Elicited Behaviors Flashcards
What is elicited behavior?
behavior that occurs in reaction to specific environmental stimuli
What is another term used for elicited behavior?
Unconditioned response
What type of responses can elicited behavior have?
Simple reflexes (eyeblink to air)
Complex behavior sequences (sexual behavior)
Complex emotional responses
Goal-directed behavior (drug seeking)
What type of behavioral change does elicited behavior undergo?
habituation and sensitization
What is the simplest form of elicited behavior?
Reflexive behavior
What are the 2 requirements for a reflex?
eliciting stimulus and corresponding response
Does the response of a reflex often occur in the absence of the stimulus?
neurologically, what in included in a reflex arc?
sensory neuron
motor neuron
What is the function for reflexes?
crucial for survival (avoid pain, find food)
What are reflexive responses patterns that are typical to a particular species?
Modal Action Patterns (MAPs)
How is modal action patterns different from a simple reflex?
more complex reflexes, like courtship behaviors, sequence of behaviors
Is it easier to identify the eliciting stimulus for a simple reflex or a modal action pattern?
simple reflex, no precise stimulus provokes courtship
Are MAPs species-specific or similar across species?
What is an example of a species-specific MAPs?
chick pecks a red patch near the lip of the parent’s bill, causing them to regurgitate food for them
what is a sign stimulus?
the specific stimulus that elicits a certain MAP response
What is the sign stimulus for the MAP of the regurgitating bird?
red patch on the parent’s beak
What is a supranormal stimulus?
exaggerated stimulus used to cause and extremely vigorous response
What is an example of a supranormal stimulus?
high sugar/fat foods cause humans to have higher rates of salivation and craving than normal foods
How can identifying supranormal stimulus be useful?
stimuli can be used to trigger certain responses
What is the motivation for modla action patterns?
needs (finding food, shelter, mate)
What are the 2 phases of MAPs?
Appetitive and consummatory
what is the appetitive phase?
means necessary to get to an end-situation
What is the consummatory phase?
what the animal actually does in the end-situation
Which phase is flexible?
Appetitive, consummatory is inflexible
Which phase is species-typical?
Which phase is more variable and tend to be shaped by learning?