Instrumental Conditioning Flashcards
T/F: elicited behaviors and classical conditioning requires participants to make a particular response to obtain CS or UCS
F: they elicit responses but they are not required
what type of behavior requires a response to produce a desired environmental outcome
instrumental or goal-directed behavior
what animals did Edward Thorndike study and what was the study
cats in puzzle boxes
with experience, what are the results of the edward thordike study and the name he gave the principle
less frequent ineffective responses
more frequent successful responses
“Law of effect”
what did throdikes study give birth to
learning curves: time it takes to get out decreases w/ nb of trials
what is the law of effect
responses that produce satisfying effect in particular situation become more liekley to occur again in that istuation and responses that produce a discomforting effect become less likely to occur again in that situation
what is a synonym for law of effect
reinforcement states that: through learning, the cues, condition,context,state of an individual will trigger a response if that repsonse previously resulted in smth ___________
what is an example of reinforcement
cat presses lever to get food
what type of learning is reinforcement
S-R learning: stim elicits a particular response
who discovered instrumental/operant conditioning
jerzy Konorski
who popularized operant bhv and respondent bhv
B.F. Skinner
what is operant bhv
an item of bhv that is initially spontaneous rather than a response to a prior stimulus but whose consequences may reinforce or inhibit recurrence of that bhv
what did skinner invent
skinner box
what is a method for measuring instrumental bhv
discrete-trial procedures
distinct trials w/ beginning and end
Start box to Goal box
what type of discrete-trial procedures are used (material)
runway (straight-alley maze)
what do the 2 types of mazes measure
runway: running speed or latency
T-maze: choice btw 2 outcomes
what do discrete trials infer
expeirmenter must start and stop each trial: reduces learning and performance opportunities
what do free operant procedures allow
animal can repeat responses without constraint
what animals were typically used for the skinner box and which are used now
small rodents (rats, mice)
what is a false myth abt skinner
skinner box on daughter
what is in a skinner box
operandi such as lever where animal can perform an operant response
what are some examples of operant responses
lever, nsoepokes, keypecks…
can animals use differetn ways to performe the same operant response
what is normally triggered by operant response
reward (food, water, drugs)
how is learning measured in skinner box
response rate, how often responses happen