International relations(not included) Flashcards
What was the Treaty of Rapallo and when was it made?
In 1922, Germany and the USSR were both isolated from the rest of Europe, so they made an agreement of mutual relations, to allow for diplomacy between them, to allow for economic and industrial help to pass through each other and to allow for Germany to train in the USSR
What was the Treaty of Berlin and when was it made?
In 1929 they increased relations, with Stalin getting help in his 1st FYP with factories
What was Stalins reaction to the rise of Hitler?
It was slow, but he wanted to keep relatively good relations with Germany, because he wanted an ally to collapse the Capitalist countries
When did Russia join the League of Nations?
When and how did Russia and America reestablish relations?
1933, with the establishment of an American Embassy in Moscow
What were the Riga watchers?
They were American spies that spied on Russia then went to Latvia to report back
Who was Litvinov?
The Foreign Minister
How was Litvinov able to keep good foreign relations?
He had worked in foreign affairs for a long tome, establishing good connections with the West. He was good at democracy and in getting to deals
Why did Russia want good relations with America?
Both were scared of the rising Japanese militaristic expansion, such as with Manchuria, and German aggression. They both wanted collective security
Why was it crucial timing for Russia to join the League of Nations?
Both Germany and Japan pulled out of the league, and they wanted collective security
What were popular fronts?
The rise of faschists Italy and Nazi Germany called for ‘anti fascist solidarity’, and it meant that the various Leftist states were united in a common goal.
What happened with the Popular Front in France?
In May 1935, there was a popular front made in France, with a call for other countries to follow suit
When did the support of popular fronts become official Comintern policy?
When did the USSR and Poland sign a non aggression pact?
December 1932, and in 1934 it was made into a 10 year long pact
When did the USSR and France sign a non aggression pact?
November 1932
Why did the USSR and France sign a non aggression pact?
France wanted some protection and were scared of the Nazis rise in militarisation, and public rearmament.
What was the issue the the Franco - Soviet Pact?
There wasn’t a specific clause on when the military cooperation would be activated, and people thought it was a weak defense against Germany
What was the pact between Czechoslovakia and the USSR?
The USSR would step in and help Czech militarily if a third party invaded Czech, and France would also help out
What even weakened Stalins belief in the Franco - Soviet Pact?
Frances passiveness when it came to Hitler remilitarising the Rhineland. He thought that if France wasn’t willing to go against Germany with this land, then it wouldn’t hold up in a real war with Germany
How did the French popular front want to react with the Spanish Civil War?
They didn’t want it to be international, so they coted on non intervention.
When did the Spanish Civil War start?
August 1936
When did Stalin decide to intervene with the Spanish Civil War?
December 1936
How did Stalin intervene with the Spanish Civil War?
Hundreds of Soviet ‘advisers’ were sent to Spain, with troops tanks and aircraft.
All of the troops were independent of the Spanish government, with the people reporting to Moscow not Spain.
What propaganda was being published about Spain?
That Russia was supporting an ‘anti fascist crusade’
What was Stalins reason for prolonging the Spanish Civil War in early 1937?
He wanted to wear down the Italian and German troops
What did Stalin focus on in the Spanish Civil War later on politically?
- Soviet priorities in Spain focused on internal turmoil between left wing opposition to Soviet Communism
What was Stalin motivated by in his politics in the Spanish Civil War?
He was concerned with internal security, and didn’t want any revolutionary ideas to spread that he couldn’t control. Many Soviet personnel from Spain were repressed after returning
What happened with the USSR’s relationship with France and Britain by 1937?
He was disillusioned with them, because of how little they did with the Spanish Civil War in preventing the Franciosts victory.
What was the public view in the west of Stalin with the Spanish Civil War?
They admired the willingness of the USSR to intervene in Spain
What was the governments view in the west of Stalin with the Spanish Civil War?
It increased dislike fir Russia and the feat of it spreading to other countries and discouraged future collaboration
What happened in 1937 with Hitlers lebensraum ideas?
He was preparing his generals to prepare for a war of aggression and territorial expansion against Czechoslovakia and Poland
What happened in 1937 with Japan?
It was planning a war of aggression against China
Why was Russia sceptical about their alliance with the western powers in late 1030’s?
The reliance on collective security for defense didn’t seem like it would be effective against Japan and Germany
How was the League of Nation viewed?
As being spineless because of their lack of willingness to take action, such as with Manchuria in 1931
What happened with Germany and Austria in 1938?
Germany invaded Austria and incorporated into the German Reich
What was the reaction of France and Britain to the German - Austrian unification?
They protested but did nothing substancial
What did Germany want to do after the German - Austrian unification?
It wanted to take Czechoslovakia, and tried to do so in summer 1938
What was France and Britains reaction to Germany staging its troops to invade Czechoslovakia?
France took a while to respond but Britain took the lead by deciding to make a peace deal with Hitler
Who was invited to the Munich Agreement in 1938?
Britain, France, Italy and Germany
Which important figures were left out of the Munich Agreement?
Czechoslovakia and the USSR
What was the USSR’s reaction to not going to the Munich Agreement?
It almost wiped out any chance of an anti - Hitler alliance with Russia included, and Russia was almost going to turn its back on the West
Why was Japan a threat to Stalin?
It was a military dictatorship and had.a powerful war machine, the Manchuria crisis of 1931 and Japans exploits in China in 1937 were alarming
What was the Anti - Comintern Pact of 1936?
It was an arrangement between Japan and Germany, where one would interference in their internal affairs by the Comintern
When did Italy join the Anti - Comintern Pact?
How many military personnel were at the Manchurian border by 1928?
There was a substantial number of military forces on the Manchurian Frontier
What happened at the Manchurian border from May to September 1939 (the forgotten war)?
100,000 troops, 100 tanks and aircrafts were involved in a war between Japan and the USSR
75% of Japanese troops in battle were killed
Why did Japan lose in the forgotten war?
It underestimated Russias military strength.