Interpersonal - Relationship management Flashcards
subcompetency - key concepts
relationship management
what is relationship conflict and what are the 2 types?
key concepts for conflict
Relationship conflict is a disagreement between people resulting from varying personality traits amongst employees
1) unacknowledged conflict (not addressed/surpressed)
2) poorly managed conflict
relationship management
definde task conflict
key concepts for conflict
organizational disparities between employees on how best to complete tasks and company objectives.
relationship management
why do task conflicts occur?
key concepts for conflict
task conflict
bc of differences in
- needs
- behaviors
- ability to work with others
- work ethic
relationship management
examples of task conflict
key concepts for conflict
task conflict
- disagreement between employees about how a team distributes tasks to team members
- disparity between employees on how an organization shares its resources
- When a junior employee performs a task incorrectly because of unclear information
- When different employees understand work facts and objectives differently, including performing these tasks based on false organizational orientation
relationship management
what is interorganizational conflict
key concepts for conflict
interorganizational conflict
Inter-organizational conflict is conflict between organizations.
occurs when there is a high level of competition between two firms, or when there are mergers, takeovers, and acquisitions.
Inter-organizational conflict involves disagreements between two opposing forces over goals or the sharing of resources.
As organizations expand their boundaries into wider areas, encountering inter-organizational conflict becomes a possibility
relationship management
what is intraorganizational conflict and how can it be solved
key concepts for conflict
intraorganizational conflict
conflict within the organization (i.e. between business practices, managers v employeed)
mediation (less expensive)
arbitration (more expensive)
relationship management
accommodation conflict resolution style
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
characterized by a low level of assertiveness and a high level of cooperativeness
this is effective to avoid conflict and find a solution quickly; however if used too often relationships can be jeopardized.
relationship management
when is accommodating conflict resolution appropriate?
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
where you do not have a strong opinion on the topic at hand.
this allows others with more significant stakes to drive the outcome without unnecessary resistance
relationship management
what are possible negative outcomes for someone using accommodating conflict resolution style?
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
- being taken advantage of
- others may not take them seriously
- built up resentment toward other party
- limited problem solving ability
- missed growth opportunities
- ineffectiveness in high stakes conflict
relationship management
collaboration conflict resolution style
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
“Let’s find a solution that works for all of us”
- make sure that both sides are satisfied
- requires open discussion of all the issues and concerns, exploration of alternative solutions, and honesty and commitment from all the parties
downside - its hard to do!
relationship management
compromising conflict resolution
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
- middle ground between two opposing sides
- parties negotiate a solution that’s acceptable to both. Rather than win-win, it’s more often a draw where each side is left only partially satisfied
relationship management
competitive conflict resolution style
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
high on assertiveness, low on cooperativeness;
what it looks like: focused on having your point of view heard, truly believing it is correct, and are unwilling to budge.
relationship management
when is it best to use competitive conflict resolution style
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
- you have to make an unpopular decision
- you’re pressed for time
- you’re in a crisis
- you’re standing up for yourself
relationship management
disadvantages of competitive conflict resolution style
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
- Perceptions are formed as being aggressive, confrontational, or unreasonable
- Harms relationships
- Escalates conflicts
- Leads to deadlocks or stalemates, which if allowed to continue long-term, can compromise productivity and morale
- Stifles creative problem-solving, communication, and collaboration
relationship management
what’s avoidance conflict resolution style?
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
When you refuse to deal with a conflict
relationship management
when to use avoidant conflict resolution
key concepts for conflict resolution strategies
1) When an **issue is trivial **
2) there is no opportunity to constructively address the concern (may not be the right place or the right time and could make things worse)
3) When the potential cost of confronting the conflict outweighs the benefits in addressing it
4) To **buy time **and give angry people an opportunity to “cool down”
5) avoid making a rushed decision
6) When it is more appropriate for others to resolve the conflict
relationship management
perspective taking
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
ability to see the world from the perspective of others
understanding another’s point of view and emotions
to succeed in a negotiation, it helps to understand where the other party is coming from,
Perspective-taking also helps business leaders understand the necessity to keep subordinates informed
relationship management
principled bargaining
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
Principled negotiation is about finding a deal that will benefit all parties involved
interest based
Each party is concerned about the other(s) based on a vested interest in maintaining a relationship once the deal is completed
from “getting to yes”
relationship management
position-based bargaining
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
Positional bargaining is an approach that frames negotiation as an adversarial, zero-sum (win-lose) exercise focused on claiming rather than creating value. Typically in positional bargaining, one party will stake out a high (or low) opening position (demand or offer) and the other a correspondingly low (or high) one.
relationship management
examples of position-based bargaining
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
salary negotiations
car sales
real estate sales
relationship management
problems with position based bargaining for long-term relationships
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
Positional bargaining can be problematic because it can lead to a win-lose situation, where one party gains at the expense of the other. It can also lead to a breakdown in communication and a lack of trust between the parties involved.
relationship management
interest-based bargaining
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
interest-based bargaining is a negotiation strategy that focuses on parties’ interests rather than positions. It is also known as integrative bargaining.
Through this process, parties proactively identify durable solutions to outcomes at the bargaining table based on mutual and individual interests. The negotiations are consensus-seeking and the parties work together to try to solve problems
relationship management
key concepts - negotiation tactics, strategies and styles
not good for trust in relationships;
play parties against each other for the one who holds power
relationship management
how to build trust with the 4 factors of emotional intelligence
key concepts - Trust-building techniques,caring%20builds%20trust%20between%20leaders%20and%20their%20employees.
Self-Awareness: The ability to know emotions, as well as your strengths and weaknesses, and recognize their impact on performance and relationships.
Self-Management: The ability to control both positive and negative emotions and impulses and be flexible and adaptive as situations warrant.
Social Awareness: The ability to have empathy for others, navigate politically, and network proactively.
Relationship Management: The ability to inspire through persuasive communication, motivation, building bonds, and disarming conflict among individuals.
relationship management
how to build trust through relatability
key concepts - Trust-building techniques
Build strong connections with your followers by being relatable and showing them that you are just like them. The relatability factor is a powerful tool in effective leadership, as it allows leaders to create connections with their followers. When leaders are relatable, they are able to gain the trust and loyalty of their followers, which is essential for effective leadership
relationship management
how to build trust through transparency
key concepts - Trust-building techniques
Transparency can be thought of as being open and honest. Expressing your opinions and being direct. When done consistently, transparency builds relationships. It allows the leader to be seen as approachable and builds respect.
relationship management
how to build trust through vulnerability
key concepts - Trust-building techniques,to%20people%E2%80%99s%20strengths%20and%20accommodate%20and%20include%20everyone.
A key component in building trust is vulnerability. Sharing struggles and personal difficulties is about connecting to colleagues, understanding their perspectives and their lived experiences. When you do this, you can build teams that play to people’s strengths and accommodate and include everyone.
relationship management
recognize individual strengths to build trust
key concepts - Trust-building techniques
communicate strengths and leverage those strengths for team members’ assignments. this builds trust