Conflict management - midterm Flashcards
Conflict management is the process by which disputes are resolved, where negative results for the organization are minimized and positive results are prioritized.
Conflict Management
Sources of Conflict (8)
- Defining task goals
- differing process goals
- poor communication
- tall interdependence
- resource constraints
- Change
7.Differing values - Interpersonal differences
sources of conflict:
disagreements over what is to be accomplished
defining task goals
sources of conflict
disagreements over how to accomplish task or goals
differing process goals
sources of conflict
when ppl lack necessary information, are misinformed, interpret information differently or disagree about which data is relevant
poor communication
sources of conflict
when one person or unit is dependent on another for resources or information, the potential for conflict increases
task interdependence
sources of conflict
incompatible needs or competition over perceived or actual limited resource
resource constraints
sources of conflict
the uncertainty of change often creates conflict and changes the relative importance of different organizational groups
sources of conflict
perceived or actual incompatabilies in beliefs about what is good/bad, right/wrong, or fair/unfair.
differing values
sources of conflict
differences in motivation, aspirations, or personality
interpersonal differences
Conflict De- escalation Behaviors
- be an empathetic listener
- Focus your attention on the other person
- use delay to create time to diffuse emotions
- control your body language; relate, eye contact
- remind both parties that a win-win solution can be found
- stay focused on issues, not emotions
Conflict De-escalation Behaviors
- raising your voice
- Rejecting all requests from the start
- challenging, threatening, daring
- communicating hostility verbally or through body language
- blaming either party or saying anything would cause the parties to lose face
- Minimizing the situation or the conflict
Conflict management strategies (4)
accommodating, avoiding, compromising competing, collaboration
Win- Win negotiation principles
- separate the ppl form the problem. Separate substantive issues from relationship issues. deal with them independently
- Focus on interests, not position. Negotiate about things that ppl want or need, not what they say they want.
- Invent options for mutual gain. look for new solutions
- Insist on objective fairness criteria. terms of a company
Involves a third party in a negotiation to overcome a stalemate between the parties
Alternative Dispute Resolution