Insect pests Flashcards
Pest definition
Insects become a pest when they come into conflicts with humans, directly or indirectly.
What percentage of insects are pests?
Approximately 10,000 or 1% of insects are considered occasional pests
Categories of pests
- Plant pests
- Stored product pests
- Household pests
- Direct human pests
- Livestock pests
Plant pests
Plant pests are herbivorous or phytophagous insects
Host plant
A plant upon which an organism lives and/or eats
Feed on one species or genus of plant
Feed on various plants in a single family
Feed on a variety of plants of unrelated families
Direct damage
Indirect damage
Transmission of plant diseases
Boll Weevil
Crop pest
- Monophagous: Cotton
- Successfully eradicated in most states but still an important pest in South America
- Uses about 25% of the worlds insecticides
- Other control method: Pheromone mass trapping
Colorado potato beetle
Crop pest
- Oligophagous: Solanaceae family
- Resistance to many insecticides
- Hand picking, crop rotation and Bt control
Mediterranean fruit fly
Crop pest
- Polyphagous: over 260 different hosts
- Mostly fruits, also vegetables, flowers, & nuts
- Heavily controlled in the US
- Sterile insect technique
Desert Locust
Crop pest
- Most important insect pest
- Polyphagous: crop & non-crop
- Africa & Southwest Asia
- Forms swarms of billions
Spongy Moth
Forest pest
- Introduced from Europe
- Major pest in Eastern N.A
- Polyphagous: 300 tree species
- Caterpillar feed on foliage, adults do not feed
Emerald Ash Borer
Forest pest
- Native to Asia (China)
- First record: Michigan 2002
- Present Quebec
- Monophagous: ash trees
- Larva bore into wood
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Forest pest
- Native to Asia (China)
- First record: New York 1996
- Eradication program in 2004
- Larvae bore into wood.
- Polyphagous: multiple species
Stored product pests
- Contaminate stored food products
- Feed directly on product or mold
- Mostly beetles and moths
- Worldwide distribution
Rice Weevil
Stored product pest
Not only rice! Also corn, wheat, barley, etc.
Indian meal moth
Stored product pest
- Larva directly contaminate food
- Various grains, cereals, dried food
Foreign grain beetle
Stored product pest
Feed mainly on mold, not the grain itsel
Houshold pests
- Can contaminate our food
- Damage our clothes, house
- Feed on us
- Ex: Bed bugs, Indian meal moth, ants, cockroaches, clothes moths, carpet beetles, booklice
Direct human pests
- Cause minor or severe effects
- Disease transmission
- Stinging, biting, ectoparasitic insects, endoparasitic insects
Biological vector vs mechanical vector
- BV: insect play a major role in the life cycle of the pathogen.
- MV: insect is a passive carrier, carrying pathogens on its body or mouthparts.
Livestock pests
- Similar to human pests
- Biting, ectoparasitic, and endoparasitic insects
Human influence on pest population
- Monoculture
- Intercontinental transport
- Overuse of insecticides
- Human-induced climate change
Bad vs good insects
- Loss: $5 billion
- Gain: over $19 billion