Individualistic Versus Collectivist Cultures Flashcards
Societies differ in terms of may dimensions
◦ Collectivist countries or cultures are ones that work together mostly as a group trying to do things together.
◦ The United States is not as high towards individualistic because the US is composed of many things and my cultures
What do cultures do over time
- cultures change over time
- this is a continuum
Basic info on individualistic societies
• needs of individuals over the needs of the group
• Focus on independence
◦ We in the US like to focus on our independence
• Social events driven by individual preferences
◦ Something like a homecoming dance, not an expectation that everyone should come and an expectation of what to wear. Not everyone will come and there will be a wide variety of outfits. Although we aren’t supposed to show up drunk many people will.
‣ U.S. and Western Europe -> we see a lot of this in these places
Basic info on collectivist societies
• needs of the group over the needs of the individual
• Shared goals and work
• Social customers driven by tradition (family and societal)
• Asia, Africa, and South America
Differences in parenting styles - individualistic society
◦ Focus on autonomy
‣ When each person gets their own meal in our society, or go to a buffet and everyone can pick.
◦ Goal is to raise a child who will be independent
‣ We should be independent but allowed to have our own opinions
◦ Expect the child to move away upon entry into adulthood
◦ Bad behavior not he part of the child is seen as a child issue
◦ Focus on teaching the child to express their own emotions
Differences in parenting styles - collectivist or communal society
◦ Focus on obedience
◦ Goal is a child who will contribute to the well-being of the family
◦ Expect child to live with family as an adult
◦ Bad behavior on the part of the child is seen as a family issue
‣ The theory that bad behavior is seen as something wrong with the family, or seen as a shame to the family.
◦ Focus on controlling emotions
‣ Don’t complain at family dinners, don’t have fights with siblings.
Differences in dating - individualistic society
◦ Focus on romantic love
◦ Family is approval is desired, not required
◦ Dating carried out beyond the family setting
◦ Date many people before selecting a marriage partner
◦ Marriage is optional, as is childbearing
‣ There is pressure to get married and have children but not required
Differences in dating - collectivist or communal society
◦ Focus on arranged marriages
◦ Family approval is required
◦ Family supervision (chaperones) are at family events
◦ Only date those you would consider marrying
◦ Marriage and childbearing is expected, pressure to reproduce is intense
Differences in psychology - individualistic society
◦ Focus on self expressions
◦ Asking for help from families is seen as weak, especially money or moving back in with parents
◦ Asking for help from doctors and therapists is acceptable
‣ Most of the time
◦ Self-perception based on personal traits
‣ Ex: I am funny and a smart ass
◦ Extraverts tend to be rewarded
◦ Being a non-conformist is valued (at least in theory)
‣ Sometimes we conform to things that others do
Differences in psychology - collectivistic or communal society
◦ Focus on not complaining
‣ Cover up anger, don’t talk about frustrations, etc.
◦ Group members provide the care (personal problems not openly discussed)
◦ Seeking professional help is not encouraged
◦ Self-perception based on relationship
‣ Ex: I am the daughter of Bob and Maria
◦ Introverts tend to be rewarded
◦ Conformity is valued
‣ Ex: “The nail that sticks up will be hammered down.” That if you stick up or out you will be hammered down.
Collectivistic examples:
• in japan have a cutout of a face to cover your face with so people do not see you eating something messy
• Toilets that spray things out and play music to hide the bodily functions
Collectivistic examples
• in japan have a cutout of a face to cover your face with so people do not see you eating something messy
• Toilets that spray things out and play music to hide the bodily functions
Cultures being linked to stereotypes
◦ May never have been accurate
‣ Pattern of things becoming more and more alike, but still not accurate
◦ Many are changing
‣ Some parts of the U.S. turning for collectivist
Subcultures in the U.S.
◦ farming communities
‣ Are more collectivistic
◦ Families with strong ethnic identities
‣ Mormons are very collectivistic
What is associated with both types of societies
• There are strengths and weaknesses associated with both types of societies
• Economic structures probably lead societal structure more than the reverse
◦ Ex: the Industrial Revolution -> radical capitalism -> individualism