Infections Flashcards
severe infection caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) which results in a gradual destruction the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight infection
treatment for AIDS
AIDS infection type
AIDS organism
human immunodeficiency virus
infection caused by a spore-forming bacteria and mainly affects livestock; humans can contract infection by direct or indirect contact with sickened animals who carry the spores; inhaled anthrax spores are most serious to humans
treatment for anthrax
anthrax infection type
anthrax organism
Bacillus anthracis
anthrax body system
AIDS body system
blood/lymph and STD
presence of bacteria in the blood as the result of infection; often causes no symptoms
bacteremia body system
bacteremia infection type
bacteremia organism
bacteremia treatment
presence of bacteria in the urine caused by infection; often without any symptoms of a urinary tract infection; body system: urinary; infection type: bacterial; organism: Escherichia coli (E-coli); tx: antibiotics
type of poisoning produced by an infection of Clostridium botulinum that releases deadly toxins; often caused by ingestion of contaminated food; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: Clostridium botulinum; tx: antitoxins
bacterial skin infection formed as a collection of boils that connect beneath the skin; body system: skin; infection type: bacterial; organism: staphylococcus; tx: antibiotics
spreading bacterial infection of the skin and the connective tissue just beneath the skin; body system: skin; infection type: bacterial; organism: staphylococcus/streptococcus; tx: antibiotics
small infected ulcers on the skin; symptom of syphilis; body system: STD; infection type: bacterial; organism: Treponema pallidum; tx: antibiotics
viral infection that produces an itchy red rash that progresses into fluid filled blisters; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: varicella zoster virus;
chicken pox
acute bacterial infection most commonly spread through contaminated water; severe diarrhea and dehydration can quickly become fatal if not treated; body system: digestive; infection type: bacterial; organism: Vibrio Cholerae; tx: rehydration/antibiotics
bacterial infection causing diarrhea and serious colon inflammation; common after antibiotic use; body system: digestive; infection type: bacterial; organism: Clostridium difficile; tx: antibiotic (change from the first)
clostridium difficile
upper respiratory tract infection caused by the inhalation of fungal spores; may spread to other organs; valley fever; body system: respiratory; infection type: fungal; organism: Coccidioides immitis / Coccidioides posadasii; tx: antifungals
infection causing inflammation of the conjunctiva; pinkeye; body system: eye; infection type: bacterial/viral; organism: staphylococci/streptococci; tx: antibiotics
inflammation of mucous membrane inside the nose caused by a viral infection; common head cold; body system: respiratory; infection type: viral; organism: rhinovirus;
inflammation of the respiratory tract caused by a viral infection; characterized by a barking cough due to swelling of the larynx; body system: respiratory; infection type: viral; organism: parainfluenza virus; tx: corticosteroids
bacterial infection that releases toxins which affect the mucous membranes of the throat and nose; characterized by thick secretion that covers the back of the throat and may block the airway; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: Corynebacterium diphtheriae; tx: antitoxins/antibiotics
infection that causes inflammation of the intestines and produces bloody diarrhea; body system: digestive; infection type: bacterial/parasitic; organism: shigella bacteria / Entamoeba histolytica (protozoa); tx: rehydration
viral infection characterized by hemorrhagic fever (condition with severe bleeding, organ failure, and often death); initially spread by contact with contaminated animal feces or body fluids; once contracted, may be spread person to person via contact with body fluids; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: Ebola virus;
inflammation of the brain, resulting from a wide variety of infections; body system: neurology; infection type: bacterial/viral/fungal/parasitic; tx: antibiotics/antivirals
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart; usually brought on by a bacterial infection; body system: cardiovascular; infection type: bacterial; organism: Staphylococcus aureus; tx: antibiotics
fungal infection in the bloodstream; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: fungal; organism: Candida; tx: antifungals
inflammation of the stomach and small intestine caused by a bacterial or viral infection;; body system: digestive; infection type: viral/bacterial/parasital; organism: Rotavirus / Norovirus / Salmonella/Escherichia coli (E-coli)/Clostridium difficile / Giardia/Cryptosporidium; tx: rehydration
common sexually transmitted infection that produces lesions in the genital area; body system: STD; infection type: viral; tx: antivirals
genital herpes (herpes simplex virus - type 2)
infection within the intestines caused by a protozoa usually found in contaminated water;; body system: digestive; infection type: parasitic; organism: giardia intestinalis or giardia lamblia; tx: rehydration; antibiotics
