ppt hatag ni kim
The term __________________
refers to the period where paradigm
shifts occurred.
“intellectual revolution”
It is when the beliefs that have been
widely embraced and accepted by the
people were __________ and _________.
challenged and opposed
shift in the field of astronomy from a
geocentric understanding of the universe, centered around Earth, to a heliocentric understanding, centered around the Sun.
________ suggested that it could be because
of the perspective seen from the stationary
earth - that the irregular movements of
these heavenly bodies were a combination
of several regular circular motions, but
seen as irregular because the earth is
irregular movements of these heavenly bodies were a combination
of several regular __________
circular motions
Dē revolutionibus orbium coelestium
(On the Revolutions of the Celestial Spheres), 1543
Engraving of the solar system from Nicolaus Copernicus’s De revolutionibus orbium coelestium libri VI, 2nd ed. (1566; “Six Books Concerning the Revolutions of the Heavenly
Orbs”), the first published illustration of Copernicus’s _____________________
heliocentric system
Nicolaus Copernicus
Engraving from Christoph Hartknoch’s book Alt-und neues Preussen (1684; “___________”), depicting Nicolaus Copernicus as a saintly and humble figure.
(1684; “Old and New Prussia”)
A) _______ ________ an English naturalist born in England on February 12, 1809.
Charles Robert Darwin,
B) H.M.S. Beagle (His/Her Majesty’s Ship), the ship where Darwin boarded in his voyage
C) The route of the H.M.S. Beagle Ship
The _____Islands is located in Ecuador, South America on the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. The unusual fauna of the island contributed to the groundbreaking theories of Charles Darwin
Galápagos Islands
The Galápagos Islands is located in Ecuador, South America on the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean. The unusual fauna of the island contributed to the groundbreaking theories of ___________
Charles Darwin
Darwin’s theory argued that organisms gradually evolve through a process he called _____________
“natural selection.”
In _____________, organisms with
genetic variations that suit their environment
tend to propagate more descendants than
organisms of the same species that lack the
variation, thus influencing the overall genetic
makeup of the species
natural selection
In 1871 Darwin published The Descent of Man, which argued that human beings shared a recent common ancestor with the
great African apes. He identified the defining characteristic of the human species as their relatively_____ ________ ______
large brain size
Creationist is someone who believes in a God
who is absolute creator of heaven and earth, out of nothing (ex nihilo).
The Theory of Creation
this theory had three
main components: that variation occurred
randomly among members of a species; that an individual’s traits could be inherited by its
progeny; and that the struggle for existence
would allow only those with favorable traits to
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
Charles Darwin died in 1882 at the age of __________.
Charles Darwin is buried in __________ in London, England the same place where kings, queens and other royals are buried
Westminster Abbey
A method for treating mental illness
and also a theory which explains
human behavior.
He believed that events in our
childhood have a great influence on
our adult lives, shaping our
Freud’s Personality
-operates on the pleasure principle
- it focuses on immediate gratification or satisfaction of its needs so whatever feels good now is what it will pursue with no consideration for the reality, logicality, and practicality of the situation.
- When the _____ wants something, “it wants it now, it wants it fast!”
Sally was thirsty. Rather than
waiting for the server to refill her
glass of water, she reached across
the table and drank from Mr.
Smith’s water glass, much to his surprise
- Embodies the moral aspect (idealistic principle)
- Likened to conscience because it exerts influence on what one
considers right and wrong
Sally knew that she could grab the
water from Mr. Smith’s table.
However, she knew that grabbing
someone’s drink was wrong, so she
decided not to take it
- Operates on the reality principle
- It is aware that other also have needs to be met
- It knows that being impulsive or selfish can result to negative consequences later, so it reasons and considers
the best response to situations. - Although it functions to help the ID meet its needs, it always takes into account the reality of the situation
Sally was thirsty. However, she knew
that her server would be back soon
to refill her water glass, so she waited
until then to get a drink, even though
she really just wanted to drink from
Mr. Smith’s glass.
Freud’s Stages of Psychosexual development
- Oral Stage (Birth to 18 months)
- Anal Stage (18 months – 3 years old)
- Phallic Stage (3-6 years old)
- Latency Stage
- Genital Stage (Puberty onwards
➢ erogenous zone: mouth
➢ the child is focused on oral pleasures or sucking
➢ too much or too little satisfaction can lead to an Oral Fixation or Oral Personality which is shown in an increase focused on oral activities.
characterized by stronger tendency to
smoke, drink alcohol, overeat. These individuals may become too dependent on others, easily fooled, and lack leadership traits.
Oral receptive
characterized by biting his or her nails,
use curse words or even gossip. They may also become pessimistic and aggressive with relating to people.
Oral Aggressive
➢ erogenous zone: anus
➢ the child finds satisfaction in eliminating
and retaining feces
➢ the child needs to work on toilet training
Anal Stage (18 months – 3 years old)
obsessed with cleanliness, perfection, and control
Anal retentive
Freud believed that during the phallic stage, boys develop unconscious sexual desire for their mother. Boys then see their father as a rival for her mother’s affection.
Oedipus complex
➢ erogenous zone: genitals
➢ during this stage, children become
interested in what makes boys and girls
➢ preschooler may sometimes be seen fondling with their genitals
Phallic Stage (3-6 years old)
person may become messy and
Anal expulsive
psychologists believed that girls may also develop unconscious sexual desire towards their father
Electra complex
➢ it is during this stage that sexual
urges remain repressed
➢ children’s focus is on acquisition of
physical and academic skills
➢ boys relate more with boys, girls
relate more with girls
Latency Stage
➢ Adolescents focus their sexual urges
towards the opposite sex
Genital Stage (Puberty onwards)
➢ erogenous zone: genitals
➢ the fifth stage of psychosexual
development begins at the start of
puberty when sexual urges are once
again awakened.
Genital Stage (Puberty onwards)