Integumentary System Flashcards
- vascular
- outer layer of the skin and is replaced every 3-4 weeks
- waterproof barrier that gives the skin tone
- consists of: keratinocytes that contain protein and melanocytes that contain the pigments — this is what gives the skin and hair color
- has connective tissue, nerve fibers, capillaries, collage, and elastin
- part of the skin that has strength and elasticity to the skin
- gives you the ability to feel
- hair follicle, sebaceous sweat, and apocrine glands originate here
- deepest layer and attaches the dermis layer of skin to the bones and muscles
- has adipose, adipose tissue, and fat
- provides protection and insulation
- stores fat
- roots of hair follicle are in this segmen
Subcutaneous layer
- thin, threads of keratin found over much of the body, except the lips and nipples, soles of feet, palms of hand, labia minor, and the penis
- growth influenced by production of hormones
- gray hair occurs due to decrease in number of functioning melanocytes
Plates of keratin
Protective seal of the nails
Crescent shaped and white at the nail root
Pink because they are very vascular
Root beds
- found all over the body except the palms of the hands and the soles of feet
- produce and secrete a protective oil through the hair follicles, called sebum
Sebaceous gland
There are two types: eccrine glands and apocrine glands
Sweat glands
- produce an odorless fluid to maintain body temp, and swear
- found on skin especially the palms, soles of feet, axillary region, and forehead
Eccrine glands
- produce body odor when reacting to bacterial decomposition, and increase in response to emotional stress
- usually associated with hair follicles located in the axillary and genital regions
Apocrine glands
Pain, always ask about tingling sensation, itching, numbness
Subjective data rated to alterations of the integumentary system
- color: skin color changed? Appropriate for age and race?
- skin temp: use back of hand to detect changes in skin temp
- skin moisture: increase to moisture on skin? If so, they’re at risk for skin breakdown; fevers cause people to sweat more
- skin turgor: sign of dehydration
Assessment of objective data of the integumentary system
How to assess jaundice in dark skinned patients
Inspect the palms and soles for yellowish-green color
How to assess cyanosis in dark skinned patients
Assess oral mucous membrane for ashen-gray color
- solid
- elevated
- palpable
- greater than 2 cm
Bruises caused by bleeding under skin
- raised
- circumscribed
- round or oval
- clear fluid
- less than 1 cm
Tiny, pinpoint hemorrhages caused by superficial bleeding; less than 3mm
- circular
- small
- flat
- no palpable spot
- less than 1cm
- freckle
- solid
- elevated
- spot less than 1cm
- solid
- elevated
- palpable
- greater than 1.5cm
- raised, circumscribed
- vesicle filled with pus
- less than 1cm