inflammation of glomeruli within a kidney often caused by a viral or bacterial infection elsewhere in the body; body system: urinary; infection type: bacterial/viral; organism: Staphylococci; tx: varies depending on underlying condition
bacterial infection that is characterized by ulcer-like lesions in the genital area and painful discharge; body system: STD; infection type: bacterial; organism: Neisseria ______; tx: antibiotics
viral infection which causes inflammation of the liver; spread by contact with body fluids; may pass from mother to baby during delivery; body system: STD; infection type: viral; organism: _______; tx: antivirals
hepatitis B
main cause of herpes infections on the mouth and lips; cold sores and fever blisters; body system: skin; infection type: viral; organism: ______; tx: antivirals
herpes simplex virus - type 1
painful, blistering skin rash resulting from a viral infection of the peripheral nerves; often appears as a line of blisters on the torso; same virus that causes chickenpox in childhood; body system: skin; infection type: viral; organism: varicella-zoster virus; tx: antivirals
herpes zoster (shingles)
sexualy transmitted viral infection characterized by genital warts (papillomas); some types of genital HPV can cause cancer of the cervix ; body system: STD; infection type: viral; organism: ________; tx: medical removal if necessary
human papilloma virus
means by which one becomes protected from a disease; vaccines cause immunization; body system: general term;
highly contagious skin infection characterized by red sores that eventually erupt and develop a honey-yellow crust; body system: skin; infection type: bacterial; organism: Staphylococcus aureus or Group A Streptococcus; tx: antibiotics
highly contagious viral infection that affects the respiratory system by causing infalmmation of the mucous membranes; flu viruses are ever-changing with regular occurrences of new strains; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: ____ types A and B; tx: antivirals
severe form of pneumonia caused by legionella bacteria; commonly spread by inhaling water droplets that contain the bacteria; body system: respiratory; infection type: bacterial; organism: Legionella pneumophila; tx: antibiotics
bacterial infection transmitted by the bite of infected ticks; characterized by fever, headache, and fatigue; if left untreated, may progress to more serious symptoms involving the heart, joints, or central nervous system; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: Borrelia burgdorferi (carried by ticks); tx: antibiotics
Lyme disease
parasitic infection spread by infected mosquitoes; characterized by fever, fatigue, and shaking chills; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: parasitic; organism: Plasmodium parasite, carried by mosquitoes; tx: antimalarials
inflammation of the meninges (brain’s covering) resulting from a wide variety of infections; body system: neurology; infection type: bacterial/viral/fungal/parasitic; tx: antibiotics/antivirals
a unique strain of the staphylococcus bacteria that has developed a resistance to certain forms of penicillin; body system: skin; infection type: bacterial; organism: Staphylococcus aureus; tx: antibiotics
methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)
viral infection characterized by fatigue, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and enlarged spleen; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: Epstein Barr virus;
inflammation of the parotid (largest salivary) glands due to infection from the mumps virus; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: paramyxoviruses;
infection that is acquired by a patient while receiving care in a hospital; body system: general term;
nosocomial infection
fungal infection of the eye; body system: eye; infection type: fungal; organism: Aspergillus/Candida; tx: antifungals
fungal infection of the fingernails or toenails; body system: nail; infection type: fungal; organism: T rubrum/ T. interdigitale; tx: antifungals
a normally mild infection when present in a healthy individual but becomes pathogenic within the system of a person who has a compromised immune system; often seen in AIDS patients; body system: general term;
opportunistic infection
chronic condition brought on by a viral infection of bone which results in misshapen bones and acclerated bone loss; body system: Musculoskeletal; infection type: viral; organism: paramyxoviruses; tx: bone reabsorption inhibitors
osteitis deformans (Pagets disease)
bacterial bone infection characterized by inflammed red bone marrow; body system: Musculoskeletal; infection type: bacterial; organism: staphylococcus aureus; tx: antibiotics
inflammation of the middle ear caused by a bacterial infection; ear infection; body system: ear; infection type: bacterial/viral; organism: Streptococcus pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus/rhinovirus; tx: antibiotics
otitis media (acute)
highly contagious infection casued by lice infestation of the skin and hair; body system: skin; infection type: parasitic; organism: Phthiraptera; tx: antiparasitics
acute bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that is highly contagious; characterized by spasmodic, hacking cough followed by whooping noise upon breath intake; body system: respiratory; infection type: bacterial; organism: Bordetella pertussis; tx: antibiotics
