Intel Reverse Flashcards
Gain situational understanding of Operational Environment (OE)
Support commanders, Staff, and Decision makers
Through Intelligence Operations (reconnaissance, surveillance, Tactical Tasks, and security operations).
The purpose and employment of intel?
All-source intelligence and single-source intelligence are the building blocks by which the intelligence warfighting function facilitates situational understanding and supports decision making
All-Source Intelligence
integration from all relevant sources
to analyze situations or conditions that impact operations
Single-Source Capabilities
joint intelligence disciplines
Complementary intelligence capabilities.
Processing, Exploitation, and Dissemination (PED)
All-source intelligence and single-source intelligence
Intelligence disciplines:(GHOST MC)
Part 1: Goals, Direction, Duties and Responsibilities
Part 2: Conduct of Intelligence Activities
Part 3: General Provision
Executive Order 12333 is made up of three parts:
Goals, Direction, Duties and Responsibilities
Executive Branch
Heads of the Departments of the U.S. government
Executive Order 12333 part 1:
Follow laws and policies
Approval authorities
Collection of Information/techniques
Assistance to law enforcement agencies
Contracting Services
Human Experimentation
Executive Order 12333 part 2:
General Provision
Congressional Oversight
Executive Order 12333 part 3
Collect, Produce, and disseminate
Intel activities against the U.S.
International terrorism
Foreign power/ agents
Special activities
Administrative and support activities
Presidential mandates
Executive Order 12333 charged the IC with six primary objectives:
Unevaluated material
Information provides who, what, where, and when questions
Used in the production of intelligence.
Collection, processing, integration, evaluation, analysis, and interpretation of information
Foreign nations
Hostile Elements or potentially hostile forces
Areas/potential operations.
The key difference between information and intelligence
Informing the Commander
Describe the OE
Identify, define, and nominate OBJs
Support the planning and execution of ops
Counter Adversary deception
The primary role of joint intelligence is to provide information and assessments to facilitate mission accomplishment by:
Perspective Synchronization Integrity Unity of Effort Prioritization Excellence Prediction Agility Collaboration Fusion
Principles of Joint Intelligence
Timely* Relevant* Usable* Anticipatory/Accurate/Available Complete/Objective
Attributes of Intelligence Excellence
Intelligence collection is enabled by and must comply with all applicable U.S. Laws and policy.
Why is it important to understand U.S. Laws and Policy applicable to Intelligence Operations?
Provide information and assessments
Facilitate mission accomplishment
What is the purpose of Joint Intelligence?
Commanders role in intelligence function.
provided early supports operations
prevents surprise from threat actions
flow continuously to the commander before, during, and after an operation.
Why is “Timely“, as a characteristics of effective intelligence, important
understanding the enemy, terrain, and civil considerations.
purpose of the intelligence warfighting function
force generation Support
situational understanding Support
targeting and information superiority Support
Information Collection Conduct
intelligence warfighting function
Intelligence analysis with operations to support decision making
Effective relationship with commander
Focused information collection
Effective dissemination
Predictive assessment
Adaptability to changing situations
intelligence synchronization?
Tasks undertaken to satisfy validated requirements.Collect information about intent, activities, and capabilities of threats and relevant aspects of the operational environment to support commanders’ decision making.
Intelligence Operations
Process by which collected information is
evaluated and integrated with
existing information to
facilitate intelligence production
Explain the purpose of Intelligence Analysis
Any subject, general or specific
Need for collection of information or production of fill a gap in the command’s knowledge
understanding of the operational environment (including threat forces)
Intelligence Requirement
Priority Intelligence Requirements
Friendly Force Information Requirements
The two key elements of CCIR are:
identified by the commanderas being critical to facilitating timely decision-making
What is the Commander Critical Information Requirements (CCIR)?
identify the information
enemy and other aspects of the operational environment
that the commander considers most important.
What is a Priority Intelligence Requirement?
Asks one question
Tied to a decision point
Focus on a specific fact, event, or activity
Are linked to a location (NAI) and time/event
Supports one of the Commander’s operational decision points
Limit the number of PIRs to focus information collection
What makes up a good PIR?
status of friendly force and supporting capabilities (JP 3-0).
mission, troops and support available, and time available
What is Friendly Force Information Requirements?
critical aspect of a friendly operation
if known by the enemy, wouldcompromise, lead to failure, or limit success
should be protected from enemy detection.
What is Essential Element of Friendly Information?
Last Time Information is Of Value
Describe LTIOV?
staff conducts analysis before operational planning
consists of two separate components -conceptual and detailed planning
Conceptual planning involves understanding the operational environment and the problem, determining the operation’s end state, and visualizing an operational approach
Reach, Research and Analysis (how far 18F and S2 section can reach out to other intel sections to ask questions)
Establishing the Intelligence Architecture
Access to the Intelligence Enterprise
Establishing formats and standards for products
Planning requirements and assessing collection
Synchronized and integrated information collection plan focused on the CDRs CCIR
The staffs role in the intelligence process? (S2/S3)
The commander directs the intelligence process by providing guidance and approving CCIR
The commanders role in the intel cycle
sync and integration of planning and employment of assets and the PED process.
Information collection
synchronizes and integrates the planning and employment of sensors and assets
processing, exploitation, and dissemination systems
in support of current and future operations (ADP 2-0)
What is information collection?
When mission requirements are identified
When does collection begin?
the task of analyzing requirements
evaluating available assets (internal and external)
recommending to the operations staff tasking’s for information collection assets
submitting requests for information for adjacent and higher collection support
assessing the effectiveness of the information collection plan.
Plan Requirements and Assess Collection
Leadership - Who are cell leaders? How do they operate within the urban areas of the AO?
Safe havens: Where are groups receiving support?
Movement: How are cell members moving throughout the AO?
Logistics: How are materials obtained for offensive and defensive tasks?
Finance: How are group operations funded?
Intelligence collection: How are groups receiving information and conducting reconnaissance and surveillance of targets?
Personnel: How are cells structured? How are they receiving and incorporating new personnel?
Ideology: How are groups using the information environment?
Communication: How do groups communicate internally within the group? How do groups communicate externally with other groups?
What drives indicators?
organizations proactively and rapidly access information
unconstrained by geographic proximity, echelon, or command.
What is Intel Reach?
Any specific time-sensitive
ad hoc requirement for intelligence information or
products to support an ongoing crisis or
operation not necessarily related to
standing requirements or
scheduled intelligence production.
What is Request for Information?
Collection request for external assets.
What is Request for Support/ Collection?
match assets
Describe the developing requirements/tools process
Intel guiding principles
Two types of analysis?
Data Processing Information Analysis Intelligence
intelligence flow?