Intro pt. 2a Flashcards
Global Atmospheric Composition &
Circulations: Water Vapor & Clouds
Atmospheric water
Most common transport: ______
High evaporation heat (2501 J/g at 0C)
Evaporation and condensation: important in ______ in the atmosphere
evaporation & precipitation
energy budget
Global Atmospheric Composition & Circulations: Water Vapor & Clouds
collectively: “evapo-transpiration”
Evaporation from a given surface depends on 4 things
Flux of energy
Relative humidity
Wind movements
Properties of the surface
under properties of the surface, which refers to increased transport to the atmosphere as evaporation though the stomata of plants
Global Atmospheric Composition &
Circulations: Water Vapor & Clouds
Condensation in the free atmosphere does not always lead to precipitation…stops at
formation of clouds
3 main types of clouds:
_____ Clouds with vertical development (above 50k ft)
_____ Middle clouds 6,500 – 20,000 ft.
_____ Low clouds, surface up to 6,500 ft.
_____ High clouds 20,000 ft and above
Cumulonimbus clouds
Altocumulus clouds
Nimbostratus clouds
Cirrus clouds
_____– formed by large-scale vertical movements (cm/s), lifetime: 1 day over oceans
____– bubble formed clouds, formed locally, due to heating of the Earth’s surface, rising velocity in m/s, lifetime – about 1 hour
____ – Tread-formed thin clouds, formed at larger heights (> 5 km), consists of ice particle
- _____= physical condition of the atmosphere (particularly the troposhere) at a specific time and place with regard to wind, temperature, cloud cover, fog and precipitation
- _____= collective word for rain, hail, snow, etc.
- _____, highly variable and somewhat unpredictable
- _____= longer term view of the weather patterns of a particular locality
The energy that drives processes in the atmosphere: _____
Radiation from a black body
Incoming solar radiation
Albedo and angle of incidence
Outgoing long wave radiation
Heat balance
Solar energy
______ - Large gaseous globe; mainly hydrogen and helium
Kept warm by internal nuclear fusion
Outer 1000 km of the sun’s surface: _____ (radius: 0.7 million km from center)
What happens to an incident electromagnetic radiation?
______- fraction of the incident radiation that
is reflected
______- fraction of the incident radiation that
is absorbed
______- fraction of the incident radiation that is transmitted
A body that absorbs all electromagnetic radiation that falls on it is called a _____.
“perfect absorber” - _____
Neither transmits nor reflect any of the radiation that they intercept
black body
Realization of a black body:
An insulated enclosure with a ____ , through which light can pass through. The incident light is reflected to the internal surface (big surface
compared to the tiny hole).
very little of the reflected light can
pass back through the _____.
nearly all incident light is absorbed by the internal surface of the enclosure.
tiny hole
Realization of a black body:
A ___ often modeled as a black body, and electromagnetic radiation emitted from these bodies as black-body radiation.
The emitted light of a _ is generated in the photosphere, within which the photons of light interact with the materials in it and achieve a common temperature T that is maintained over a long period of time.
star or planet
A _____ is also a perfect radiator (emitter), i.e., the relative intensities of the different frequencies that it radiates are dependent only on its temperature.
black body
Radiation: ____ is a function
of Temperature
energy flux