Intelligence Flashcards
Intelligence is the application of _______ and knowledge to learn, ______________ and obtain ends valued by the individual or the culture
- cognitive skills
- solve problems
Intelligence is multi-faceted, functional and _____________
-culturally defined
Intelligence can be both __________ and also specific depending on the adaptation needs of a particular society
Intelligence tests are _________ instruments designed to assess an individual’s _____________ capabilities
- psychometric
- cognitive
Modern IQ tests were based on the findings of ________ and Simon who originally designed the tests for identifying ________ with ____________
- Binet
- children
- intellectual impairment
The concept of Mental age, was developed by Binet, and was the ___________ age at which children could be expected to achieve a particular ________
- average
- score
What does IQ stand for?
Intelligence quotient
IQ represents one’s ________ ability which can then be compared to others
How was IQ originally calculated?
dividing mental age by chronological age and multiplying by 100
________ founded the concept of calculating IQ as a _________ distribution, which found the result by finding an individual’s position relative to peers of a similar age (adults and children)
- Wechsler
- frequency
Wechsler scales (WAIS-IV and WISC-IV) include four index scales: ___________ comprehension, Perceptual reasoning, _______memory and processing speed
- verbal
- working
IQ tests are positive for their ability to predict _______ success and ___________success. However they are limited because they lack theoretical basis, are _________ biased and don’t incorporate different kinds of intelligence
- scholastic
- occupational
- culturally
The _________ approach uses _______analysis to identify common factors that underlie performance on a wide variety of measure. It uses empirical methods from statistical analysis of psychometric test findings
- psychometric
- factor
What is the g-factor and s-factor?
- general intelligence
- specific abilities
The two-factor theory, by ________ distinguishes both the g and s factors
Different models have come from analysing different factors. The Gf-Gc theory distinguishes between __________ fluid intelligence and knowledge based ________ intelligence
- content-free
- crystallised
The _____________ approach attempt to understand the specific cognitive processes that underlie intelligent behaviour
-Information-processing approach
3 Variables on which people differ include: speed of processing, _______ and ability to learn and apply mental strategies
- knowledge base
The Information-processing approach is different to the psychometric approach because it focusses on research from _______ and is _________
- cognitive science
- theory driven
Who came up with the Triarchic theory?
The three types of intelligence identified by the _________ include analytical intelligence (measured by IQ tests), creative intelligence (novel solutions to problems) and _______ (commonsense solutions to everyday problems).
- Triarchic theory
- practical intelligence
The ____________________ by Gardner found 8 types of intelligences that are independent and neurologically distinct, showing different courses of development
-Theory of multiple intelligence
The Theory of Multiple Intelligence identifies ____ different intelligence types. These are: musical, bodily/kinaesthetic, ______, linguistic/verbal, logical/mathematical, interpersonal, ______ and naturalistic
- 8
- spatial
- intrapersonal
Emotional intelligence is the ability to _____ people’s emotions and use one’s own emotional responses to adapt. It links to Gardner’s __________ and interpersonal intelligences
- read
- intrapersonal
Family studies have suggested that heredity, environment and _______ influence IQ. However differences in IQ are highly _____
- their interaction
- heritable
Data is _______ as to whether or not differences among races and ethnic peoples are genetic
the average IQ score is between _________
Psychometric approach posits that if you identify correctly some items in a group, you’re like to identify the others too and Factor ________ (grouping similar items together)
______________ developed Spearman’s data and came up with word fluency, comprehension, numerical computation, ____________, associative memory, reasoning and perceptual speed
- Thurston
- spatial skills
The Flynn Effect is the trend for each generation to perform ________ on IQ tests, than the generations before them