Clean Air Act Pt. 1: Republic Act 8749 Flashcards
- An Act providing for a comprehensive air pollution control policy and for other purposes.
- Contains 7 chapters and 56 sections
Clean Air of 1999”.
Legislative process of the Philippine Clean Air Act of 1999. (Approved)
_______ - Manuel B. Villar, Congress
_______- Marcelo B. Fernan, Senate
________- President Joseph Ejercito Estrada
May 10, 1999
May 13, 1999
June 23, 1999
- The law adheres to the _______ of the people to “a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature”
- To _________ that meets the National Air Quality Guidelines for Criteria Pollutants, throughout the Philippines, while minimizing the possible associated impacts on the economy
- Constitutional right
- achieve and maintain clean air
the state shall protect and
advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful ecology in accord with the rhythm and
harmony of nature recognizing the primary responsibility of local government units to deal
with environmental problems
Recognizes the principle that “_______”
Recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all and should therefore be
concern of all
“polluters must
the state shall pursue a policy of
balancing development and environment protection. To achieve this end, the framework for sustainable development shall be pursued.
DECLARARTION OF POLICIES - It shall be the policy of the State to:
- _______ a holistic national program of air pollution management that shall be implemented by the government through proper
delegation and effective coordination of functions of activities. - _________cooperation and self-regulation among citizens and
industries through the application of the market-based instruments. - _______ public information and education to encourage the
participation of an informed and active public in air quality planning
and monitoring
- Formulate
- Encourage
- Promote
The right to breath clean air
The right to participate in the formulation, planning,
Implementation and monitoring of environmental policies and programs and in the decision-making process
The right to be informed of the nature and extent of the potential hazard of any activity, undertaking or projects or activities that may have adverse impact on the environment and public health
Identify the extent of pollution in the country per type of pollutant
Analysis and data evaluation, projections of air pollution
Identification of critical areas that needs closer monitoring
establishment and operation of appropriate devices, methods, systems and procedures , (best available
local government codes/ordinances, inter-agency collaborations and programs,
designation of Airshed programs (Attainment and Non- attainment Areas)
Creation of air quality framework/network/ control
action plan(Annual National Air Quality Status Report)
(1) Motor Vehicle Emission Management
(2) Industrial Emission Management Program, Industrial enforcement program from stationary
sources; compliances, permits, emissions tests,
CEMS/COMS, provision of penalties
(3) Roadside ambient and general ambient air monitoring.
Refers to the Earth’s Atmosphere. _____ is a mixture of many gases and dust
particles. It is the clear gas in which
living things live and breathe.
Sustain life and growth.
Refers to the contamination of the air, irrespective of indoors or outside.
It occurs when harmful or excessive quantities of substances including gases, particles, and biological molecules are introduced into Earth’s
means any matter found in the
atmosphere other than oxygen, nitrogen, water vapor, carbon dioxide, and the inert gases in their natural or normal concentrations, that is detrimental to health or the environment.
type of air pollutants
- primary pollutants
- secondary pollutants
Emitted directly from a source e.g. six (6) criteria pollutants (NOx, CO, VOCs, SOx, PM, Pb)
Primary Pollutants