Insight for Analyzers Flashcards
Do all Eloqua marketing users have an Analyzer license?
No, an Analyzer license costs extra.
What types of Insight licenses are there?
Reporter and Analyzer
What is Insight?
A full blown BI tool
What platform is Insight on?
What can you do with a Reporter license?
View/edit standard Reports and Dashboards
What can you do with an Analyzer license?
Create custom reports and Dashboards, as well as edit standard Reports and Dashboards
Do all marketing users have a Reporter license?
Is Investment Increase Analysis a standard report or a Custom Report?
A Custom Report
Private or public folder? Reports and Dashboards
Private or public folder? Custom Folder
Private or public folder? My Reports
What does a Custom folder do?
You publish custom reports here to make them available to all users of your organization.
Where are standard Eloqua reports and dashboards stored?
Reports and Dashboards folder
On your dashboard, what are the 5 prompts under Create that exist if you have an Analyzer license?
New Analysis, New Report. New Dashboard, New Prompt, New Filter
What are 2 things filters can do?
Limit the data, or adjust the view once you’ve pulled the data.
What do you call a filter when you use it to adjust the view of the report once you’ve run it?
View filter
What does a prompt do?
Asks for user input
Can filters and prompts be reused?
Yes, they are reusable objects.
Can you drop multiple prompts onto one report?
What are metrics and attributes?
Report objects
What are the descriptive parts of your reporting called?
What are the 2 categories of prompts
Element lists, qualification prompts
In creating a prompt, What’s like a shopping cart of prompts?
element list
In creating a prompt, what’s a kind of prompt that allows you to define thresholds and characteristics?
A qualification prompts
What are the three tabs used in creating a prompt?
Definition Tab, General Tab, Style Tab
In creating prompts, where do you select attribute, list all values or show set of values?
Definition tab
What kind of object is “year” if you’re creating a filter?
An attribute
When designing a report, can you customize whether a prompt answer is required?
Where do you drag and drop your prompt to build a report?
Into the Report Filter area
Would you normally create custom groups for attributes or metrics?
What do you call a defined area of a Dashboard?
What are the 2 main types of widgets?
Flash widgets and Dynamic HTML widgets
On a Dashboard, Heat maps, funnels, bubble charts, micro sparks are all examples of…
Can you have stacks of panels on a Dashboard?
Is there a limit to the number of layers you can build out on a Dashboard?
What tool in insight displays high level performance trends in data?
Do Dashboards provide interactive reporting?