Information revolution 2 (because 1st section was way too long) Flashcards
Why was the Scheutz machine not a breakthrough invention
It only saved on the work of the most highly skilled computers; typesetters did not get paid that much so the savings weren’t phenomenal
What discovery did Edison make that was relevant to computers?
While working on the light bulb, Edison discovered that if an evacuated bulb contained a filament and a metal plate, the current circulated through the filament would pass to the plate and be carried out of the bulb if the plate was attached to its own circuit
What was John Ambrose Fleming’s addition to Edison’s discovery?
If an alternating current was applied to the filament, a direct current would emerge from the plate. This was called a diode, since it held two electrodes
How did Lee de Forest improve on the diode
If a third element was added– a small conducting wire which fed its own current—the bulb would function as a very sensitive radio wave detective. this was a triode
How did Edwin H. Armstrong improve on the audion?
He discovered that if the current produced by the plate was fed back into the grid, the signal was greatly amplified. He then discovered it was possible to turn the vacuum tube into a transmitter.
By what year did vacuum tube technology start to dominate radio manufacturing?
What tool did mathematicians. navigators, and artillerymen use for calculations through the 19th and 20th century?
Slide rules
Why were “slipsticks” impractical?
Could not be used to add or subtract straightforwardly and their precision was limited
What was the first pocket mechanical calculator?
The Curta model by Austrian businessman Curt Herzstark
How expansive was the Curta model?
$125 in 1969
When were modern electronic computers first invented?
During ww2
Vannevar Bush created which machine starting in 1925
The differential analyzer.
Was the working differential analyzer mechanical or electric?
purely mechanical
Why did the war accelerate computer development?
-Need precise calculaitions for code-breaking and development of the atom bomb
-Sense of urgency meant there was sufficient funding
The first electronic computers developed after ww2 used which technology?
Vacuum tubes
When was the ENIAC built?
What development started the development of the internet?
ARPA wished to connect the computing centres that it was funding across the United States in order to maximize their effectiveness
Who did ARPA contract to create ARPANET?
Academics, scientists, and the Massachusetts company Bolt, Beranek & Newman
The history of electronic computers may be divided into 3 historical phases based on which technology?
Vacuum Tubes
Solid State transistors
When were the first video games made?
about the 1950s
What broad category of machines were included in the description “calculator?” What did they do?
From mechanical machines to business machines and cash registers. performed four basic operations; dependent on manual input
What are tabulating machines?
introduced by Hollerith in the late 19th century; encode data with punched cards; able to perform addition on large quantities of information
What are programmable machines?
Introduced by Babbage in the early 19th century; encode data and instructions with punched cards
In what ways was the government involved in the development of the computer?
UK Govt financed the initial computers in the 19th century; US GOV the initial customers of the tabulators. US Government sponsored electronic computers and computing after WW2