pertussis (whooping cough)
term for any widespread and usually highly contagious disease with a high fatality rate; body system: general term;
acute bacterial pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae; body system: respiratory; infection type: bacterial; organism: Streptococcus pneumoniae; tx: antibiotics
pneumococcal pneumonia
form of fungal pneumonia; often considered an oppotunistic infection as it may cause severe infections in patients with compromisedimmune systems; common in AIDS or chemotherapy patients; body system: respiratory; infection type: fungal; organism: P carinii; tx: antibiotics/corticosteroids
pneumocystis carinii pneumonia
actue inflammation of the lungs due to infection; often accompanied by a build up of fluid or pus in the avleoli causing breathing difficulties; body system: respiratory; infection type: bacterial/virual/fungal/noninfectious causes; tx: depends on causative organism
viral infection resulting in inflammation of gray matter of the spinal cord; leads to muscle weakness and paralysis; body system: neurology; infection type: viral
poliomyelitis (polio)
accumulation of pus within a fallopian tube; often the product of a bacterial infection; body system: female; infection type: bacterial; organism: Neisseria gonorrhea, Staphylococci/Streptococci; tx: antibiotics
deadly viral infection spread from the saliva of infected animals often by way of a bite; affects the central nervous system; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: ____ virus; tx: _____ immune globulin
fungal infection of the mucous membrane of the nose; body system: respiratory; infection type: fungal; organism: Aspergillus; tx: antifungals
viral infection characterized by a distinctive red rash; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: viral; organism: Rubivirus;
rubella (German measles)
common bacterial infection that affects the intestinal tract; type of food poisoning spread through contaminated food or water; body system: digestive; infection type: bacterial; organism: Salmonella; tx: anti-diarrheals/ antibiotics
skin infection caused by itch mite infestation; body system: skin; infection type: parasitic; organism: Sarcoptes scabiei; tx: antiparasitics
infection caused by the presence of bacteria and their toxins in the bloodstream; systemic condition that usually originates from a bacterial infection in another part of the body; blood poisoning; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: Staphylococcus aureus; tx: antibiotics
contagious and sometimes fatal respiratory infection spread by airborne droplets; characterized by lung inflammation and damage; antiviral drugs have not proven to be beneficial treatment; body system: respiratory; infection type: viral; organism: coronavirus;
severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)
presence of Staphylococci bacteria circulating in the blood; severity of symptoms vary depending on the location within the body; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: staphylococci; tx: antibiotics
bacterial STD spread by direct sexual contact; characterized by; body system: STD; infection type: bacterial; organism: Treponema pallidum; tx: antibiotics
serious bacterial disease caused by the toxins of Clostridium tetani; affects nervous system and is characterized by painful muscle contractions, especially in the jaw and neck; lockjaw; body system: blood/lymph; infection type: bacterial; organism: clostridium tetani; tx: antitoxins
fungal infection of the skin; ringworm; body system: skin; infection type: fungal; organism: _____; tx: antifungals
sudden, potentially fatal condition characterized by high fever, skin rash, diarrhea, vomiting, and a severe drop in blood pressure; brought on by an overgrowth of bacteria; history of link to noncotton tampon use; body system: female; infection type: bacterial; organism: Staphylococcus aureus; tx: antibiotics
toxic shock syndrome
parasitic infection of the urethra and prostate gland in men often showing no symptoms; in women, it is characterized by vaginal discharge, genital itching, and painful urination; body system: STD; infection type: parasitic; organism: Trichomonas; tx: antibiotics
lung infection characterized by the formation of tubercles (soft nodules that break down respiratory tissues) ATB: active _____; bacteria are active and spreading in the body LTB: latent _____; bacteria are present but dormant (not causing symptoms); body system: respiratory; infection type: bacterial; organism: Mycobacterium _______; tx: antibiotics
viral infection of the nose, pharynx, larynx, and trachea; body system: respiratory; infection type: viral; organism: rhinovirus;
upper respiratory infection
infection that can happen anywhere along the urinary tract; body system: urinary; infection type: bacterial; organism: Escherichia coli (E-coli);
urinary tract infection
product that creates immunity from a disease; usually contains dead or weakened germs to help the body develop antibodies; body system: general term;
rough, elevated skin lesion caused by an infection from the Human Papilloma Virus; wart; body system: skin; infection type: viral; organism: human papillomavirus; tx: medical removal
verruca (warts)
pneumonia caused by a virus; body system: respiratory; infection type: viral; organism: Influenza A and B, Respiratory syncytial virus; tx: antivirals
viral pneumonia