Individual Differences Flashcards
Regular training may incur a financial cost for what?
Access to local facilities such as: an athletics track
Health centre
Buy appropriate training/clothing
What is risk?
Exposure to danger, injury, harm or loss
How can James minimise any risks when training?
Wearing the correct footwear such as a good stable running shoe and by completing a full warm up before training
What is a challenge?
A test of your skills and ability in a difficult setting
James may find the run a challenge
What does the environmental factor of altitude mean?
The air is thin at high altitudes. If James trains at high altitudes, the oxygen carrying capacity of his blood will improve
What does the environmental factor of weather mean?
If it rains, snows or it is icy then it may be too slippery and dangerous for James to train
What does the environmental factor of humidity mean?
This will increase the difficulty level of training and may increase the risk of dehydration
What does the environmental factor of pollution mean?
Polluted air will result in less oxygen being inhaled and may cause James irritation
What does the environmental factor of terrain mean?
The fun run may be on grass or trail which will add to the difficulty level of the run
What differences are there between males and females?
Maturity levels
Hormonal differences
Males have bigger what compared to women?
They have a more muscular physique and a longer stride length.
They are usually taller with a bigger heart and lungs resulting in a greater VO2 max. Meaning they’re able to perform better in stamina related events. James and his dad might have an advantage over their mum
What body type is best suited for long distance running?
An ectomorph however due to an unhealthy diet and inactivity, James’ body type may be classed as endomorph
What advantage would James have over his parents?
James might be in the U16s category compared to “open”
James’ body may also be able to recover faster than his parents’ bodies. As we get older the longer it takes the body to repair and recover
What factors affect James and his parents whilst preparing for the run?
Age Gender Environment Risk and challenge Activity levels Training
What changes happen to males during puberty?
Testosterone- bigger, stronger, more aggressive Power to weight ratio increases Bigger muscles Bones density develops Weight increases Heart and lungs become bigger
What changes happen to females during puberty?
Pelvis widens for childbirth
Higher percentage of body fat
Menstruation affects performance and the way energy is released
Ovarian hormones promote the use of fat over carbohydrate as a source of energy
More fats are used and carbohydrates stored- helps for endurance events
As we get older what happens to our oxygen carrying capacity?
It reduces with age.
The heart becomes less efficient.
Arteries become less elastic which increases blood pressure and reduces blood flow