individual values, perceptions, and reactions 2 vocal + Flashcards
A set of beliefs and emotions about specific ideas, situations, and people
An incompatibility or conflict between behavior and an attitdue or between two different attidutes. For example, a person who smokes (behavior) knowing that is is not healthy (belief)
cognitive dissonance
An employee’s overall attidute (beliefs and emotions) about their jobs. It is the state of well- being adn happiness of a person’s concerning their lived experience in a workplace and its environment
job satisfaction
Reflects the degree to which an employee indentifies with the organization and its goals and wants to stay with the organization.
Organizational Commitment
An employee’s heightened emotional and inellectual connection with thier job, manage, organizatoin, or coworkers that turn influences them to apply additional effort to their work.
Employment Engangement
Individuals beliefs that guide and motivate people to act one way or another.
Reflect or long- term life goals and expressed in terms of outcomes such as happiness, prosperity, and stable family
Terminal Values
Are not the end goal, but rather the correct ways and behaviors to achieve an end goal such as assertive, independence, kindness, etc.
Instrumental Values
Those that relate to a specific interest in the activities of the work itself, or to the benefits that the work contributes to society
Intrinsic Work Values
The qualities that one sees as external rewards for work to be done
Extrinsic Work Values
Occurs when an individual experinces conflict between a terminal value and an instrumental value
Intrapersonal value Conflicts
When two different people hold different values that conflict
Interpersonal Value Conflict
Intense, short term phsyiological, behavior, and psychological reaction to a specific object, person or event that preparesus to respond it
Short term emotional state that is not directed toward anything in particular
Our tendency to experience a particular mood or to react to things with certain emotions. These tendencies/ patterns are based on one’s felt sense in relationship to the world, that is, one’s felt identity.