Intro To Anatomy Flashcards
The definition of anatomy? And physiology?
The study of structure. The study of function.
What is microscopic anatomy?
Something small that can’t be seen w naked eye
What is cytology and histológy?
Cytology- study of cells
Histology- study of tissues
What is regional anatomy?
Study of structures within single region
What is surface anatomy?
Study of internal structures as their locations relate to regions of the skin or other surface marking
What is systemic anatomy?
Study of structures involved with a specific activity
Exp: digestion
Structural organization of the body
Atoms- molecules- cells- tissues- organs- system- organism
What is a section of the body?
The result of a cut or slice of a specimen
What is a plane of the body?
Imaginary flat surface passing through the body at point or angle
What are the types of planes?
Coronal- divided back and front of body
Transverse- divides body into upper and lower parts
Sagital: divides body into unequal left and right halves. But mid sagital divide body into equal halves
Oblique: passes through at an angle
Anterior vs posterior
Superior vs inferior
Medial vs lateral
Proximal vs pistal
Medial: towards the midline
Lateral: away from midline of body
Proximal: closer to
Pistal- further away
What is in the posterior/dorsal aspect?
Cranial cavity (skull bones) and vertebrae canal (spinal cord)
What is the anterior/ventral cavities? What’s it made up of? What separates them?
Thoracic (heart and lungs)
Abdominopelvic cavity which obv is divided into the abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity.
What is a serous membrane sac. What are they divided into?
Outer lining of organs/cavities
Divided into 2 layers. Parietal and visceral layer. Parietal is outside and visceral is inside
What is the mediastinum?
Where heart is located.