International Organisations Flashcards
Acceleration of globalisation
A tax imposed on imports
Financial assistance to a business by government to make it competitive/ prevent collapse
A limit on the quantity of a good a country allows into the country
Policies to protect businesses + workers in a country by restricting/regulating trade with foreign nations
Free-market economy
A market economy based on the supply + demand with little/no government control
Policy where a government does not interfere with imports/exports by applying tariffs, subsidies or quota
Transferring ownership of a public service/agency/property into private ownership run for profit
A political philosophy of free markets, free trade, privatisation, and increasing the role of business in society (decreasing government influence)
* Throughout that by making trade easier, there will be more of it, meaning wealth and reduction of poverty
Bretton Woods Institutions
- Formation of IMF and World Bank in 1914
- Aims were to help rebuild the shattered post-war economy + promote international economic corperation
International Monetary Fund
* create a stable climate for interantional trade and it provides financial assistance to countries encountering difficulties with their balance of payments
* Based in Washington
* Channels loans from the richest to the poorest nations that apply for help
* Governements receiving loans must agree to run free-market economies- open to outside investment + ensures country can afford to pay loan
* TNCs can enter country more easily, promoting globalisation
* SAPs- (Structural Adjustment Programmes)- strict conditions imposed on countries recieving loans- governments may be required to make cuts on healthcare + education to reduce the role of government + open it up to private investment
* E.g Tanzania- water to towns in city capital were cut off when country privatised its water
Criticisms of IMF
- Conditions of loans- giving loans to countries means IMF makes loans conditionals on implementation of cetain policies:
1. Reducing government + borrowing- Higher taxes + less spending
2. Allowing failing firms to go bankrupt
3. SAPs, privatisation, deregulation, reducing corruption and bureancy - Asia crisis 1997- e.g Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand
required to persue policies to reduce deficiet and strengthen exchange rates but policies caused a serious recession with very high levels of unemployment
World Bank
Improve the capacity of countries to trade by lending money to war-ravaged + impoverished countries for reconstruction + development projects
* Established in 1944 to rebuild post world war II, Europe
* Seeks to shape the world economy
* Fights poverty by offering developmentak assistance to middle + low income countries
* Gives loans, offers advice + training in public + private sectors
* Aims to eliminate poverty by helping people help themselves
* Finance development of nations through loans to promote FDI and trade
* Requires SAPs
Criticisms of World bank
World Banks SAP Bolivia 1990s
* 1994- World Bank refused $25 million loan to a local co-operative in Cochamba, Bolivia
* Instead insisted that British government hand over the running of local water supply to French multinational, Betchel giving the company total control over local water supply
* Locals were forbidden from collecting drinking water, had to pay the company or thirst
* Fees cost average residents more than cost of food
World Trade Organisation
Global organisation made up of 164 member countries dealing with rules of trade between nations
* Goal- ensure that trade flows smoothly and predictably as possible
* Supervises international trade, promoting free trade + the ending of protectionism
* Trump threatened to withdraw from the WTO in August 2018, calling it a disaster
* If US withdrew, trillions of dollars in global trade would have been disrupted
World Trade Organisation Criticisms
- WTO has come under lots of scrutiny
- Lacks success in getting its member countries to reach a global agreement on any aspects of trade
- Benefits developed countries more than developing countries
- Developing countries need some trade protection to be able to develop new industries to diversify economy
- Tariff protection
- Trade has often ignored environmental considerations e.g. allowing trade from other countries with the least environmental protection-Increasing/maximising GDP should be less important than global warming- WTO should do more to promote environmental considerations
How does free-trade increase globalisation?
- Governments take away barriers that make trade more difficult + costly
- As costs are reduced, TNCs see a profit and invest in nations
- TNCs will bring new ideas, products, cultures etc to a nation
- Also the TNC will generate wealth
- This wealth + development will increase the standard of living and demand for foreign products
- As an economy has more TNCs they become interconnected and interdependent on eachother