help to prevent disease?
+ Immunisation
+ Prophylactic treatment
+ Good nutrition & general health
Environment: what control measures can help to prevent disease?
+ Barriers (e.g PPE, bed nets, condoms)
+ Hygiene measures (e.g hand-washing, reduce overcrowding, food safety, sanitation, water treatment, vector control)
What are the links in the chain of infection?
\+ Infectious agent \+ Reservoir \+ Portal of exit \+ Mode of transmission \+ Portal of entry \+ Susceptible host