Health, stress and coping Flashcards
Health psych is most interested in how do people stay ______, what makes people sick and how do they respond when sick?
The three models of health behaviour include the Health belief model, the ________________ and the transtheoretical model
-Theory of planned behaviour, which incorporates behavioural control and the Theory of Reasoned Action
The Health Belief Model looks at the __________ of people taking action for the betterment of their health. Influences include demographics, perceived susceptibility, perceived ________, cues to action and the perceived benefits minus perceived barriers
- likelihood
- seriousness
The theory of planned behaviour looks at various factors and how they affect attitude, subjective norms and perceived behavioural _______. These affect one’s intention and from there, behaviour
The transtheoretical model looks at pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, ________, maintenance and termination of a behaviour
Obesity, smoking and alcohol abuse are 3 behaviours which can _______ health, but which people still choose to participate in
Obesity is measured by the _________, which is weight in kg divided by height squared
-body mass index
A BMI of over 30 increases the risk of _______ in obesity
Genetics can influence obesity by up to ____. Environment plays a huge role also
4 ______ of treatment/care/decisions exist
smoking is the most ________ cause of premature death
Some people have a _______ susceptibility to addiction
Alcoholism is the term for when an individual is ________ upon alcohol. Problem drinkers are not addicted but alcohol interferes with parts of their life (family, work etc.)
Stress is dangerous when it becomes ___________
Frustration and _________ (related to indecision, approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict and approach-avoidance conflict) are major types of stress, as well as pressure and __________.
- conflict
- change
People respond to stress by cognitive appraisal of the threat and then ________, either affectively, physiologically or behaviourally (constructive coping, goodness of fit-controllable/uncontrollable stressor)
Smiling has been found to be a ________ way of coping with stress
Type A personalities are often impatient, ______ and hostile, while Type B personalities are relaxed, patient and ________
- angry
- easy-going
stress can impair ______ functioning
stress can improve ______ abilities and promote personal growth or self-improvement
reappraisal and ________ are common ways of managing stress, as well us releasing pent up emotions and relaxation techniques